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Posted: 05/02/2007 - 20:59
by tomsk
Happy old birthday ya bugger ! Hope you had a spot on day

Posted: 05/02/2007 - 22:25
by Subzero
hippy burpday dude

Posted: 12/02/2007 - 12:42
by Sidman 64
Andreas Wallström wrote:Hey Jeff,

Long time since I saw you online, so I hope you get all these messages. I hope you've had a nice and relaxing birthday. Make sure you take Paul with ya to BIT Live so we can have a few beers again!

Andreas we are both coming to the event for LOTS OF BEEEEEERS :lol:
I will be seeing Jeff this week so will pass on all the greets, the old fart does not come online much these days :lol:
Luck forward to seeing you again mate,


Posted: 13/02/2007 - 21:00
by octave-sounds
hey thanks guys!!

very sorry for the long delay in replying as paul as said not been online much but will be hopefully seeing all you guys at the next mega event in london! ;)


Posted: 13/02/2007 - 21:32
by Sidman 64
octave-sounds wrote:hey thanks guys!!

very sorry for the long delay in replying as paul as said not been online much but will be hopefully seeing all you guys at the next mega event in london! ;)

Well well well !!!!
So you are still around then :shock:
Thought you was coming up tonight ?, I was going to let you have a sneek preview of my new """"""" , Oh but no Jeff :roll:
Well I will just sit here in my office / studio playing as I do have someone here who listens all the time, his name is Jamo !!!!!
That's Mr JAMESON :lol:
You old fart :lol: