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Posted: 01/12/2006 - 15:12
by C64GLeN
This is getting stranger.

Posted: 01/12/2006 - 15:16
by Tonka
C64GLeN wrote:This is getting stranger.
LOL! You need to check omoroca's sig to geddit.

Yeah I know - I'm a child... :oops:

Posted: 01/12/2006 - 15:23
by Romeo Knight
omoroca wrote: As for the shouted new-hobby comment or the Westerling review, I don't wanna personally offend anyone. This goes strictly against the music, not against the person
Yuck! Go find yourself a new hobby! Music doesn't seem to be your biggest talent!
Mmmh, so one of these comments proves you wrong. I just don't know which of them. Beliebe me!

Posted: 01/12/2006 - 16:44
by Tonka
Erm - I just D/L'd this and FYI ifadeo, I quite liked it :D

I like the nod to DM's 'Photographic', the sounds are very interesting (and that's in a good way) and I *personally* didn't think 'yuk' at any point in the proceedings...

I can't say I've ever listened to the original, so can't comment on wrong notes, but nothing sounded 'out of place' to me :wink:

Not a patch on the MIGHTY R. Kelly of course, but not a bad remix at all :lol:


Posted: 01/12/2006 - 17:05
by DHS
I'll add my 2 cents:

on "The Human Race (Bando alle Seghe)":
omoroca shouts: Cheap Enigma remake! Another unnecessary Human Race remix! (green)

you know what they say about soccer arbiters: they're failed soccer players. ;)

Posted: 01/12/2006 - 18:11
by ifadeo
DHS wrote:I'll add my 2 cents:

on "The Human Race (Bando alle Seghe)":
omoroca shouts: Cheap Enigma remake! Another unnecessary Human Race remix! (green)

you know what they say about soccer arbiters: they're failed soccer players. ;)


you're so right!

Posted: 02/12/2006 - 17:51
by Vosla
Why do I have the feeling that's a clone?

Posted: 02/12/2006 - 22:45
by Analog-X64
omoroca wrote: And finally, I'm 33 years old and I DO have hairy balls! :twisted:
Ever try shaving your balls? Less Friction during sex. :twisted:

Posted: 05/12/2006 - 9:47
by omoroca
In my humble opinion, it's important for a musician to also be able to accept a bad review. I mean you guys upload your stuff to a site that can be accessed by anyone in the world and that has a login area where people like me can say whether they liked the tune or not. You knew that before you uploaded your tunes, so you should be ready for that.

Critical reviews, whether they're good or bad, keep the scene alive, and that's what is (or ar least should be) most important to all of us.

This will be my last comment in this thread, as I don't feel I have to defend myself any further for my honest comments and reviews.

Posted: 05/12/2006 - 10:05
by Chris Abbott
omoroca wrote:In my humble opinion, it's important for a musician to also be able to accept a bad review. I mean you guys upload your stuff to a site that can be accessed by anyone in the world and that has a login area where people like me can say whether they liked the tune or not. You knew that before you uploaded your tunes, so you should be ready for that.

Critical reviews, whether they're good or bad, keep the scene alive, and that's what is (or ar least should be) most important to all of us.

This will be my last comment in this thread, as I don't feel I have to defend myself any further for my honest comments and reviews.
I'm afraid freedom of speech goes two ways: other people have the right to criticise your opinions, and freedom goes hand-in-hand with responsibility: e.g. the responsibility not to make personal comments:
Yuck! Go find yourself a new hobby! Music doesn't seem to be your biggest talent!
or to mark pieces down for unmusical reasons:
Cheap Enigma remake! Another unnecessary Human Race remix! (green)
If you don't want to behave responsibly, then expect to be complained at.

And, btw, there is a difference between "honesty" and "pettiness and ego masquerading as honesty". Most people who flatter themselves that they're just being "honest" are nothing of the sort. Honesty implies truth, objectivity and a measure of humility. All of the "oh-so-honest-it-hurts" types around here have been only interested in one type of honesty: their own. Result: refusal to discuss issues, and major toy-pram-throwing.


Posted: 05/12/2006 - 13:23
by Moad'Dib
In my humble opinion - which is real humble -, you use the wrong way of criticism.
It is called "razz".

It's ok for example at politics but unacceptable in this community which I would call circle of friends.

Perhaps you have the reason to do it in this way? Then share it with us, maybe we can help you...

Posted: 05/12/2006 - 16:22
by Vosla
This is getting us nowhere. Just another frustrating thread. :(

Omoroca, take part in this community and try to show your constructive side.

We 'old ones' should give you a chance to prove that you're not an egomaniac. Davon haben wir nämlich die Schnauze voll.

Posted: 05/12/2006 - 17:07
by DHS
omoroca wrote:In my humble opinion, it's important for a musician to also be able to accept a bad review.
I see Chris already said in a gentle manner what i was about to post... wich is:

you're free to say whatever you want.
I'm (and we are) free to think whaveter I/we want about you (and guess what most of us are thinking now).


Posted: 05/12/2006 - 18:07
by Tonka
Chris Abbott wrote:Honesty implies truth, objectivity and a measure of humility.
Chris' new avatar:


Posted: 05/12/2006 - 18:37
by Chris Abbott
Tonka wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:Honesty implies truth, objectivity and a measure of humility.
Chris' new avatar:

Paint my fence! Waxa Ma Floor!