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Posted: 30/03/2007 - 20:39
by trace
Everything changes, so true, So I guess it's up to us to change it back :?: :lol:

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 1:10
by Matrix
trace wrote:Everything changes, so true, So I guess it's up to us to change it back :?: :lol:
Or hire Reyn to make "old style jarre sound" versions of new jarre tunes :D - didn't think of that did ya ;)

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 7:49
by tas
After listening to the clip i didn't actually mind that - Thought it was quite enjoyable but if the full album is like this then i think it could be a little mind numbing.

It's been interesting following Mike Oldfield over the years as he too has lost his path and slowly his music became computerised instead of what he was actually famous for REAL instruments and his trusty guitar. Interestingly just recently he went on record to say.. "Wait a moment everyone is doing this right down to the boy in the bedroom." So, now he's announced his next album will be a longplay cut into three sections in a classical manor with guitar and piano... Tasty! (Hopefully).

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 8:38
by trace
Matrix wrote:
trace wrote:Everything changes, so true, So I guess it's up to us to change it back :?: :lol:
Or hire Reyn to make "old style jarre sound" versions of new jarre tunes :D - didn't think of that did ya ;)
lol :D

And o2 and Marcel? :D

Teo & Tea (the Reyn, o2 and marcel old jarre sound experiment) :D

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 15:47
by Analog-X64
Went looking for the Album Locally and it wont be available till April 10th.

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 18:19
by tas
Bought it this afternoon - Took it back an hour later!


Posted: 01/04/2007 - 0:06
by Vosla
tas wrote:Bought it this afternoon - Took it back an hour later!

So, quite a revelation then? :roll:

Last CD by JMJ I got was Aero. Also didn't hit the fan.

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 3:51
by Analog-X64
I found the portion of the site where they have 30 second clips and if someone played this for me without telling me who it was.. I wouldn't have guessed that it was JMJ.

The JMJ I loved is gone.

If you want to hear a brilliant JMJ Track... Try "Globetrotter" from Images - The Best of Jean Michel Jarre album.

And listen to it in the dark with you're headphones.

actually, not that bad

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 9:19
by renegade_si
Ive just got the album, and ok so im only on track 3 and its not bad.

oh nooooo. not a woman with "panting noises" in beautiful agony. I spoke too soon, this is not good.

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 9:36
by Kenz
Apparently those "panting noises" were made by Anne Parillaud (Mrs JMJ) ... ! oo-er!

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 10:17
by moog
I want to share with my impressions about this album. I must say it's truly perfectly made, but not from my cup of tea. I love(d) Jarre's music. I've grown up with it. Unfortunately in the one particular moment, something werid happened. When the "Metamorphoses" CD appeared I felt a bit confused. Some of the tunes were great and some were ... ehm, not that great. Successive releases has been confirming my misgivings. The only consolation since "Metamorphoses" has been for me the album; "Geometry of Love". I want to emphasise that I'm not going to cross out Jean-Michel as an artist for sure! I was and will be respecting his creativity and big talent. But at the moment I must say that our 'paths' are slightly different ;) . It's absolutely FREE WILL of taking the own path for an artist and listener! I only hope that some day our 'paths' will concur :). I'm secretly counting on it :D

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 10:43
by renegade_si
Kenz wrote:Apparently those "panting noises" were made by Anne Parillaud (Mrs JMJ) ... ! oo-er!
wondered how they got sampled...did she have a "strap on"? Mic that is... :)

Kenz...retrovision? Looks like ill be there...just looking to see if I can crash at a mates house or its the nanford for me...

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 12:42
by Matrix
Having your own wife's sex-tones in your music to sell your CD is a bit desperate, and was already properly done anyway by "Enigma". I agree with the "IMAGES" album comment, I have that too. Geom of Love was a major let down, not heard AERO yet.

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 16:31
by Analog-X64
moog wrote: Successive releases has been confirming my misgivings. The only consolation since "Metamorphoses" has been for me the album; "Geometry of Love".
Holy Sheep!!! I just did some searching and I didnt know between "Metamorphoses" and "Aero" that there was also "Geometry of Love" & "Sessions 2000"

Like I said here in Canada people dont know about JMJ...quite sad.

Matrix wrote:I agree with the "IMAGES" album comment, I have that too.
I get goosebumps listening to "Globetrotter" its one of Jarres Hidden Gems. If you listen to the track carefully to me sounds like it has some zoolookologie samples in there.

Just like Depeche Modes "Agent Orange" from the "Music for the Masses" Album.

Posted: 02/04/2007 - 11:22
by Moad'Dib
Tonka wrote:
DHS wrote:It's sad when you feel compassion for an hero of your youth... :(
Yeah - I feel the same for Depeche and Erasure (my childhood hero's).

Part of you says "Give up for Chrissakes! You've totally lost it!". But then another part of you SO want's them to re-capture the magic that they once had and you carry on hoping...

For me, listening to each new Depeche & Erasure album is like seeing like a car accident. You don't really want to look, but you kinda feel like you have to... And then you feel a bit sick afterwards... ;)

My dear friend Tonka!!

What the hell are you talking about??? :wink:
What's the problem with "Playing Angel" album??
I think that's still the loved Depeche style. It's just great.... for me.
I belive it's not the same thing with Depeche YET! Will be, but not yet...


You have to understand that: One time, every star will be burned out. They are just can't shining forever. But they will be shining forever in our memories...

Dear dude Tonka! Finally I didn't get that CD with the goodies. :(
So this is the reason I didn't send you the list.