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Posted: 04/09/2006 - 8:36
by Makke
Lagerfeldt wrote:I don't like Kiefer very much though, I think his acting range is quite limited.
I don't have anything against Kiefer, but I must agree with Holger on this.

And, as Beyond said, compared to his father, he's got quite a limited range. Sometimes I don't even know if Kiefer is playing a role, or simply being himself. Kind of like Richard Gere - he's only got one character in him.

That said, he does that character very well. (Oh, how diplomatic. ;) )

Posted: 04/09/2006 - 10:49
by Tonka
1) Well, compare most modern day actors to Donald Sutherland and not many are going to come off too well...

2) Keanu Reeves is an example of an 'A' list actor... Bwwwwaaaahhaahhhaahhaa!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

3) Kiefer does have a very distinctive and cool sounding voice (just like his Dad in that respect) - probably why he was chosen for this.

4) Can we start a thread taking the piss out of Nicholas Cage? He hasn't done a good film since 'Birdy' and is about to destroy 'The Wicker Man' in a crappy remake where he has a 'bee allergy' and then gets, errr, stung by bees... Bwwaaahhahhaahhaa (mk2).

Posted: 04/09/2006 - 10:54
by Chris Abbott
Tonka wrote:1) Well, compare most modern day actors to Donald Sutherland and not many are going to come off too well...

2) Keanu Reeves is an example of an 'A' list actor... Bwwwwaaaahhaahhhaahhaa!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

3) Kiefer does have a very distinctive and cool sounding voice (just like his Dad in that respect) - probably why he was chosen for this.

4) Can we start a thread taking the piss out of Nicholas Cage? He hasn't done a good film since 'Birdy' and is about to destroy 'The Wicker Man' in a crappy remake where he has a 'bee allergy' and then gets, errr, stung by bees... Bwwaaahhahhaahhaa (mk2).
Nicholas Cage: Knickerless Cage has more talent. And she doesn't exist!

Posted: 04/09/2006 - 11:04
by xo
Aw comon, he did Ghost Rider. Is that any good? :lol:

Posted: 05/09/2006 - 11:49
by Infamous
face off, the rock and con air were his shining moments and that was because the other actors involved did well enough to push the stories along (travolta, connery and malcovich.. respectably).

im looking forward to ghost rider though...

keither is a good actor, he's never really taken off as far as he could have which has to be respected.. he could have picked up a thousand and one shit films to star in and sat on a pile of cash with his band (like keanu) but didnt, opting to go for things that interested him only and had a good storyline to follow.

I hope they do the books justice in this film too, transformers will be a decent enough pre-cursor as to how serious hollywood is taking cgi ... doubt this'll have the same budget (on the + side it doesnt have michael bay as its director so thats a good thing) .. i wait with baited breath.

Posted: 06/09/2006 - 12:45
by hoomish
Re. the initial post, this IS really good news and I thought it'd never happen! The Dragonlance books (well, the initial trilogy at least) are very entertaining and feature some great character development, but IMHO they are by no means classic.

The standard of actual writing in the Dragonlance books, for instance, is pretty poor... and they are very cliched... that said, I've re-read them a fair few times since my early teens so... :P

Posted: 06/09/2006 - 13:29
by Steve B
hoomish wrote: .. that said, I've re-read them a fair few times since my early teens so... :P
i am on to my 3rd copy of the books (the other ones were 'read to death')
i now have the Annotated Chronicles witch is the three books in one, with notes from Weis and Hickman in the margins.
i have a copy of the Annotated Legends set aside at Amazon too.

Posted: 06/09/2006 - 13:59
by hoomish
Jeez Steve, you really are Krynn-geek, aren't you? :wink: Hmmm... that said, Neil goes by the name Tas... :D

Posted: 06/09/2006 - 18:16
by tas

Dont care who's doing the acting!

It's a dream come true!

Great stuff!

And yes, hoomish my nick is indeed based on the character Tasslehoff Burrfoot!

Posted: 07/09/2006 - 8:18
by hoomish
I know mate - I enquired as much a couple of years back... :wink:

Posted: 09/09/2006 - 8:34
by Raven Squad
I hoped this since LOTR movies came out. I just hope that they do justice to the books.