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Posted: 14/05/2003 - 22:41
by Feekzoid
Peacemaker wrote:then please record your tapes on your pc and upload them .. :>
I will do so, but I've just moved house so I need to find everything again!

Probly for the weekend tho...

Posted: 13/06/2003 - 11:28
by Hille
Oh golly...

... ... thomas.mp3...This must be the first thing I ever made. Well, I didn't make it, really. My dad recorded me - aged 5 MONTHS - laughing my head off!!
(The woman that can be heard egging me on is me mum!)

*sigh* those were the days...I still sing that good!

Posted: 13/06/2003 - 14:38
by Maindrian
My first ever recording was on a C64 music program. Cant remember the name of it, but it wasnt Ubik's Music as I didnt discover that one until later. Anyways, this tune was actually quite good. It was just a set of notes repeated over and over, but I took out the old tape recorder and recorded it through the tv. Still got that tape in my collection.

My first ever proper recording was an mp3 called End of the World Girl. It was a few years ago, and I still have it on cd somewhere too. Just a rather nice guitar loop, with my horrible singing over the top. Just basically a "the end is nigh, so give me some lovin'" type song. Mucho cheesy.

Posted: 16/06/2003 - 11:17
by XGener8or
Peacemaker, that song was actually not bad :) I thought it would be crap but it was pretty nice, much better than a lot of other, real stuff, really :lol:

Posted: 13/11/2003 - 12:34
by Feekzoid
Whoa! 5 months later, FZ comes up with this:

Early EARLY sid composition. I messed around with Rockmonitor long before I started Digi-Composing properly - ironically its the non-digi bits that I had most trouble learning in Rockmonitor.

This tune is probably a contender for the next WORST-SIDS show !

More may spew forth from this direction, I'm going through a nostalgic look through old tapes.

Posted: 13/11/2003 - 13:32
by skitz
Reminds me of Xmas Chortles for some reason :lol:

OH B*&^%$KS!
Merry Christmas..

Posted: 13/11/2003 - 15:20
by Feekzoid
Here's another one:

My first ever sid tune, composed in Ubik's Music!

Recorded to tape via a nasty autogain microphone, lined-out from a HH amp with reverb.

Early Works

Posted: 15/11/2003 - 21:54
by Jim Power
OK, here's something from my archives... not really the first stuff I EVER recorded on tape, but I'll spare you that material - I don't think it would be more pleasant than a recording of somebody's first piano lesson anyway. However, I made an mp3 with snippets of some pretty old recordings I did back in 1991 with my Yamaha PSR-90 (I was 14 back then): (1,6 MB)

The track starts off with Sylvester Levay's theme from television series "Airwolf", which is still one of my favourite compositions of all time. The PSR-90 had only a poor 3-track sequencer, so I had to play the drums live. I also worked in a distorted bell sound at the beginning to emulate the helicopter lift-off. :D

The second part is Brad Fiedel's "Terminator" theme: since I wanted to have metallic drum sounds like in the original piece, I grabbed one of my mothers baking trays and punched it all the way through the recording. I was really happy with the result back then - needless to say, my mom wasn't and I had to promise not to use kitchen stuff for making music again. :roll:

The final seconds are dedicated to Chris Huelsbeck's "Turrican" title... I decided to add sci-fi battle sounds using a couple of Transformer toys that made awful noises, plus a C64 for the explosion sounds. I recorded it over and over again, adding more FX all the time, until the music nearly wasn't hearable anymore! There was an even more horrible version :!: with a Kraftwerk-like C64 voice yelling "LEEEEIIIISAAAARR Battle" a hundred times plus throughout the piece, but I would like to believe I destroyed all tapes containing that track... :wink: