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Posted: 04/07/2006 - 21:39
by Waz
His actions don't surprise me, sadly.

Quite simply it's been the action of a spoilt child not getting their own way and not having an inkling of understanding of what the scene is about and how people are generally a friendly and co-operative bunch.

There are many of us who made positive suggestions and gave constructive criticism, and what did they get back? An "I know better than you" attitude which simply wasn't right. And as for his behaviour on this forum and on the slayradio IRC channel? Words fail me to be perfectly honest.

Goodbye, and in my view, good riddance to him.

And (name removed), if you're reading this, spamming the forums as the user Lukas_Podolski is immature, childish, and utterly pathetic.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 12:51
by Andreas Wallström
It's always nice with new people in the scene, but you've given this guy too many chances. If I was the boss of this forum, he'd be history a long time ago. Delete his posts and throw the fucker out!

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 13:45
by Skyscraper
It is very difficult to solve this problem.

What can I do to cancel it which was happened.

In our forum Manuel has written that he takes over full responsibility.

How can I solve the problem ?

I´m a new member on RADIO (name removed).

It is very funny for me to make shows about "Retrology" and it is very interesting.

Till I read this report and see the big problems we will have.

I would like to help out.

What can I make to solve it ?

Please tell it to me !

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 13:49
by weblaus
Skyscraper wrote: How can I solve the problem ?
Sad but true: I don't think you can.

At least not until everyone has forgotten about all the shit that other guy pulled off, and I doubt this will happen any time soon.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 13:59
by Moad'Dib
Hey Chris!

Finally just tell us the truth!
You hate gay people. Do you?


Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:03
by Skyscraper
I think the sexuality is normal.

It´s not urgent if you are hetero or guy.

What´s the matter about sexuality and retro ?

What is the connection ? - Is it different to retro, isn´t it ?

Was this the problem - Was this the beginning from the flame war ?

Tell it me please because I´m hetero !

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:04
by Matrix

GHEY Peeple R0XXORZ on Teh Interwbz !!!! :D


Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:07
by Skyscraper
Yes Matrix it cannot be thruth that the flame war was caution about the sexuality !

It´s no different with retro !

Or is against Guys ?

It´s only a question !

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:09
by Tonka
(name removed) who?...


Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:12
by Matrix
It's not about sexuality, it's about higher-function issues. Not spamming the crap out of the board for example may be a good start, if someone did that to your boards ( http://www.(name removed) ) what would you do to 'fix it' ?. I must be one of the few to say I didn't know the guy, so in that way i'm impartial, neutral, but I trust these guys instincts, and if they are all upset, it is for good reason.

PS, nice site design.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:17
by Skyscraper
I trie to solve it and speak with Manuel about it.

I think we can handle it.

Sorry, that we made this big problems.

But give us a chance.

The last chance !

Please !

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:20
by Rigor
I'm watching this thread very carefully and I think it's very interesting still reading the rumors, some people having here...

I'm taking the full responsibility for the things happened yesterday but I think both sides had their resons andthe persons I mean know it!!!

You may delete, ban or block me as much as you want (and can) but you can't hide yourself about the things already happened and obviously being concealed here.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:26
by Skyscraper
LMan / Remix 64 has written me in the morning:

@Skyscraper: your effort is well appreciated. You're very welcome here.

We can make a deal if it not function with Manuel and/or with our team from RADIO (name removed) you can kick me from your board, too.

Is it O.K. for you ?

Else you can kick me now !

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:28
by Makke

I think your effort of truing to "save" the situation is far too late. Manuel has been acting like a complete jerk, and him being banned has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality. It has to do about normal, common, respectful behaviour, which Manuel completely lacks.

He's threatened people, yelled at people and acted like a spoiled child. People here have been very understanding and helpful, but Manuel has just not listened.

Do you think the whole forum would turn against Manuel if he had done nothing wrong? I don't think so.

I honastly can't think of anything you can do, Skyscraper, to fix the damage Manuel has done. And personally, I'd almost rather leave the forum myself than have him unbanned.

And with that said, I refrain from future (public) comments in this matter. Manuel's just not worth the time and effort.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 14:29
by Matrix
*stands well back from blast area*

