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Re: Mmmmmmmm...Waaaaldorf! :oP

Posted: 31/08/2007 - 0:43
by Razmo
Analog X:

There is a hell of a lot women do not understand :roll: , but whatever you do, don't tell her that!!! I beg you! :lol: ... but I'm sure you know that :wink:

Re: Mmmmmmmm...Waaaaldorf! :oP

Posted: 31/08/2007 - 0:47
by Analog-X64
razmo wrote:Analog X:

There is a hell of a lot women do not understand :roll: , but whatever you do, don't tell her that!!! I beg you! :lol: ... but I'm sure you know that :wink:

She's actually used to it... there is always some kind of bleep and blop coming out of my headphones.

Re: Mmmmmmmm...Waaaaldorf! :oP

Posted: 31/08/2007 - 1:21
by Razmo
Analog X: I've witnessed several women with "bleeps and blops" coming out of their mouths, so everyones even :wink:

Re: Mmmmmmmm...Waaaaldorf! :oP

Posted: 31/08/2007 - 1:25
by Razmo
Analog X:

If you are tired of the wifey one day, and need the house for yourself, I've got a tip:

unplug the headphones from your stereo, turn the treble up to maximum and lower the bass... now turn up the volume to "deadly", and load up SidPlay... now you simply go to the "Hubbard, Rob" directory and doubbleclick on either "Thrust" or "Warhawk"....

the rest is self-explanatory :mrgreen:

P.S. don't forget to wear a shockproof helmet initialy, and remove all blunt object in the room... wifey might try other solutions before she has left the building :shock:

Re: Mmmmmmmm...Waaaaldorf! :oP

Posted: 31/08/2007 - 22:50
by Dees Productions
Killer for sure and it would make you end up "VERY" alone for a few days :mrgreen:

Re: Mmmmmmmm...Waaaaldorf! :oP

Posted: 31/08/2007 - 23:20
by Analog-X64
razmo wrote: unplug the headphones from your stereo, turn the treble up to maximum and lower the bass... now turn up the volume to "deadly", and load up SidPlay... now you simply go to the "Hubbard, Rob" directory and doubbleclick on either "Thrust" or "Warhawk"....
Yes... Warhawk!!!! heheheheh.

Re: Mmmmmmmm...Waaaaldorf! :oP

Posted: 31/08/2007 - 23:58
by Dees Productions
I still think "Thrust" is the "divorce" attractor :)
Done the wrong way... a 50 years old stand will break with in less than a second :P

Re: Mmmmmmmm...Waaaaldorf! :oP

Posted: 01/09/2007 - 0:55
by Razmo
About Thrust: Unless of course wifey think she's hearing a recording of herself? ... I Don't know, you be the judge Analog X! ... Can she reach those notes? ... if yes, you're in for trouble! :lol: