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Posted: 27/02/2006 - 21:13
by Sidman 64
Lets hope the Police get the thug off the streets before he does this again.
Hope you get well soon.

Posted: 27/02/2006 - 21:32
by Dr.Future
Nominee and top-candidate for roty - category "victim of the year":

It's Makke! :P

Jokes aside, all the best to you, hope you get well soon...

Posted: 27/02/2006 - 21:35
by Matrix
:x Forrrk ! makke... :shock: see, this is why I dont go out, if i want to drink i stay indoors - too many assbags out there. Home entertainment is where its at... an xbox, a c64, a porno, a bag of grapes and a newspaper - you'll be set for the night. :)

Hope ya get better sooner rather than later bud... my warmest wishes for a speedy recovery.

Posted: 27/02/2006 - 23:26
by merman
Makke, that's not gooood mate. Get well soon!

Posted: 27/02/2006 - 23:45
by Vosla
Nice colors of artistic value... :-/

Looking at your photo just let pop up fantasies about driving a goddamn truck over HIS head. Looks like he is a sod who didn't learn the lesson at first time. Those f*ckers should be stopped before they actually kill people!

Judging from your post, I guess you managed to piss him and his 'gang' off, so this wasn't quite unprovoked. No excuse for a fight, however! Surely not for ambushing a single drunken guy. :evil:

Hope you get well soon, Makke!!!

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 7:11
by tas
oh man :cry:

Your hardly recognisable in that picture.. I hope the fuckwits get what they deserve. Bastards!

hope your ok Makke and the recovery is quick.

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 7:40
by Waz

What can I say?

Sadly this sort of thing is a regular occurrence in quite a few British cities and towns after a late Friday or Saturday night when people are too drunk and too violent after a certain time of day, hence if I'm out I'm usually on a bus home before midnight.

That said, no one deserves to get beaten so viciously like that and I'm sure that you feel really aggreived by what scum like that can do, rest assured we're all with you in wanting to ensure that justice is done and those idiots that assaulted you are put away in prison for some time (here in the UK we'd call it GBH - grievous bodily harm).

And I can heartily recommend the Wallace and Gromit movie to watch when you're sat at home relaxing, as Andreas said it's really funny, and there's lots of quintessential Englishness in it. Not to mention of course on Disc 2 of the DVD set vyou get all the "Cracking Contraptions" shorts as well.

Take care mate, and here's to a speedy recovery. If you want to come over to Manchester to get away, you know where I am.

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 10:25
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Sad story, really. I hope you'll be fully recovered in a blink! Take it easy, and relax, Makke!

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 11:04
by FunkyM
Wow, I know someone on another board does Before and after pictures of street brawlers, and you look like the after pic...

Seriously tho, hope you feel better soon, and let's hope Swedish police lock up this Motherbitch and cut his Balls off! FOR FREEDOM!

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 12:29
by Tonka
Jesus Makke! What the hell were you doing in a burger bar? Don't you know how those poor animals are treated and killed?! ;)

Hope you get well very soon. Like Waz said, it's very common over here to see that kind of stuff - Brits are generally brainless wankers and we kind of accept it here. I guess I shouldn't be shocked that pointless, random violence happens all over the world, but I am... :(

BTW - all this has nothing to do with my 'Ask Sonic' question about you fighting with Chris - just a cruel coincidence (although I guess we know the answer now don't we, you big girl)?! ;)

Take care of yourself & stay AWAY from burgers.


Posted: 28/02/2006 - 12:48
by tomsk
Not sure what to say - I always find this kind of behaviour shocking, especially when it's someone you know.

Take care of yourself Makke - and remember what goes around comes around....they'll get what they deserve in time.

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 13:07
by Rondo
Owie. Man, that's ugly, and I'm not talking about your face. Good to hear you got away with nothing too severe, though. Let's hope this doesn't take as long to crack as the Palme case so that you'll get a quick closure.

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 15:35
by Makke
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. Unfortunatly, this sort of thing isn't that uncommon. Sort of makes you think twise about going out on the piss. I know I'll probably cut down on the alcohol when going out in the future.

I was at the eye clinic today just to check that my eyes were OK. And they seemed to be alright. I'm going to have another check up at the end of the mont just to make sure.

I'm going to try and get a dentist appointment next week, but I'm pretty sure nothing's busted as nothing showed up on the hospital xray. But, for insurance reaons, it's best to be on the safe side.

The worst things is that my right hand hurts like hell! Being right handed this is a bloody big handicap! Nothing should be broken, because I requested a second xray of the hand, and nothing showed up. Will hopefully be alright in a few days.

Another bad thing was that I missed the olympic hockey finals because of this! It's not everyday Sweden gets a chance to kick Finland in the groin in an olympic final! Ah well...

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 18:08
by Matrix
Look on the bright side Makke, maybe your attacker will get hit by a truck today :D

Posted: 28/02/2006 - 18:47
by Markus Schneider
I hope you get better soon, mate !