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Posted: 04/07/2007 - 20:10
by Analog-X64
What time do you all play this game? I get home from work around 3:30PM (EST) so that is like 9:30PM in the U.K.??

Weekends would probably be easier.

Edit: Just installed and played it.. first Time Playing Jet Set willy!!! and I'm addicted!!!!.

DAMN YOU JET SET WILLY!!!! (Shaking Fist)

Posted: 04/07/2007 - 21:11
by Razmo
Analog X: Never played JSW!?!? :shock: ... you must be joking!? ... this is for one, a thing the ZX spectrum did right, and the C64 did not! :lol: ... I still wonder why this game has never been taken up on a modern console... surely I'd like to see a 3D version of this in "mario style" playing like on the Gamecube :P .... that game is GOD! it's even made for the handheld Nintendo Gameboy as well... at least I've seen it as a freeware project.

And then all the good ol' offspring: Manic Miner, Aligator Blager, Monty Moly, Monty on the Run, Aufwiedersehen Monty etc.... *SIGH* that was the days... :roll:

Posted: 04/07/2007 - 22:13
by Analog-X64
razmo wrote:Analog X: Never played JSW!?!? :shock: ... you must be joking!? ... this is for one, a thing the ZX spectrum did right, and the C64 did not!
I never owned a ZX Spectrum and if it sucked on the C64 it would probably be the reason why I never played it.

Posted: 04/07/2007 - 22:31
by Razmo
He he!... well, the C64 version is ok... what I meant was that the ZX spectrum was the machine it got initialy made on... it was converted to C64 :) ... also I find it hard, that anyone could miss such a game back then as it was extremely succesful... the creator of the game became a millionaire from this game, that by the way is one of the first platformers ever made (especialy if we count Donkey Kong out of this type of platform game) ... just the sheer "exploration" theme of Jet Set Willy was new back then... so many places to go in that game compared to anything else.

Posted: 05/07/2007 - 8:07
by Chris Abbott
razmo wrote:He he!... well, the C64 version is ok... what I meant was that the ZX spectrum was the machine it got initialy made on... it was converted to C64 :) ... also I find it hard, that anyone could miss such a game back then as it was extremely succesful... the creator of the game became a millionaire from this game, that by the way is one of the first platformers ever made (especialy if we count Donkey Kong out of this type of platform game) ... just the sheer "exploration" theme of Jet Set Willy was new back then... so many places to go in that game compared to anything else.
Matthew Smith kind of frittered the money away, and there were a fair few platformers before it: notably Miner 2049er, of course, and Manic Miner. I always hated the C64 port of Manic Miner, but liked the Speccy version: partly because they put a massive great border around it and the sound was terrible....


Posted: 05/07/2007 - 9:26
by Razmo
Chris: yeah... I recall something about Mathew wasting the money away... And yes, there were a few platformers before, I just could not remember wich ones, so therefore I wrote "one of the first" :) Funnily enough I've always liked the JSW tune on the spectrum much better... don't know why really... just had this moody feel to the game I guess...

But anyway, JSW was one of my alltime favourite games made, and still is... I've started countless ports on AMIGA in the 90's but eventually they never got finished. Another game on my fave list on C64 is no doubt the old "Ankh"... another game I'd like to see "reinvented" some day... that game just had something I liked: Exploration.

Posted: 05/07/2007 - 9:26
by khisanth
I first played Manic Miner on the C64 and that is one of the games that got me really hooked on computers. The speccy version is horrendous because of the music!

JSW is best on the mighty amstrad though ;)

Matthew Smith is a right space cadet these days. He looks like he has been through some rough times and taken a few too many mind altering drugs.

check out this interview:

Well I can play JSW online any evening, so someone pick a date and i am there!

Posted: 07/07/2007 - 14:41
by Analog-X64
khisanth wrote: Matthew Smith is a right space cadet these days. He looks like he has been through some rough times and taken a few too many mind altering drugs.
Wow!! he thinks they till owe him money for JSW!! Yeah right where is the money going to come from? its been what over 20 years?

Did you notice the dirty socks on the bed and cloths on the floor? and something that looked like a Rubics cube on the bed as well.

Its too bad, he could have taken a different path than what he chose.

Posted: 07/07/2007 - 18:30
by Chris Abbott
Analog-X wrote:
khisanth wrote: Matthew Smith is a right space cadet these days. He looks like he has been through some rough times and taken a few too many mind altering drugs.
Wow!! he thinks they till owe him money for JSW!! Yeah right where is the money going to come from? its been what over 20 years?

Did you notice the dirty socks on the bed and cloths on the floor? and something that looked like a Rubics cube on the bed as well.

Its too bad, he could have taken a different path than what he chose.
Actually, they may have owed him money on the recent ports to more modern hardware by Jester Interactive, but everyone went bust I think.


Posted: 07/07/2007 - 20:24
by khisanth
it kinda breaks my heart seeing Matt Smith like that. You build these people up in your head, expecting them to be cool, intelligent, witty and just amazing.

Then they turn out to be a wild eyed, wild haired madman who looks barely able to hold a joystick let alone code in machine code a platformer etc.

Posted: 08/07/2007 - 3:36
by Analog-X64
khisanth wrote:it kinda breaks my heart seeing Matt Smith like that. You build these people up in your head, expecting them to be cool, intelligent, witty and just amazing.

Then they turn out to be a wild eyed, wild haired madman who looks barely able to hold a joystick let alone code in machine code a platformer etc.
Some brilliant work has come out of Mad Wild Haired People :)

But I know what you mean it is sad to see him turn that way. However in the interview when he had just programmed the game and was talking about it, looked pretty normal.

Posted: 10/07/2007 - 19:26
by Jan Lund Thomsen
razmo wrote:Analog X: Never played JSW!?!?
Me neither, actually. :oops:

I did play Perils of Willy on the VIC20 when it came out, though. Great game.

Posted: 13/07/2007 - 2:29
by annablack
Think we need to organise an online game guys 8)

A xx

p.s. how off topic can we get? Bet it was my fault as well??! :lol:

Posted: 13/07/2007 - 8:06
by Infamous


(can you guess what I didnt know)
Smila and myself came here and told everyone about it aaaaaaaaaages ago, I was there when it popped out of oddbobs anus, that's forever burned upon my retina.

Anyway... watched the video finally and had a good giggle at it, shame i didnt get to come to bit (i was in london, i even got a call.. but never found the bloody place lol) woulda been nice to see you guy's.. ah well always next time.

ps i love mark!.

Zaba Ryba et al...

Posted: 07/08/2007 - 10:29
by annablack
Infamous wrote: Anyway... watched the video finally and had a good giggle at it, shame i didnt get to come to bit (i was in london, i even got a call.. but never found the bloody place lol) woulda been nice to see you guy's.. ah well always next time.

ps i love mark!.