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Posted: 07/11/2005 - 13:19
by soren_ladegaard
Matrix wrote:Also, I wanna know - Do Axes Denied have a CD :) Me wanna buy.
I second that. They did a terrific job and I'd like to get my hands on a Axes Denied CD too.

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 14:21
by Rondo
soren_ladegaard wrote:
Matrix wrote:Also, I wanna know - Do Axes Denied have a CD :) Me wanna buy.
I second that. They did a terrific job and I'd like to get my hands on a Axes Denied CD too.
Well then, you can be sure that we'll be delighted to sell you guys one if we ever actually produce one. :) I guess with all these requests coming in we'll have to give the idea some serious consideration. Huge thanks to everyone for your support, it was great to have such a receptive audience for our first gig abroad!

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 15:00
by gulrak
I also want to say how much we liked to be there. It was our first retro music event and it was in fact my girl, who found out about the concert and remembered me to get the tickets as they became available. It was a great experience and we where glad we came.

Uffes introduction was really funny and I did my best to get my milk in Oesterport Comfort Hotel. And what can I say, I'm still healthy. :D

Visa Röster was great fun, even if we where a bit annoyed about that loud talking around the stage. We were a bit sorry for them, as it must have been distracting for them too, but we still liked their gig very much, and that scroller was such a great idea!! Has somebody photos of it? I was to suprised to think about my camera at that moment. :oops:

As for C64Mafia and that contrasting rap: We wheren't hating it! It was funny and we liked it!

Access Denied rocked! We didn't know what to expect, because we didn't knew them really well, but it was geat, got me heated and we loved the bubbles!! :lol: @rondo: Oh, we'll buy one of them too.

Of course I was looking forward to Robs gig and I was getting more than I expected, he and Mark where a great and also (unplanned) funny team that entertained a lot. And from Mark starting to jam, it got really great. To hell with notes, just play, Mark, and we will have a great time!

The PPOT controller special was of course the geekiest part in the evening and we loved it! It may not be the future of retro music, but it was a real cool gimmik and we are envied to have experienced it.

SID80s was also lot of fun, most of it, from the great performance witch we loved, but some of it due to the fact, that bass and guitar seem to took turns to beg the mixer for more volume. (As I'm amateur, was it for the monitors or for real volume?) Nevertheless, Our backs and knees and feet started hurting but we cried for more! :D

Then there were of course PPOT. Great fun and great show, and that after continuous supporting and whiring around to keep things going, I really hope you found enough time to enjoy some of the evening yourself. @trauma: Even if I'm one of those bad accented speaking guys (with bad english), I found the Kraftwerk song funny and really cool. :wink:
The final with Rob and Mark was brilliant and I got such a kick out of that Monty, I was nearly speechless.

We were so sorry, we had to go short after that last song, I just hat the time to bug some of you to sign CDs and tell them how excited I was and how much fun we had, and then we left. I wish I had the opportunity to have a beer and a talk with some of you, but we were totally worn out. We went sightseeing the whole day and than those more than five hours of fun, clapping, screaming and hopping took all we had. :D

Finally, I want to thank (as I told dunkel while he signed the cd) for the great opportunity for us from germany, to have such an event nearby. It was the chance to get really startet into this new passion.

Maybe some notes where missed, I'm no expert (my XP-50 sits mostly unused there) and we where there for fun, and that's what we got, lots and lots of it, and we will return!!!

Thanks for a great weekend of fun and greetings from herbaculum

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 15:15
by Matrix
Just need Chris to put the thumbscrews on now and squeeze a CD from Axes' to sell at (which isnt showing the new Visa Roster CD yet Grrrr).....

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 15:51
by Chris Abbott
Matrix wrote:Just need Chris to put the thumbscrews on now and squeeze a CD from Axes' to sell at (which isnt showing the new Visa Roster CD yet Grrrr).....
Sorry about that, got to get a cover scan and produce some tune samples, and I had to get some more sleep this morning.

Just put Retro Ball on the front page to remind people that this is the last planned retro event in the UK (Since Sidstock hasn't got a date yet).

The two VR CDs (yes, I have copies of the other C64 VR album now thanks to Pex) will both be available. Still on CDR, but it's the music that matters.


