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Posted: 07/05/2003 - 15:03
by Makke
How come people are so persistant to get back into a forum where they're not welcome?

It's like forcing yourself into a party where you're not welcome. Oh the fun of ruining the day!

Posted: 07/05/2003 - 16:57
by tas
and Banned again!

Posted: 07/05/2003 - 17:22
by trace
I can't undrstand that he wants to get back here when he says...

"I am back! And you would be happy that I smatt this boring site... "
End Quote:

Some people are plain sick and can't understand when they ar not welcome... :evil: :!:

Posted: 07/05/2003 - 18:08
by Larsec
Carpe dentum - Sieze the teeth

Posted: 07/05/2003 - 18:46
by Max Levin
Next time Neil must call the police!

Posted: 07/05/2003 - 21:38
by merman
It's a bit like So Long and Thanks for all the Fish, the people "inside" the asylum are the outside world, trying to get "outside" the asylum and on to Remix64...

How long before he turns up again, with more disjointed English?

Posted: 08/05/2003 - 9:45
by LMan
Trace said something wise in the other thread I just deleted: Upsetting us is exactly what he wants to do, and if we let ourselves get involved with him, we play it his way. I'd recommend we simply delete such crap as soon as it appears. This board is no stage for freakshows. :)

Posted: 08/05/2003 - 10:13
by trace
Good said Lman :)

Posted: 08/05/2003 - 11:02
by Makke
He wasn't upsetting, just sad. But he was fun to yell at a while.

Posted: 08/05/2003 - 11:05
by LMan
*LOL* And how you yelled at him :D Excellent!

Posted: 08/05/2003 - 14:13
by Vosla
no freakshow ? oh, damn.... (*sneaks back into the shadows*)

Posted: 08/05/2003 - 16:49
by Max Levin
Don't you mean closet?

Posted: 08/05/2003 - 23:59
by Infamous
he aint coming in my closet!

Posted: 09/05/2003 - 13:47
by Vosla
nope, max... no closet...
see, 'shadow lurker' sounds creepy but 'closet lurker' ?? %-d

Posted: 09/05/2003 - 16:00
by Max Levin
Man, haven't you seen "The Closet-monster"? THERE you have creepy! .. .. .. or atleast cheesy