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Posted: 22/05/2007 - 16:12
by Waz
Have a great one BrutePoet, and make yourself known at BITLive so we can all say hello.

(I'll be in my Hey Hey 16K t-shirt ;)

Posted: 22/05/2007 - 16:31
by BrutePoet
Waz, just look for the short, round girl with big knockers and you will most likely have found me.

Posted: 22/05/2007 - 17:54
by Infamous
If he's looking for short round people with big knockers he might find me 1st :o

Posted: 22/05/2007 - 19:32
by mentalblok
Happy birthday
Hope you had a great day


All the best :D

Posted: 22/05/2007 - 21:05
by Vosla
Happy Birthday, BrutePoet!!! :D :D :D

Posted: 22/05/2007 - 22:30
by Chappers
Happy birthday BrutePoet!

Hope it was a great day for you today. :)

Posted: 23/05/2007 - 7:54
by the_JinX
Happy birthday stora syster..

Hope you had a great birthday..

Puss och kram . .

Posted: 29/05/2007 - 8:54
by Slaygon
Just a "tad" late, but hope you had a brutally good birthday! :)