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Posted: 15/09/2006 - 12:32
by Masserio
Well, I dont know anyone that is a music produser and can make a world hit of the song the musician make. And I dont think I can get the song played for alot of people... (I will honor the musician in my movie, but I dont know how many will see my movie, so its a risk(?) to take ;P).
Unfortunatley, I'm not a girl. So that leaves just money. And I go to school and are unimployed, so I don't have much of that either :(

Btw Makke, I'm going to use almost whatever I get, even if it suck. Well, if its horrible and I want to kill my self when I hear it, I'm not going to use it of course...

Posted: 15/09/2006 - 15:24
by Lexx

And that's a problem to my thought. First all these talented people don't know u as u are new to them. If one of these artists would know u personaly then it would be a "friend 2 friend" support possible.

But in that chase it's different & if u are honest....u trust only people whom u know, yes :?: So the idea would be following. Keep concentrating on ur film as usual. U shouldn't think ahead too much about the music which is the last drop in a movie production. Then if it's finish....comeback, present it via pm to the Artists in interest then u might get him/her interested to that project. Depending on the challenge....and there are artists who looking for it....the motivation to compose the tune for u could increase.

I know u are dissapointed the moment but u must understand tht the most Artists which are involved into the remix64 & Amigaremix scene do their songs also for exhibtion. Which means....they love the music fromt he past....have the need to make a dream version come true....they put many hours & effort into the track & when it's done they release it on Remix64 or Amigaremix. So the basic aspect from all of this is making love to music then transport to a audience which does welcome retrotracks.

Of course it is also a little bit exhibition as u are aware of that Remix64 is one of the biggest retro-communites in www. & so u can be sure alot of visitors or members will catch ur tune, ur work in which u have invested alot of effort. So the fee for ur diligence will be rewarded by 1) the feel that a higher numbers will download or listening to ur remix, then probably also reviewed it in remix64 forum or even request it on slayradio on one of those live radioshows. And that & the Slayradio charts cause alot of motivation to continue. And that's a good spirit i think.

And why do i tell this for u :?: That u understand how u can motivate musicans doing a job for free. Example...if u r film would be retro related...such as a 3d aniamtion show and if it would get released on a well-known retro-forum for free, because it's maybe a compition for movies happening, so the motivation would grow very much.

That's why i asked u to clarify ur film project again with all details....ur goals with it & where would u release it. Of course there might musicans who not just remixing good ol stuff as also making their own music & releae it worldwide but it might be important that the musican can use it as a reference. That he probably made his first tune for a film....u know what i mean :?: But that depens on the film & it's story give a time...make ur film first then comeback or try also on other forums were u find exellent musicans. I would suggest u Software communites such Reason, Renoise, Project 5 or Fl-studio community. But to have access u must own their musicprogramm which is very expensive. Hmmmm but hey...that's an idea on u can download Songs from the reason community made by reason users for free & non-registered person like u...could download & listen to it with the demo of Reason. That could work. :) I guarantee u that there are alot of talented musicans aswell. Many classic/filmscore composers too as Reason offers a Orchestra-refill which makes alot of them interested to study that gengre of music too. The contact information of the artist can be mostly found on the song info that can be accessed within Reason / File / Song-information. There the artists leave their homepage or email adresses.

Posted: 15/09/2006 - 17:08
by Masserio
Wow, nice post!
My movie is almost done as a matter of fact :P
It's a game movie (dont freak out yet), in the story-line kind. So it doesent really matter if its a game movie, it is made like a real movie (more like a episode really :\ ). It's about me and a friend looking for the ultimate item in the game, finding leads with adventure and humor.
The name is real geeky, and I dont hope that the name is gonna scare you away xD It's called "Imbanoobs - The Quest for the Ãœber Epic". Yes, I used as much expressions from the game as possible (it's part of my humor, understand it or not.)
As some of you might have guessed, its from the game World of Warcraft. Which makes it possible to make a better movie than from Counter Strike ect.

As I said, the movie is almost done. The only thing left, is to fix minor bugs with the editing, add voices (I/we who make the movie will do that after we get the song, so we can adapt it to the background music), add the backgound song, make a intro (with the theme song), make the start and finnish titles (Need the song, and the name/nickname of the musician).

So you se, I just need the song now, and it will be done in a short amount of time ^^ If you really have to se it before you consider doing it, I can fix the edit bugs and upload it for you. But I wont do it unless you have to see it before you wanna do it.

The movie is going to be uploaded when it's finnished, and posted in places like and I am not going to make money on this, it's just for fun. But if people love it, and want more, I'm going to make a series of it I think :\ Then maybe I can get donations from ppl who want to give me money, but I'm still not going to make people pay me xD But I seriously doubt I'm going to make a series out of it, so I guess I'm not making money on it at all.

