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Posted: 25/10/2005 - 8:45
by Andreas Wallström
muguk wrote:That barmaid was scary .. didn't want to take a picture in case camera got broke.

And now my nightmare is complete .. it/she's got to be an end of level boss in the flesh!!
I will put this pic up as a desktop wallpaper for you to download at soon. ;) I love this pic (and the camera is still intact)!

Brighton was great because:

1 ) great event!
2 ) great fucking weather!
3 ) great town
4 ) great to play live for the first time with sid'80s!!
5 ) great meeting everyone once again
6 ) hubbard live - my god!
7 ) makkes dancing - my god! ;)
8 ) slaygon falling asleep at the table when we went out to eat
9 ) walking around town with pex, slay, melina, ziphoid etc.
10 ) seeing galway again (and his computer)
11 ) getting picked up by matrix holding a sign with "Andreas Wallström" on it
