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Posted: 23/11/2006 - 13:49
by Chris Abbott
Yep, cool beans, that overstressed yet laid back dude :)

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 15:45
by Vosla
Congrats and many years to come!!! :D :D :D

Don't ever even think of dying on us 'coz I will learn voodoo then and bring you back to un-life. Muhaha!

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 17:08
by trace
Congrats to RKO the unlimited wheel of c64 remixes :D

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 18:47
by Kenz
Thanks for filling my hard-drive for the last 6 years Jan. :D

My car-stereo would be empty if it wasn't for you!

*dances like a loon!*

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 21:26
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Aw, thanks everyone! Can't believe it's been six years already.

And remember, I'm just a guy who managed to position myself straight in the middle of everything at the right moment and pull the strings that brought things together. All that was left was to glue it all up with some code, add a bit of spare time, and let it mature for six years. :)

Okay, so keeping it running has been a daunting task, but I still say that both the music and you people made it worth it. Thanks to everyone who helped back then, and everyone on board now. You guys rock!

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 21:46
by xo
Grats RKO. Thanks for publishing another batch. :)

Posted: 24/11/2006 - 5:19
by Thunderer
Three cheers for RKO

Hip Hip Hoooray

Posted: 24/11/2006 - 12:07
by Slaygon
Many thanks for the excellent service, Kwed!

Posted: 24/11/2006 - 22:22
by Dumper
Happy birthday and thanks for such a great site.

Posted: 25/11/2006 - 5:02
by Steve B
may we have 60 more years

{throws hat in the air}

Woo Hoo