Posted: 07/11/2005 - 19:41
by dunkel
Rondo wrote: Judging by the crowd reactions and the feedback we've been receiving after the show we had quite an impact. Our drummer was rather hard on himself for a couple of mistakes he claimed to be bad enough to make him want to put a bag over his head, but I think we played reasonably well throughout our set.
That's nothing compared to my especially "jazzy" solo in Roland's Rat Race. For some reason my brain decided that the little dots on the guitar that shows which fret you are playing, didn't make sense anymore for about 20 seconds. That's what you get when you start thinking instead of playing :)
Rondo wrote:I'm also glad that our experiment with the soap bubbles and balloons was a success, it was cool of the PPOT guys to help us with those. Also fun to watch some of them dancing a couple of metres to my left as we were playing Leisure Suit Larry. :)
It was an honour to blow bubbles for you guys. You rocked! Amazing show guys!!!

Re: Reactions to the Copenhagen Retro Concert 2005

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 20:53
by Andreas Wallström
soren_ladegaard wrote:Then came SID80's. Mark Knight is very funny and good at playing the violin. Unfortunately I didn't recognise many of the tunes they were playing - maybe Mark took the violin solos a bit too far? :-) By the way - what was Marcel Donné playing when he did the synth solo? It sounded really, REALLY well. Well, it wasn't really a solo as Jon Hare kept playing his guitar. It really didn't do Marcels solo justice that Mr. Hare tried to play his quitar using a beer bottle :-) It was obvious that Andreas had noticed Mr. Hare's not-so-appropriate-performance but he didn't have the guts to tap him on the should and ask him to stop :-)
You're a funny guy, telling me and everybody else what I'm thinking and what I don't have the guts to do. You're completely wrong. If I didn't agree to what someone in the band was doing, I would tell that directly to him, and yes, Jon's me ol' hero, but this is another field. I wouldn't have any problem with telling him to change something if I thought it was bad (as long as I could explain it). That's kinda like a band works, and the thing with SID'80s is that everyone's allowed to do their own thing.

I think everyone in the band played really, really good. It was great that Marcel did Sweet. We missed Ben of course. Jeremy "evil-eyes" Longley was great on bass (even my wife noticed that). Mark's always on top of things (apart from the Hubbard gig, but who cares about that guy anyway ;-)), and Jon rocked. On stage, Jon is a big inspiration for me when he starts rockin'.

Thanks PPOT.


Posted: 07/11/2005 - 23:00
by Andreas Wallström
Matrix wrote:Same with Andreas's drum solo - I havent heard anything that kickin since the one in Waynes World.
Hehehe, thanks Matrix. I couldn't be happier with that comparison.

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 1:44
by Matrix
Anytime my friend.... btw, why have you signed up again using the web url ?

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 1:48
by madfiddler
cos not only can he not keep time and remember songs, he can't remember usernames either.... hoot hoot hoot ;) only kidding. Andreas rocked more than he's ever rocked with SID80s before, last weekend :)

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 9:29
by Makke
madfiddler wrote:Andreas rocked more than he's ever rocked with SID80s before, last weekend :)
You all did! :D

I'm still amazed that you managed to play Monty like that, considering how tired you looked (and were) right before you got up on stage with PPOT. I thought you were going to fall down dead afterwards. ;)

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 14:50
by madfiddler
Well you know, not much sleep, first proper gig in over a year... when you "do that" your body quickly tires as the adrenaline goes away... then to have to wake up and do it again.... fun... but hard work... then the adrenaline kicks back in, and you don't know you're tired until you've finished.

Re: Reactions to the Copenhagen Retro Concert 2005

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 14:54
by soren_ladegaard wrote:
soren_ladegaard wrote: You're a funny guy, telling me and everybody else what I'm thinking and what I don't have the guts to do.
Whoppps, sorry. Thought the bass-player was Andreas Wallström. Seems he's called Jeremy Longley. Don't know why I tried to so familiar with you all when in fact I'm....erh....not ;-)

Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed the show!

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 15:36
by merman
madfiddler wrote:Well you know, not much sleep, first proper gig in over a year... when you "do that" your body quickly tires as the adrenaline goes away... then to have to wake up and do it again.... fun... but hard work... then the adrenaline kicks back in, and you don't know you're tired until you've finished.
Mark's top tips for making a gig go smoothly:
- don't forget your sheet music
- don't take off your prescription sunglasses
- don't forget to take your violin on stage with you :D

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 16:07
by DHS
About CRC...

I can't find the words to say how good it was, really.
Great (greatgreatgreatgreat ^ 3) show, amazing performances by all the bands, great people, good beer and fantastic girls (in Denmark! WOW!).

Thanks to all the guys involved. It has been a fantastic experience.