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Posted: 13/05/2005 - 11:10
by Boz
fnordpojk wrote:That is not your happy dance. THIS is your happy dance[...]
Oh dear God. I knew those photos would come back to bite me in the ass. ;)

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 13:09
by Subzero
take care lars, wont be the same around here without you, but you're only an msn away.

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 15:04
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Surprised? Not at all... You have much more to give than "just remixing", Lars! And I'm certainly looking forward to "review" and dissect your upcoming original WIP's!

Come on guys, this is not the end of Larsec. This is actually the beginning. :D And, we'll always remember where it all started! I wanna be remembered as the guy who knew Larsec before he became famous!

Congratulations, Lars! 8) And remember, take care of your gold - you know what I mean! ;)

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 21:29
by merman
Lars, you're a talented guy and I'm sure you'll succeed at whatever you turn your mind to.... BUT please, let there be at least one more performance from the C64Mafia...


Posted: 14/05/2005 - 14:01
by sumppi
Good luck with your new direction Larsec, I fully understand your decision.

Actually, I've been thinking about the same thing lately. I have 2-3 WIP remixes at the moment and those will probably be my last ones too. It's been fun, but eventually I've always been more into different aspects of the music stuff.

As for my "new" direction, I'll probably (and hopefully) be focusing more on producing other artists and doing some original stuff on the side. I won't be saying goodbye yet, but as the saying goes: the end is nigh.


Posted: 14/05/2005 - 14:19
by Retrovertigo
One of the first people, I ever had the pleasure to meet in this community. Also certainly one of the most talented and friendly! All the best Lars, I hope your new direction leads you onto many great things. :rock:

Posted: 14/05/2005 - 16:30
by dan gillgrass
Sorry to see you go Lars, when the Remix chat was really kicking you were always at the forefront of it.... best of luck to everything you do and which path life takes ya, no doubt will speak to you on msn tho at somepoint...

Posted: 14/05/2005 - 16:57
by Infamous
aye.. there goes the norseman about to sail on his longboat to ... <looks at the map>... ... ok he's going <----- ------> that way! ..

but anyway good luck in the future lars was one of the highlights of my remix career to listen to you snore louder than a bleeding jump jet and throwing remote controls at you :) ... ya will be missed.