most creepy games

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Post by Razmo »

Hmmm... I'm a horror fan, but guess I've seen too many of those films to get anywhere near frightened by anything these days :? ... Recently played the Resident Evil 1 through on Gamecube... fulfilled Resident Evil 4 about 5 times as well (good game when you need to stress off... just blow the head off some "Zombies" with a pumpgun... or even better: fulfill the game with a rocket launcher)... Got Resident Evil 0 as well, that I need to look into...

I'm really looking foreward to Resident Evil 5 though... looks promissing... Think I'll have a look at those other games mentioned here as well :)

By the way; the thing that freaks me out the most, are paranormal TV series with a foot in "reality"... no need for gore or blood at all... just the thought of it being related to real happenings is enough to make me suddenly feel like my appartment is filled with evil spirits :shock: :lol:
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Post by Infamous »

Already mentioned System shock 2, Its a shame so many people missed out on it 1st time around back in the day it was by FAR the most superior FPS (yes ABOVE half life) because it didnt rely on poxy stupid set peices to make it special, it relied on its atmosphere and its ability to tell a story which very few fps's since have managed to do.

If bio-shock is even half the game ss2 was then its going to be a great game.

Ok, Diablo 1 - the atmosphere generated by the npc's and the Sfx and the music was brilliant, and the 1st time I heard "ahhhhh fresh meat!" followed by the fattest looking bastard since bernard manning chasing me was quite a shock i dont mind telling you. Diablo 2 wasnt nearly as awe inspiring but of course in its own way... ruled.

Alone in the dark 3 was excellent, the whole torch thing worked brilliant and the added fun of being able to use your torch as a weapon was a masterstroke.

Totally agree with dan on the doom3 front there were some proper jump out of your seat moments in that game (the 1st time the rhino appears... bang... bang... bang... .. he's gonna jump through the glass aint he.. he is... SHIT! HE IS!... FUCK! >brown pants<, or the mirror in the bathroom when you turn to look at it and it superzooms and you decompose how many of us refused to look at our reflection in that game afterwards? hehe.. the fat guy on the roof who turns to look at you and in pure body snatchers style screams at the top of his lungs and your sitting there in the dark shouting SHUT UP! SHUT UP!) and again the pda system worked really well as you built up the background of everything that had gone on.

Ghost recon multiplayer - How tense is this? ! sitting there for ages and ages staring into the horizon listening to the bird song and in the distance you hear the sudden crack of gunfire..was that aimed at me? someone else?.. have i been spotted..should i move..what was that?.. PEWOOW! sugar!! ive been spotted... leg it!. The whole cat and mouse thing and 1 shot kills make it one of the most visceral games ive played in a long long time, its a shame they decided to turn it all sci fi in the sequels it lost something in translation.

Dino crisis, the t-rex scene .. the t-rex rips off the roof and proceeds to attempt to eat you like a sardine out of a can.. cant get much more shit your pants scary than that... i believe the guy who made that was also responsible for resident evil (another great jump and poop yourself series of games).

Silent hill already been mentioned, this game works so well on so many levels (except for combat which is incredibly crap), the radio noises the weird fucked up chinese girls, the giant moths, your ex girlfriend walking about when she's dead.. that fucking nurse in the 2nd one, and that girl... ohhhh for god sake the japs sure know how to really fuck your head up lol.


The Room (silent hill) had some of the best music in a game ive ever heard too.
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Post by Razmo »

Infy: on what platform are all those titles!?... get the feeling I'm missing out on something, only playin' RE!? :?
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by Scyphe »

razmo wrote:Hmmm... I'm a horror fan, but guess I've seen too many of those films to get anywhere near frightened by anything these days :? ... Recently played the Resident Evil 1 through on Gamecube... fulfilled Resident Evil 4 about 5 times as well (good game when you need to stress off... just blow the head off some "Zombies" with a pumpgun... or even better: fulfill the game with a rocket launcher)... Got Resident Evil 0 as well, that I need to look into...

I'm really looking foreward to Resident Evil 5 though... looks promissing... Think I'll have a look at those other games mentioned here as well :)

By the way; the thing that freaks me out the most, are paranormal TV series with a foot in "reality"... no need for gore or blood at all... just the thought of it being related to real happenings is enough to make me suddenly feel like my appartment is filled with evil spirits :shock: :lol:
You mean to the point where you don't know if you're going to allow yourself to turn on the light in fear of feeling silly, or not daring to go to the lightswitch? ;)

I have a dare: Next time you go to bed, with closed eyes, imagine there's a horrible ghostly face just inches from yours staring you right in the face. That will create a few goosebumps and perhaps loss of sleep.. :lol:
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Post by Razmo »


What I mean is, that when I've seen such series (like "A Haunting" on Discovery Channel for example)... Suddenly you get this weird feeling that someone COULD be there? who knows? ... Maybe someone IS staring at you from the corners of our world.... THAT kind of feeling... but not directly scared I'd say... just seem to walk a LITTLE faster when I shut of the lights when going to bed :lol: ... like a strange feelin' of being watched.

