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Posted: 02/03/2006 - 19:38
by dan gillgrass
Chris Abbott wrote: Me too. I once saw a very interesting thing on a show called "Brainiac", where lots of people were passing a box from person to person, and you had to concentrate on the box. So I did.

Then they showed the clip again, and you were told not to concentrate on the box any more: and there was a man in a bee costume comes into the shot and leaves after a few seconds. 80% of people apparently don't notice him while they're watching the box!

No, that was just a weird dream Chris ;)

Posted: 03/03/2006 - 9:53
by Lagerfeldt

Posted: 03/03/2006 - 16:09
by the_JinX
You scored 24 out of 30.
Well I did quite good IMHO :D

I did find it easier to 'remember' the 'good' sounding tunes then the really weird ones..

Cool test though..

Posted: 03/03/2006 - 18:10
by Sonic Wanderer

I, like many others, was "too sharp" when starting the test, anticipating tempochanges and other trickery, so I think my two errors were made early in the test.

Nice stuff, though. Kind of reminds me of the old tests where you hear beeps and watch sync'ed blinking dots at the same time, and after a while it tricks you into seeing blink when there are beeps and vice-cersa. Odd thing.

Posted: 04/03/2006 - 10:32
by Vosla

Most of the different ones where quite easily identified as off-note.
Quite amazing because I consider myself "musically impaired" and I'm almost deaf... :wink:

Posted: 04/03/2006 - 10:58
by tomsk
25/30 - quite good fun, but like everyone else you look for tempo and note duration changes rather than just key notes. :)

Posted: 04/03/2006 - 11:57
by Infamous
30/30 here too.. but then i play everything by ear anyway so glaring faults stick out to me like a sore thumb ^^

good idea for a test though, ive sent it upstairs via e-mail to my dad cos he definitely needs his ears testing :D

Posted: 06/03/2006 - 19:50
by Vosla
They have mailed me to take another test (and asked some questions about relatives) and I scored 24/30 again. Uhm. Seems that this score has nothing to do with talent or impaired hearing, at least not much.

Guess it was just a trick to get mail adresses to send more spam. :lol:

Posted: 06/03/2006 - 20:55
by LMan
30 out of 30, I guess the hint about just listening for note changes helped a lot. :)

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 17:53
by daXX
30 out of 30!
Thank you for your participation. You scored 30 out of 30.

A score of 30 is a perfect score; if you were randomly guessing you would get a score of around 15. Most people score somewhere in between. Depending on your score, we may wish to invite you to participate in further testing in the future.

Please supply us with the folowing details, if you would be interested in taking part in our research please ensure that you supply an email address.

Providing us with these details does not commit you to taking part in any of our future studies. We will not provide your details to any third party.
hmmm :lol: was easy...

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 20:43
by Tonka
Finally got around to doing it!

28 out of 30.

I actually found it was more of a 'try to stay awake test' though, if you know what I mean (and was that crap guitar sample a distraction tactic or WHAT)???!!!! ;)
