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Render Teaser.

Posted: 19/02/2007 - 10:35
by Analog-X64
Ok here is a test render of video. Very early work lots of bugs to work out still. The Audio track is Dafunk - AirRide (short mix) but is not the intended track to be used in this video.

The video is not public so only you guys can watch it.

The YouTube quality does not do justice to the video.

I do have a 44MB WM9 Format which is much better, I just dont have a place to share it, and most here cant download from

As always comments are welcome.

Posted: 19/02/2007 - 12:55
by Tonka
Hmmm - says it's 'not available'... :(

Anyone else see it?

Posted: 19/02/2007 - 12:59
by Analog-X64
Tonka wrote:Hmmm - says it's 'not available'... :(

Anyone else see it?
Very strange I was watching it this morning to make sure it works.

Please try again.

Posted: 19/02/2007 - 13:24
by Analog-X64
YouTube is acting up today. So I've uploaded the 44MB WM9 File.

More File Sharing Links to come. ... r.wmv.html

Posted: 19/02/2007 - 13:27
by Mayhem
Yeah the YouTube link is still saying unavailable. It does take a little while for it to be "added" to the system search, bit like eBay auctions. In the meantime, will grab the upload ;)

Posted: 19/02/2007 - 16:25
by cpt_chaos
very cool but sadly a bit short preview but it's a nice foretaste of what's going to come. I'm looking forward!

Go On Aanalog-X

Posted: 20/02/2007 - 10:05
by the_JinX

Realy looking forward to the finished video..

Love that look..

Posted: 20/02/2007 - 13:36
by Infamous
This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request.

is what i get told when i try to view it on u-tube.

Posted: 20/02/2007 - 13:40
by cpt_chaos
oooho a private video of Analog-X??? ;)

Posted: 20/02/2007 - 15:12
by Misser
Ahh just stumbled into this one.

Great idea and i like the little preview. This make me remind of some wizball rendered thing i got a year or 2 back.

Go on show us more, make those p3's work.

Posted: 20/02/2007 - 17:17
by Chris Abbott
Misser wrote:Ahh just stumbled into this one.

Great idea and i like the little preview. This make me remind of some wizball rendered thing i got a year or 2 back.

Go on show us more, make those p3's work.
"Some Wizball Rendered Thing"? :) That work of genius was done by our very own Bog!!! ("Chris says you should ask me about the Wizball Video")

Posted: 20/02/2007 - 21:34
by Analog-X64
Infamous wrote:This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request.

is what i get told when i try to view it on u-tube.
Damn Ok. I thought if I make it private it would not show up in user Searches and only if I shared the link.

Can you just download from one of the File Sharing links? Let me know otherwise I'll try and share it another way.

Posted: 20/02/2007 - 21:37
by Analog-X64
Chris Abbott wrote: "Some Wizball Rendered Thing"? :) That work of genius was done by our very own Bog!!! ("Chris says you should ask me about the Wizball Video")
Whats this about a Wizball Video?

Posted: 20/02/2007 - 21:44
by Analog-X64
I found a PIII 600EB that I forgot I had so I Purchased another AOPEN AX6BC MOBO for $20 and Paid too much for some PC133 RAM. So I will build one more PIII System. :)

Posted: 21/02/2007 - 10:55
by Tonka
Very nice, but it doesn't last long enough (hey, I sound like my wife)! :lol:

Looking forward to seeing more! :)