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Posted: 18/02/2006 - 21:35
by DHS
Basically, yes, but that's not the way i do it, 'cos with the mixer i use it's about the same. But without the need to bounce the tracks :)

Posted: 19/02/2006 - 14:22
by LMan
madfiddler wrote:I kinda feel the same about the Reason type programs out there. So much is done for you, you can get away with having no talent whatsoever.
I agree about the looper software, but I must strongly underline that Reason is not in that line at all - it does not do any "creative" things for you. Basically you could say it's even less comfortable to work with than Cubase because of its crummy sequencer. :) It's a self-contained virtual studio - nothing more nothing less. And since you don't have to hassle around with third party plugins and stuff, and you have thousands of possibilities to virtually (but literally) wire things togehter, you can do loads of great things in a short time. But you have to do it on your own, anyway. ;)

Posted: 19/02/2006 - 18:20
by jgb
Speaking of "looper" software, as far as I know ALL sequencers handle audio loops/clips today. Even better, many of the support rex and acidised loops. ALL sequencers can do copy/paste of parts of tracks, which can be used instead of loops.

Ok, my point is this. Do not blame the tools if a track is boring and full of loops. Blame the one who put the track together instead.

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 7:11
by LMan
Newer versions of traditional Looper Softwares come with proper sequencers too, I guess. So it all blends in, I guess jgb's last statement is the one to apply. :)

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 10:27
by Tonka
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Newer versions of traditional Looper Softwares come with proper sequencers too, I guess. So it all blends in, I guess jgb's last statement is the one to apply. :)
I can see where MF's confusion may come from. Fruityloops is a bit of a misleading name for something which is actually a full blown virtual recording studio with piano roll, etc.

That said, if some guy loads a bunch of loops into a sequencer and it kicks ass, isn't that better than some guy spending days on Cubase and coming up with a load of crap? I'm sure both scenario's have happened!!!

Finally (MF), I recommend you check out 'Cure for Sanity' by Pop Will Eat Itself. Reportedly created with over 85% sampled loops, It's one of the most original and creative recordings I have ever heard :)


Posted: 20/02/2006 - 12:25
by madfiddler
... and the Prodigy's latest album was said to be 100% reason... and a dodgy copy of that too. However, I personally cannot class someone who creates music using other people's loops, a musician or a composer... A sample artist perhaps...

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 13:44
by Tonka
madfiddler wrote:... and the Prodigy's latest album was said to be 100% reason... and a dodgy copy of that too. However, I personally cannot class someone who creates music using other people's loops, a musician or a composer... A sample artist perhaps...
LOL! Sounds like a bit of musical snobbery coming through, to me (classically trained were we)? ;)

Seriously though, I'm 100% with you on the basic and blatant looping of other peoples stuff - that's shite and pointless and gives computer music a bad name.

That said, if it's done carefully, there's still an art to it and a degree of creativity and originality CAN be achieved by mashing up loops and mixing different musical genre's together that wouldn't normally get mixed any other way.

This (to me) still qualifies as composition.



Posted: 20/02/2006 - 13:48
by madfiddler
Well yes, there's an element of sound design to mashing up pre-recorded loops.

Classically trained.. perhaps... but I've not played classically for 15 years now. The fact of the matter, and which pissed me off so much, is that after 27 years I am STILL learning to play my instrument, whereas others get more respect (and cash) without having an ounce of talant. So, snobbery... no.

Musicians imo are people who can play a musical instrument - pressing play on a computer, or spinning records on a deck doesn't qualify.. for me anyway.. Some people do think a record deck is a musical instrument...

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 14:25
by Chris Abbott
Richard Joseph contends that the SID is a musical instrument, and I agree with him :)


Posted: 20/02/2006 - 14:44
by madfiddler
It's not... but it can be packaged up into a musical instrument.

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 15:01
by DHS
madfiddler wrote:Musicians imo are people who can play a musical instrument - pressing play on a computer, or spinning records on a deck doesn't qualify..
That's why i don't consider myself a musician :)

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 15:09
by Tonka
DHS wrote:
madfiddler wrote:Musicians imo are people who can play a musical instrument - pressing play on a computer, or spinning records on a deck doesn't qualify..
That's why i don't consider myself a musician :)
LOL! I quite happily fit into that catagory, too :)

George Harrison once said that the Beatles were just a bunch of 'crumby musicians', which was technically true - there were a zillion better guitarists, drummers & vocalists out there at the time. I kinda liked the sounds they made, though...


Posted: 20/02/2006 - 15:15
by madfiddler
... they did play though. Good or bad, they were still musicians playing musical instruments...

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 15:19
by Tonka
madfiddler wrote:... they did play though. Good or bad, they were still musicians playing musical instruments...
Well I can play the Kazoo - does that count? ;)


*EDIT* Well actually, it's a Kazoo VST :oops:

*EDIT 2* Come to think of it, what the hell am I even DOING in the Musicians Lounge? I must have made a wrong turn somewhere, y'know... Is there a 'Programmers Lounge' I could post in...? :?:

Posted: 20/02/2006 - 17:45
by skitz
Tonka wrote:
madfiddler wrote:*EDIT 2* Come to think of it, what the hell am I even DOING in the Musicians Lounge? I must have made a wrong turn somewhere, y'know... Is there a 'Programmers Lounge' I could post in...? :?:
Tonka... you BELONG in here.....

(Did you see what I did there?)