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Posted: 26/08/2006 - 8:18
by Dumper
I've been with Orange (who were freeserve and wanadoo) since 1998 and never had a problem with them, I pay £17.99 per month for up to 8meg connection. Unfortunately my shitty area only gets 1meg at the moment :cry: , there is also a 2gig download limit so it depends on how much you want to download each month.

Posted: 27/08/2006 - 15:17
by skitz
Still Sticking with ZenADSL who although have recently dropped the unmetered option in favour of capped bandwidth the support is still excellent and their portal is great to see when you are reaching your limits. Plus the Zen newsgroups have a GREAT retension rate for an ISP - saves the extra cost of going to sombody like Giganews or Easynews...

Posted: 16/09/2006 - 16:00
by trooper/osg
I'm with UKOnline, I'm only on a 1mb connection, when I was through the BTLine it was £19.99, but now I'm on there own connection it is only £9.99 a month, with a 500gig usuage limit a month. Ample for my requirements.

Btw Dan, nice avatar.... :wink:

Posted: 16/09/2006 - 20:21
by dan gillgrass
trooper/osg wrote:
Btw Dan, nice avatar.... :wink:
Thanks mate :wink:

Posted: 17/09/2006 - 7:44
by Waz
I've now migrated to Sky Broadband, and so far, so good. Regularly getting around 2MB speeds where before I could only get 512K, and with a 40GB cap for downloads it does me mighty fine.

Upload speed is around 385Kbs rather than 288Kbs, but it seems even quicker than that when uploading stuff..

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 15:58
by Chappers
Hey folks, thanks for the suggestions.

I'll get on with someone new soonish, just in the middle of sorting a new flat/job/income. Dad's laptop has come in handy for this posting anyhoo :)

Hopefully they can't be any worse than NTL (sorry hoomish, but I've had enough). Been offline for a little while anyway, but I get the whole connection switched off on 29th September :)


Posted: 20/09/2006 - 10:03
by hoomish
LOL! That's ok - I'm not on commission or anything... :wink:

Posted: 20/09/2006 - 11:13
by Matrix
dan gillgrass wrote:
merman wrote:Euro1Net! :lol:
Saw that on the news this lunchtime, I would be gutted if I had just signed up with them
Me too, but I notice a little issue.... lets see, the pic on the bbc news, shows a termination of service http page:


But the text says....
About 5,500 customers have had their broadband internet service cut off amid a row between their supplier and BT

- So like...... how ya supposed to read your termination information :lol:

Let me explain:
Customers trying to use the internet are now being redirected to a page explaining that their broadband has been disconnected by BT Wholesale.
- So, if you've been cut off (IE, no service)... how they supposed to redirect you unless you logon free from a library or other valid internet account ? - DOH !!
Some customers had paid hundreds of pounds upfront for a two-year broadband connection with Euro1Net.
- and this is why I like Zen... monthly payments, quit when ya wanna :)

Posted: 07/10/2006 - 15:51
by Chappers
hoomish wrote:LOL! That's ok - I'm not on commission or anything... :wink:
Hehe, NTL's TOOL OF SATAN (tm) customer service has more than likely made me a little touchy about them :wink:

Posted: 07/10/2006 - 18:54
by Chappers
Chappers wrote:Hey folks, thanks for the suggestions.

I'll get on with someone new soonish, just in the middle of sorting a new flat/job/income. Dad's laptop has come in handy for this posting anyhoo :)

Hopefully they can't be any worse than NTL (sorry hoomish, but I've had enough). Been offline for a little while anyway, but I get the whole connection switched off on 29th September :)

Alrighty, an update. :)

New job sorted now, starting on Monday. Hopefully will be able to afford something broadband-related soonish, then will instantly regret signing up once I hear one of these Bowness Bollock "shows". :wink:

Have also got my house sold (after several cock-ups by the mortgage provider delayed matters to the point of possible hair-eating in total frustration at their incompetence). Now flat-hunting locally, hopefully will find something soon also.

Ta-ta for now, folks. :)


Posted: 02/12/2006 - 17:11
by Chappers
Hi folks!

Just visiting my Dad today and using his internet, thought I would pop in and give you all an update.

Job fell through really quickly, tried a factory job at a local mattress maker to earn some much-needed cash but it was like one of those factories you saw on 70s tv. The appalling safety was one of the reasons why I quickly gave it up. One of the "highlights", as it were, was a vertically-challenged bloke who had a right blast (unnecessarily) at a co-worker for being untidy! Some Hitlers are just born that way, I guess..... :wink:

Have been filling my spare time by doing some Learndirect courses to get back to work. I recently completed a course in office administration (ECDL Level 2 in IT), basically because I have been out of work for so long that companies are reluctant to employ me! This qualification should now help me to prove that my skills are up-to-date. Will hopefully be in work before Christmas but no guarantees yet.

Flat-hunting has been effectively non-existant, as I'm still on benefits. Not a lot of landlords want to let their places out to people on benefits, as some of the tenants have been the spongers and timewasters that make it awkward for genuine claimants like myself.

Hope to be back online somewhere very soon, it's been a bit frustrating missing all the Slay Radio shows and chatting with everyone. Hopefully I will remedy that in due course. :)

Take care everyone, hope to see you soon.
