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Posted: 13/05/2005 - 22:43
by tas
Would have toddled over myself, but alas like Katz i'll be in the states too.

Posted: 14/05/2005 - 15:52
by FunkyM
I would, but for 3 Factors:

1) Yurteborg ain't exactly across the street, how to get there?

2) getting there and back will require at least an overnight stay, so accomodation for me is a must.

3) Money. I could save up, yes, and I very much would to meet the crazy Slay Radio types, but how much, and in what currency? (Euros? Local Currency? Sterling?)

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go and meet you all, but It's not going to be easy for me to get there. Though If I can, I'll certainly try.:)

Posted: 14/05/2005 - 16:23
by tas
Sorry Boz...

Erm... i somehow deleted your post!!!!

Wasn't my fault... seems like there was a little bug when i pressed "quote".

What BOZ did say was:

Eh up,

1) Getting to Gothenburg from the UK requires a Ryanair flight from Stansted to Gothenburg City airport. The cost varies, but I've just done a quick search for Friday 1st July through to Monday 4th July, and the Web Price for a return would be about £25, before airport taxes. Yep, its cheap!

2) Go to for details on accomodation. Or, more specifically, you can go to for... er.. hotels in Sweden.

3) The currency is "Swdish Krona". You can exchange some money ready for going over there, but if you have a Cirrus / Maestro or credit card, you can use those in any ATM (your bank may charge you a conversion percentage). There's about 13.5 SEK to 1 GBP at the mo.

To us stick-in-the-mud Brits, it may SOUND like it could be a pain to get there, but believe me, it ain't, cos I've been there a number of times before!

Posted: 14/05/2005 - 16:26
by tas
To add to that, if you live in the north of England then the option for Ryan Air is NOT viable. This is because a train ticket from the north to stanstead can cost over £80, usually more than that! With this in mind it could well work out cheaper for northerners to fly from Local Airports.

I don't think the new "Doncaster Robin Hood Airport" opperates to sweden yet, but it will likely to shortly. Thomson Air offers cheap flights.

EDIT: OK, Thomson Air doesn't fly to scandinavia at all...

Posted: 14/05/2005 - 16:27
by dan gillgrass
Wish I could but just cant, very busy next two months so will be REALLY cash strapped

Posted: 14/05/2005 - 16:37
by fnordpojk
FunkyM wrote:1) Yurteborg ain't exactly across the street, how to get there?
If you're in the UK, it's incredibly easy - direct flights with Ryanair from London (Stansted) and Glasgow (Prestwick). Same goes for Germany (Frankfurt). If that doesn't work, catch a plane to Copenhagen and take the train from there (about a three hour train ride).
FunkyM wrote:2) getting there and back will require at least an overnight stay, so accomodation for me is a must.
We were talking about trying to arrange something for this. Though there's a pretty large exhibition centre here, so plenty of hotels and hostels and what have you available. Or you could just ask someone who happens to live here to put you up for a few days. :)
FunkyM wrote:3) Money. I could save up, yes, and I very much would to meet the crazy Slay Radio types, but how much, and in what currency? (Euros? Local Currency? Sterling?)
Money. Well, that really depends. Flying Ryanair is pretty cheap. Food isn't all that expensive in Sweden (a pizza is about 50 SEK - £3.7, €5.4), although booze is. The local currency is Swedish kronor (SEK). You can exchange currency at a number of places in central Göteborg.

More questions? =)

Posted: 15/05/2005 - 21:30
by Misser
I can't come the first weekend of july, for the same reason I can't go to kraftwerk concert.

Another time another try.

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 8:28
by Subzero
I'd love to come but I'd scare you's all away!!!

I will try to come :)

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 22:08
by lia
Hey you guys (and girls)
I will try to make it... The biggest problem is where to sleep hehe
(Hmmm this one I will get invites on lol)
*Huggles* :oops:

Re: I will try to come :)

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 0:17
by fnordpojk
lia wrote:I will try to make it... The biggest problem is where to sleep hehe
Well, like I've said before, there a a number of hotels and hostels, and if that's not working for you, I'm sure some of the SLAY Radio listeners and staff who live here could put you up for a night or two.

Hell, the last time there was a Manypeopleshow I think I had.. uh.. four people sleeping here. :)

Re: I will try to come :)

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 8:00
by Makke
fnordpojk wrote:Hell, the last time there was a Manypeopleshow I think I had.. uh.. four people sleeping here. :)
It probably didn't smell like smörgåstårta when five of us woke up hungover in the same flat...

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 10:50
by n3mo
Well, the possibility is there indeed, would be neat to check out who the people are.. Especially when had so many laughs.. ^^

Can't be too hard to get from here to there.. And's best time of the month too.. Would definetely try to make it!

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 14:11
by Makke
n3mo wrote:Can't be too hard to get from here to there...
Shouldn't be hard at all to get there from Denmark.

You take the train from Copenhagen to Malmö (about a 20-30 minute ride). Then either bus or train from Malmö to Göteborg (3-4 hours).

It's not hard driving there either if you have that option. The E6 highway between Malmö and Göteborg is probably the most "pedal to the metal" friendly stretch of road in Sweden. ;)

Or if you're not around Copenhagen I bet there are boats from Skagen to Göteborg or something...

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 15:27
by Boz
n3mo wrote:Well, the possibility is there indeed, would be neat to check out who the people are.. Especially when had so many laughs.. ^^

Can't be too hard to get from here to there.. And's best time of the month too.. Would definetely try to make it!
Hey, everyone! That was En-Three-Em-Oh's first post! Yay!

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 17:21
by n3mo
Makke wrote: You take the train from Copenhagen to Malmö (about a 20-30 minute ride). Then either bus or train from Malmö to Göteborg (3-4 hours).

It's not hard driving there either if you have that option. The E6 highway between Malmö and Göteborg is probably the most "pedal to the metal" friendly stretch of road in Sweden. ;)
Well.. Then I just gotta grab the choo-choo, ain't going on a Skagen-trip.. Would be a De-Tour... And no drivers license.. Train will lead my way! ^^
Tried to find some prices but sucky DSB's site can't gimme any info.. Do I really have to call the Info-center?! Would guess approx 3-400 DKR/SKR to get from DK to Yoghurtburg? ^^
Boz wrote: Hey, everyone! That was En-Three-Em-Oh's first post! Yay!
Yeah Boz! One has to start posting at some time, eh? ^^