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Posted: 01/05/2007 - 15:57
by Analog-X64
The e-mails keep coming.

From : Analog Xerious
Sent : May 1, 2007 11:57:25 AM (EST)
Subject : MUHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!

LOL Suckhead!!!!!!!!

HEY Look everybody I'm a Suckhead!!! hahaha :)

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:11
by Chris Abbott
Takes one to know one. And on a mature note... Ha-ha! You smell! Of humans!

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:22
by Analog-X64
Chris Abbott wrote:Takes one to know one. And on a mature note... Ha-ha! You smell! Of humans!
I wonder how long before he runs out things to say the last e-mail I got was at 12:07:17 PM (EST).

I'm not going to do anything about it.. but if I were he would be really sorry.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:25
by Ziphoid
Analog-X wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:Takes one to know one. And on a mature note... Ha-ha! You smell! Of humans!
I wonder how long before he runs out things to say the last e-mail I got was at 12:07:17 PM (EST).

I'm not going to do anything about it.. but if I were he would be really sorry.
Since he's probably monitoring this thread, be on the lookout... ;) He might get renewed strength...

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:36
by dan gillgrass
I feel left out.... :shock:

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:40
by Chris Abbott
dan gillgrass wrote:I feel left out.... :shock:
You sucking, sucking suckhead, you suck so much that your suck is made of suck and you suck your mother's suck...

Nah, doesn't seem to work if I do it... :) I guess you'll have to poke the bear yourself...

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:48
by Analog-X64
Ziphoid wrote: Since he's probably monitoring this thread, be on the lookout... ;) He might get renewed strength...
I think he's on Lunch Break right now :)

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:48
by Chris Abbott
Right, since this is out of the open, every email I get from Manuel is going here, unedited.
Okay, it's your choice but.....

1. This Adress don't belonges to me and I didn't have access to this.

2. There was another attack few days before against our page and even
our partners with a faked mail adress from me. I'm lready thinking who
have done this but unfortunately I can't prove it at the moment. Micha
and me already instructed the justice for this and ther're working very

3. Our gust book also get hacked as well as our chat.

You may think what you want but I dissociate
<http> from everything
coming from this side. Additionally Analog is a person I don't thrust
any more. I only write to him yesterday when I saw he was one of the
users entering false adresses at his profile, receiving at our server.
Every user with a wrong mail adress receive this mail and it doen't
contain any kind of insults.

The guy should be inform himself better at me before...

And if you really can prove that it was me, I want to get copys from the
stuff he received.
To which I replied: "Bullshit".
That's all???

Where is the technical prove?

Furthermore I don't know what private differences between a fake user is
relating to US or what we talked before. - NOTHING in my opinion (as
long as one of the R64 plattforms will be used of this)!

And I don't think that he used another account to send E-Mails through
your board. He just creates fakes mails with illegal mail programs,
collecting mails I used somewhere.
So, a nameless enemy is randomly gather email addresses of people he doesn't like, knows all his passwords, hacks his system, and promotes his radio station or sends hatecrime mail to people he doesn't like.

Uh-huh. Right. I particularly like the "If I did do it, what's it got to do with you" bit...


To which he replies:

vielen Dank für deine Mail. Wir sind bemüht, alle Anfragen und Wünsche, Vorschläg :duh: e etc. so schnell wie möglich zu beantworten. Bitte habt Verständniss dafür, das sich dies aus zeitgründen schonmal um ein paar Tage hinaus zögern kann.

Vielen Dank für euer Verständniss.

Euer Radio-(name removed) Team.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:55
by xo
All your spam are belong to us.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 16:59
by Chris Abbott
"I'm in ur forum, insulting ur intelligence"

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 17:05
by Analog-X64
He's site was hacked and he doesnt trust me? False address?

He invited me to join he's board about a year ago, and I did, and I provided my e-mail address which is part of the required verification to join he's board. I was only on there a few times.

The E-mail address he's spamming is the same one I used to join he's board.

He wants proof that its him spamming me? Here is my responce to that.

"No, a proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof, and when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven."

He should go watch this video.

So there :)

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 17:17
by dan gillgrass
Analog-X wrote:He's site was hacked and he doesnt trust me?
No he said "thrust u anymore" ... something u aint telling us, lol ;)

@Chris... lol... I know where you live suck ass

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 17:24
by Analog-X64
dan gillgrass wrote: No he said "thrust u anymore" ... something u aint telling us, lol ;)
Ummm....errr...I'm a suck ass?? heheheh

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 17:34
by Chris Abbott
vielen Dank für deine Mail...

You also should note that this was an automatic reply coming from the
away function on GMX. Everyone is receiving this mail writing to us. I
forgot to use this adresse at my first mail, sorry. Because I don't like
to use my personal mail for strange persons.

It might be that you're very qualified, sure you are. But then you
should also know what hackers are technically qualified for. And there's
no really protection against it. They're collection every information
you leave somewhere, even passwords. I changed (almost) all my passwords
2 weeks before when I noted that our guestbook was attacked. I never
tried to do something punishable handlings against you or against your
friends or pages. I only try to say my free mind and you know that after
long conversations between us. And that's the reasons because my ols
registrations with different names. I even don't know the mail adresses
any more. It seems that someone was very active collecting everything he
things beloning to me.

I also didn't say that the user is part of our community. I think he WAS
but he isn't any more. So you wouldn't understand if I'm telling you the
whole background story which I haved with him.

Whatever...if I'm not able to prove what's going on and WHO's behing it,
I don't think you can do it.
My passwords I used for different forums was very simple and I mostly
uses the same for different pages. Or do you wanna learn out more than
20 different passwords?

I only use very secure passwords for Ebay, Amazon or something beloning
to my money account.
By the way: Can you prove that someone really used (as you said) the
forum for sending E-Mails or that someone used one of my old accounts I
never used again since long time???

If not, they could be sendet from *everywhere* what means that you're
suspicious are groundless. Mails might be sendet from everywhere, even
with the entered basic adress.

I suggest to check at first whether somewhere logged in using this
adress and check very carefully whether he used your forum or not.

Neverless have a nice day.

I've nothing to say any more and I won't. I have to do more important
things than bringing contrary evidence every time.
As Scott Adams would say: "I agree with your analysis of your hallucination about what I said".

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 17:39
by Ziphoid