If there is anymore questions, just ask! =)

Posted: 15/09/2006 - 19:48
by Lexx
I've heard ur 3 examples to be sure what exactly u wish even if i could guess now since u named games such World of Warcraft in ur latest post. I think u are a little bit day dreaming because a symphonic track takes alot of time and effort to compose. ;)
So no wonders to me that no one realy made an offering sofar.

The expenditure....the complexity of such a track is very big. And what u like is a symphony which should representing 3 parts....the intro....the middle-part as background music useful then an agressiv mighty ending similar like the WoW theme. Such a track isn't done within a week. It also could last a month or two until it's perfect done & finished in the mind of the Artist. U must understand...we aren't talking about popmusic, techno, hiphop tracks etc..

So therefore don't expect too much & be better be happy if one of the guyz here would allow to use their music. And those 3 examples would be very useful for ur film. The Workarround u could make is to use fine crossfadings un certain u could those 3 songs would be a one theme. It wouldn't be hard to solve it. Just need to fiddling on a few knobs mixer (hard or softare solutions possible). Appropos software...if u need an idea which would be most recommend....i guess Sony Vegas has good audio features too for video desingers. So a better workflow as both sectors...the video & the audio ...could be done in all-in-one.

My advise...try asking the 2 artists per pm for a permission, guarantuee ur purposes & explain them in detail ur project, try to use their titles for a demostration sake by mixing these 3 songs into ur film. It it comes great then upload it on a secret webspace. So their email don't get overloaded & they separately can get it whenever they have time to download it. I'm sure their dicision would be easier if they discover taht their tracks suit very well in ur film & as u mentioned about ur offering to credit the artists...i would not just credit their also make advertisement to them....such .... with friendly permission by & ;)

So as the wow-community is very allowing u to use these 3 tracks would be worth & in that chase not risky IF these 3 tracks remain as free download stuff forever. Therefore...Marcus & the other one could ask the orginal artists to ensure non of them will have problems with it.
U never know...they also could come with the idea to put it on a remix competition in the future.

Hope u all understood what i tried to explain with my crap of engrish. :) :oops:

Posted: 15/09/2006 - 22:27
by Masserio
Ok, first of all. I dont want anyone to sit a couple of month doing this for me, it's not worth it. But I dont need a fully symphonic song (don't really know what words to use here xD). You dont need to make the song symphonic to get close to the examples I posted. Just start with a catchy tune, and add some greats beats to it, and if you get it right, it can be just as good as a symphonic version.

But if the musicians have to put too much effort in this to even bother, I might as well ask the artists of my example music for premission to their song in my movie. I'm going to wait a bit with that however, to see how things work out from this topic. I might be lucky :P *krosses fingers* xD
Meanwhile, thank you fanp._huelsbeck for all the info and the advices you gave me =)

Posted: 15/09/2006 - 23:27
by Lexx
Last note: If the movie is based on the century such WoW i wouldn't use a fanzy beat with a techno tune. However the taste alsways differ from person to person.

May the force be with u.

Posted: 17/09/2006 - 18:32
by Bog
Don't know why, but it's since i started making music i read this or it's said to me. Must be something related to the kind of "art" (or whatever it may be) we do.
It's not just music. Every few days I get an email saying:

1) I need this for my Student film! I'm a student, so I need it. It won't take you any time, Bog, you're brilliant! First I need an army of 3 million Orcs rushing through Burmondsey. Then I need the moon to smash into them, but with a Matrixy whirl-around just before impact. You can do that, can't you great-mate? I promised my tutor!

All the best,

Some twunt who I've never met but might have once replied to on an Internet messageboard.

2) I work for God, running this charity or another. I need an animation of fields of corn waving in the breeze. This is God's work, so you're morally obliged to do it for nothing!

All the best,

Sponging bible-thumper trying to guilt-trip me

3) I doubt you can really complete this project to my satisfaction, but if you can, I'll consider giving you a share of the profits.

Yours sneeringly,

A. Fucktard.

And my personal favourite:

4) We know you walked out the last time we hired you and decked the producer on your way out, but we can't seem to find any other freelancers still willing to work for us. Will you? We promise we won't do what we did last time. It takes ages to get the stains off the ceiling.

*pant, pant, pant*

I'm fine. *twitch*

One of the swingbacks I've noticed, though, about The Scene is that many people assume that because you've poured effort into a Labour of Love, knowing you'll never see a direct financial return on it, that you're willing to Love Any Labour that people wave under your nose. I suppose in a way it's understandable, but it does eventually lead to be less and less polite with people who won't take "no" for an answer.

Then again, you never know - in this case, finding a musician who's a real World of Warcraft fan is probably the best bet.

Posted: 17/09/2006 - 21:49
by xo
You need a random insult mail generator. :lol:

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 16:50
by Vosla
... people on the phone at 05:00 on a sunday morning asking how to remove stuck paper from their printer...

How about a contract killer?