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Re: is the c64 remix scene DEAD?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 9:56
by arvirus
Makke wrote: That's what I mean. The c64 remix scene is not just about c64 remixes anymore, at least not for many of us. It's a group of friends. So is the only way to measure its activity by counting remixes released?
i'm exaggerating again: when the c64 remix scene isn't about c64 remixes anymore then it isn't the "c64 remix scene" anymore.

counting the released remixes sure isn't the only way to measure the scenes activity but at least (for me) it's one of the most important things.
Makke wrote: Personally I think we have more uploads to RKO than ever these days (when the upload is open that is). You don't see all of them, because some are removed from the queue for various reasons.
does that mean you admit, that the amount of remixes released is important? ;-)
Makke wrote: Well, I can only speak for myself here, but for me things like this takes time. I'm never happy with what I do, which makes it hard to get motivated. I'm also prioritising my university education as far as possible. The time I have left has to be devided on making music, my other interests/hobbies, and trying to have som something of a social life.
... and the result of this is? less acitivity! the reasons for that may sure be understandable but i was just looking at the current situation. and how good all these reasons may be, the results remain the same.
Makke wrote: Then maybe you actually have a problem keeping up with the scene, rather than the scene keeping up with you. ;)
you presuming that i have a problem, which is not the case ;-) it wasn't my intend to point at or search for a problem. i only wanted to share my thoughts with you.

Re: is the c64 remix scene DEAD?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 10:16
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Makke wrote:Then maybe you actually have a problem keeping up with the scene, rather than the scene keeping up with you. ;)
Well spoken.

Same thing goes for people on the C64rmx mailing list claiming nothing's happening in the community because they can't be bothered to look up the action here on remix64.

Nothing wrong with having to keep up with the something you like, rather than leaning back and expecting the media to spoonfeed you the latest one-hit wonder.

Re: is the c64 remix scene DEAD?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 10:22
by Makke
arvirus wrote:i'm exaggerating again: when the c64 remix scene isn't about c64 remixes anymore then it isn't the "c64 remix scene" anymore.
First of all, maybe you should learn to express yourself without exaggerating, because it's really hard to reply in a sesnible manner when you keep writing things that you "don't really mean".
arvirus wrote:counting the released remixes sure isn't the only way to measure the scenes activity but at least (for me) it's one of the most important things.


does that mean you admit, that the amount of remixes released is important? ;-)
Have I ever said that the remixes were unimportant? All I'm saying is that it's no longer the sole reason we are brought together day after day.
arvirus wrote:... and the result of this is? less acitivity! the reasons for that may sure be understandable but i was just looking at the current situation. and how good all these reasons may be, the results remain the same.
Sigh. If you want to put it that way. Sure. But fact of the matter is that over past 2 years I've probably spent more time on scene activities than ever before. I've done more remixes than ever (they're not released yet, but does that mean that I didn't do them?), I've done radio shows, performed C64 remixes live, helped out with RKO, and other "behind the scenes" activities.

This whole thing isn't about me, but as far as I know I've done more work then ever and you call me less active. It seems, from where I'm standing, that you don't know what you're talking about.

Uhm, somehow I think that we're agreeing but are unable to word our opinion in a "complete" way.

Anyway, you may say that the scene is less active today, but from where I'm seeing there's actually more activity than ever.

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 10:27
by Chris Abbott
I'll stick my neck out here, and say that I suspect the _audience_ is less involved than it used to be. It's mostly my fault: used to be be a good site for newbies to discover and then progress into the scene, but until the ever-mythical relaunch, it's not doing that now.

Yes, definitely the audience is fat and bloated on C64 remix goodliness. Quiet and serene they sit... like a Hubbard-Buddha.


Posted: 12/11/2004 - 10:34
by tas
@neil: did you delete your first post? it was completely different! in that, you wrote that there are not many cds because less people are interested! why did you delete that? i think that's a very important point! you, the remixers, of course are still interested in the scene. but are the listeners, the consumers? or are they fed up? are they fed up because every famous tune was already remixed? did their interest decrease because no interesting cds are released?

I deleted the post because i always seem to talk about CD's and this time i wanted to distance myself away from this!

i just think the novelty has worn off really! if i'm pushed for an answer ;)

Re: is the c64 remix scene DEAD?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 10:49
by arvirus
Makke wrote: First of all, maybe you should learn to express yourself without exaggerating, because it's really hard to reply in a sesnible manner when you keep writing things that you "don't really mean".
well, thanks for the lesson! exageration is a common way to explain things. if you can't handle that, then it's your problem ;-)
Makke wrote: Sigh. If you want to put it that way. Sure. But fact of the matter is that over past 2 years I've probably spent more time on scene activities than ever before. I've done more remixes than ever (they're not released yet, but does that mean that I didn't do them?), I've done radio shows, performed C64 remixes live, helped out with RKO, and other "behind the scenes" activities.
This whole thing isn't about me, but as far as I know I've done more work then ever and you call me less active. It seems, from where I'm standing, that you don't know what you're talking about.
i did not intend to attack you personally, i did not want to attack anybody. please, don't take that personal! if YOU did so much things, then that's great! i was just talking about my overall impression.
Makke wrote: Uhm, somehow I think that we're agreeing but are unable to word our opinion in a "complete" way.
agreed! and i think, chris puts it right:
Chris Abbott wrote: ... I suspect the _audience_ is less involved than it used to be.
i would call myself part of the audience, because i don't do remixes, i just like to listen to them. believe me, i regularly visit remix64 and RKO, but the "average" listener doesn't! it's only the "insiders" that know of the radio-show and the chatrooms.
i like to ask you: are you interested in the audioence? do you care about them? are you interested in integrating them?
Chris Abbott wrote: Yes, definitely the audience is fat and bloated on C64 remix goodliness. Quiet and serene they sit... like a Hubbard-Buddha.
... and if someone isn't quite he gets attacked from all sides ;-)

