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Posted: 14/07/2005 - 21:33
by DHS
so i guess everybody can join except for 2 or 3 guys.... right?

Posted: 15/07/2005 - 4:52
by Dr.Future
rule #1:

Only amateurs allowed, professionals stay out! Mr. Green
just kiddin'... :wink:

Posted: 16/07/2005 - 14:29
by sumppi
ifadeo wrote:...i'm with beyonds idea. sounds great and is much better then having another couple of remixes of the same sid.
I actually think it would be cool to have several remixes in different styles of the same SID, maybe it would get people to think about their arrrangements a bit more to differentiate from one another.

But hurry up with the SID selection, I only have 2 weeks of vacation left ;)

EDIT: the more I think about it the more I think it should be about one song and several different arrangements - after all, that's what remixing is really about. And if it's "competition" (albeit a friendly one) it's easier to compare results :)


Posted: 16/07/2005 - 17:25
by dan gillgrass
Id rather have one sid then rearranged by different people to see their diff takes on the same idea...

Perhaps someone such as LMAN could arrange a quick poll on what sid should be done?

Posted: 17/07/2005 - 5:00
by Steve B
several versions of the same sid gets my vote too.
not being remixaly adept (wot?) i like to hear how others can play with a tune.
(plus its easier to judge the best version of one tune rather than of several tunes)

idea for the tune -- Bump Set Spike doesnt get the remix treatment very often (and its 'jolly')