Now, I've always been very fascinated with the paranormal, and always wanted to witness extrodinary happenings... I just never have. I've been going so far, as to take lone walks on old castles here in denmark (at night, with no lights), where it's said to be haunted, just to get a glimpse of something... and I've even walked through a forest alone at 2 o'clock in the night... and yes... been on graveyards at approx. the same time as well... alone... but nothing happens :roll:

I have to say though, that I would not take on such "adventures" right after seeing some of those aforementioned series in the telly :shock:
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by Razmo »

I do remember one "funny" episode actually... It was when I had a girlfriend... we'd been out for some dancing, and on the way home at about 3-4 at night, when we passed the cemetary, I asked if we should take a stroll through just for the fun of it :D ... well, she accepted it, and we went through.... then at some point I felt like I heard the church bell give of a faint ring.... something like if it's coming from somewhere in your mind, and not really HEAR it.... I thought it was funny, and probably just a trick of the mind, now we were at a strange place at a strange time :roll: ... but as usual, I could not keep quiet about it, and told my girlfriend about what I just "Heard", and she just stopped and looked at me with open mouth, saying she felt she heard the same! :shock: ...

Now it's probably just our imagination, but it shurely felt weird at the time... maybe telepathy... I don't know... and actually it happened again another night with my best friend when we passed that church.... weird right!? :?

Now I wonder if taking girls to the cemetary is the right thing to do? :lol: ... maybe that's why I'm still single :?
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by xo »

There's too much hype and too little evidence. The TV sells programs. If anything, I believe paranormal phenomena can all be attributed to the human psyche - that is, specifically the unconscious parts of the mind. It's one hell of a machinery, and we don't really know what it does when we sleep or indeed are awake. It may notice many things we never become aware of. Some otherwise inaudible noises can be measured as getting brain responses, as a banale example.
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Post by Razmo »

XO: I see your point... for me it's all about being open for stuff you don't know about... many sceptics go by the rules of "If it is not documented, it does not exist!".. that's not a very flexible way of seeing things is it?

Now go back 200 years and tell people, that sound and pictures can be sent invissibly through the air, and be seen moving in square boxes! ... they'd look at you the same way sceptics look at people who believe in ghosts these days... who are to say what is real? you? me? ...

I'm open... I say I don't believe in anything until it's been proven to me... but at the same time I don't say it's not possible... this view leads to a better "reception" to the unknown, since you're not sceptic and ignoring...

... admitted, it also leads to many false conclutions, but that is just something that is that way with anything you explore...

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by Dumper »

Most of the games that spooked me have already been mentioned but i will still give my list of games that left many a stained pant.

Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 & Code Veronica certainly have plenty of scary moments but i found the second game had my sphincter flapping the most.

System Shock 2 (PC) Had really great sound and an intimidating atmosphere and quite a few jumpy moments.

Aliens V Predator 1 & 2 (PC) The second one was the best game but the first was the scariest.

Doom (PS1) This game had me jumping all over the place especially when the creatures would make a hissing or growling sound when i would turn a corner. I normally play games with headphones on so that makes it even more scary. Also Doom 3 (XBOX) has quite a few scary moments.

Dino Crisis (PS1) While it didn't spook me as much as Infamous it still has some nice jumpy elements to it.

Silent Hill 2 & 3 (PS2) Great graphics top notch sound and effects and a really depressing atmosphere. While it doesn't have the shock moments of the Resident Evil series, the whole style of the game just leaves you with a dark haunting feeling

Dungeon Master (AMIGA) Hearing the shuffling and thumping footsteps of the creatures always had me on edge especially as i didn't know what direction they were coming from, i really loved that game and it's about time they made another DM.
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Post by Tonka »

I forgot a few: Tir Na Nog on the C64. For some reason, I always used to get freaked out when that monkey thing (Sidhe?) appeared.


Oh, and the big black spider in Gribley's day out - made that horrible 'clacking' noise.

And Doom, of course. The later levels on the PS1 when you can hear babies crying is REALLY quite unpleasant.

I have re-loaded SH3 due to this thread. It's still horrible. Dumper put his finger on it when he called it 'depressing'. It really is a game that affects my psychological mood. I'm going to finish it this time, just to see if there's a happy ending... (yeah, right)!
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Post by LMan »

Return to Castle Wolfenstein had some creepy and some shocky moments... :fear:
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Post by xo »

LMan wrote:Return to Castle Wolfenstein had some creepy and some shocky moments... :fear:
Indeed. It was one hell of a great game as well. It's portrayal of a war battled city was very cool.
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Post by xo »

Tonka wrote:I forgot a few: Tir Na Nog on the C64. For some reason, I always used to get freaked out when that monkey thing (Sidhe?) appeared.

There was another C64 game that kind of freaked my out. It was a kind of nightmarish game, but sadly the title escapes me. :cry: There's another game I really really loved, but that title escapes me as well. It was under-water with a fantastic ambient mood.
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Post by Tonka »

xo wrote:
There was another C64 game that kind of freaked my out. It was a kind of nightmarish game, but sadly the title escapes me. :cry:
Weird Dreams?
xo wrote:There's another game I really really loved, but that title escapes me as well. It was under-water with a fantastic ambient mood.
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Post by xo »

Tonka wrote:
xo wrote:
There was another C64 game that kind of freaked my out. It was a kind of nightmarish game, but sadly the title escapes me. :cry:
Weird Dreams?
xo wrote:There's another game I really really loved, but that title escapes me as well. It was under-water with a fantastic ambient mood.
Exile was cool, but that wasn't it.

Weird Dreams may be the nightmare game! I'll check it out.
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