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 10:56
by Chris Abbott
Ah, but you're a creative type. Most of the audience pissed off after they'd bought BIT 1 if I'm being honest. You're part of the hardcore audience, who wants MORE whipped cream and more handcuffs!


Posted: 12/11/2004 - 10:56
by DHS

well, you're losing something no listening to slayradio and being on the irc channel.

For example, the releases by Dj Unz, or the next xclusive meant for a next show... (it's called !quote 64).


Well, maybe you're losing nothing :o

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 11:02
by arvirus
Chris Abbott wrote:You're part of the hardcore audience, who wants MORE whipped cream and more handcuffs!
yes, literally ;-)
DHS wrote: well, you're losing something no listening to slayradio and being on the irc channel.
i'm listening to slayradio right now and i really like it!

Re: is the c64 remix scene DEAD?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 11:05
by Makke
Ok, I know you're not looking for a fight, trouble or whatever. But here's what I react to.
arvirus wrote:About BIT Live:
how many people were there?

About remixes released:
RKO maybe down or not - the amount of remixes that are released is BY FAR less than one or two years ago!

Anout CD's released:
are they? i keep hearing that sentence for months (if not for years) and nothing seems to happen.

About other scene activities:
this whole radio-thing may passed by on me and chatting is not my cup of tea.
Reading that, it seems like you're pissed off that we're not bringing you the goods. You didn't go to BIT Live, you've missed the whole radio thing, and chatting is not your thing.

You not going to BIT Live, I can only say suit yourself! You missed the whole radio thing...information about that can be found on this very board (to use the words of Kwed, do we really need to spoon feed you the entertainment?). You don't like chatting...well, your problem. And you complain that people are not releasing CD's at a higher pace, using words that makes it sound like the remixers actually OWE you CD's.
arvirus wrote:well, thanks for the lesson! exageration is a common way to explain things. if you can't handle that, then it's your problem ;-)
C'mon. Now you're just being silly. If you read what you wrote again you might realize where I'm coming from.

I know you mean well and all, but as I said earlier, if you want it you have to look for it and be more active yourself. Quit moaning. The stuff's there. Just look for it and you'll find it.

Re: is the c64 remix scene DEAD?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 11:25
by arvirus
Makke wrote: You didn't go to BIT Live,
i attended the first BIT live event and was dj'ing at the BIT live germany event. now you are the one who claims wrong things!
Makke wrote: You missed the whole radio thing...information about that can be found on this very board
Makke wrote: And you complain that people are not releasing CD's at a higher pace, using words that makes it sound like the remixers actually OWE you CD's.
nobody owns me anything. if you got that impression then this impression is wrong.
Makke wrote: I know you mean well and all, but as I said earlier, if you want it you have to look for it and be more active yourself. Quit moaning. The stuff's there. Just look for it and you'll find it.
i didn't moan! you always assume things wich simply are not true!

something else: if this is your reaction to people who care about this scene then i can understand why most of them are quiet and uninterested.

Re: is the c64 remix scene DEAD?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 11:38
by Makke

Am I exaggerating? Who knows!

To end this discussion. Arvid, YOU were the one who said there's less activity, and I said you were wrong. That's all this was about. All I've done is disagree, and apparently that makes me a bad person, according to this:
something else: if this is your reaction to people who care about this scene then i can understand why most of them are quiet and uninterested.
Yeah, thanks. Once again I'd like to say that you don't know what you're talking about, but hey, that's just me!

Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm after all not very active in this community, am I?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 11:38
by Lagerfeldt
I've just finished 2 high quality C64 remixes (if I may say so) within the last two months. Both are awaiting my uploading them to RKO.

I'm working on a CD release of which I now have 8 tracks finished waiting for mastering, just 2 more to go, and the obligatory bonus track.

The remix scene ain't "dead", things just go up and down in various periods of time.

Even though the total amount of remixes added to RKO may be down, the quality is up. And that can't be a bad thing :P

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 12:07
by DHS
Lagerfeldt wrote:Even though the total amount of remixes added to RKO may be down, the quality is up. And that can't be a bad thing :P
Yep, i must agree.
I was thinking lately that the 64rmx community must the be the highest-quality one when we talk about the music produced.

I saw a tremendous quality-rising in the last 1.5 year.

Re: is the c64 remix scene DEAD?

Posted: 12/11/2004 - 12:33
by arvirus
makke, you really have to calm down! yes, i wrote that there is less activity here. and yes, you disagreed. most guys disagreed. but most of them wrote that in a friendly way, you didn't! and that's what destroys everything. claiming that i "don't know what i'm talking about" is really stupid and ignorant.