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Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 20/10/2007 - 23:46
by skitz

I'll make the following observations:

A) It's pretty much a SID+DRUMS cover..

B) Daley Thomsons was actually a collaboration between David Dunn and Martin Galway and think Subtune 1 was David's work but I could be wrong (Waz?).

C) Subtune 1 is itself a 1-to-1 cover of Rydeen by Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO) and was used in the arcade game "Super Locomotive" according to the STIL.

So, your not going to get this passed through the RKO filter if that is your plan :(

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 21/10/2007 - 8:18
by Chris Abbott
The Rydeen cover was Martin Galway's, the rest was David Dunn's.

I'm sure he's done a bit more to the track than SID + Drums though? (I haven't downloaded it because I objected to signing up to the site it was hosted on, and it didn't seem to give me access without that.)


Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 21/10/2007 - 10:13
by spacefractal
hmm? a 1942 remix on RKO did the same thing, but the main song is actuelly is based on a movie (but he did first found out after he done that one, as he wrote about it).

It does need a bit more work before submitting (as my personal option, it to long).... But this is why he submitted on this forum first. Good thing to due.

I can just download it again without any registration on the site.

Otherwice, yes, this sound very much sid (he used a vst plugin here) + drums, but its a good one and have the main work very nicely. Simple is not bad yet as he originally wrote in his first post.

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 12:48
by arkanoiz
spacefractal wrote:I just think the part around from 1:45 to 2:45 do not need and go directly the drum solos. Since I think it to long because the melody is played 3 times without to much variation, and this one would help very much.
I'll decide later about this :roll: The thing you say is right; as a second option I could also add some variations, breaking more the drums in some phrases, and try to "weigh down" more the drops.

[OT] Black Sun Empire with Rawtekk and Eisblume was AWESOME, best dnb live ever[/OT]

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 13:33
by arkanoiz
skitz wrote:Hi,

I'll make the following observations:

A) It's pretty much a SID+DRUMS cover..

B) Daley Thomsons was actually a collaboration between David Dunn and Martin Galway and think Subtune 1 was David's work but I could be wrong (Waz?).

C) Subtune 1 is itself a 1-to-1 cover of Rydeen by Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO) and was used in the arcade game "Super Locomotive" according to the STIL.

So, your not going to get this passed through the RKO filter if that is your plan :(
A) That's the way aha-aha, I like-it, aha-aha! :shoot:
No, serious, you're right, that's pretty much it. I sampled the entire song with SidPlayer, I changed the tempo and pitch, I cut it down in loops (but not all the loops have the same perfect tempo; you can hear some crossing loops), I equalized, I effected a bit and rearranged that with a bass made with QuadraSid vst, drums, "texturing" effects. The theme itself is composed by two intersecating sinth lines, "lead" and "middle-bass" plus a very subtle "string pad", so I though there was no need in adding another lead and I prefered put it there a bass, some subs and a drum. That's it. I always thought that that simple theme needed some adds and I didn't wanted to change it too much at all!

B) Yeah, you're right is a collab, I probably had an older sid with wrong refereces (maybe). Subtracks 1 is the only real "song" in there too, since subtracks 3, 4 are simple intro/outro and 2 is a brief end game track.

C) That's very interesting. I'm now looking for this album too.

Can you explain me how that filters works about the "covering" aspect? I cannot submit because it's not an original song, or because there's more than an autor?

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 13:48
by arkanoiz
Chris Abbott wrote:I'm sure he's done a bit more to the track than SID + Drums though? (I haven't downloaded it because I objected to signing up to the site it was hosted on, and it didn't seem to give me access without that.)

You have not to sign up to Rapid Share to download it. If you have problems I could send you the track by mail too (6.9 MB).
I don't know exactely what you mean for "Sid + Drums" but, yes the original song is pretty much the same in my tune; that's what I intended to do!
Imho that's an older sids characteristic to bee very simple and often without a real rithmic base. I think I could do the same type of work with the Spy Hunter soundtrack (love it too) :rock:

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 14:03
by spacefractal
The original sound chip in C64 is named SID (Sound Interface Device).

The QuadraSid is a SID emulator, used in C64, hence he used the term "Sid with addiction drums". But this tune have not ripped the original sid (sid2wav or such), just recreated it with the plugin with own style.

On this tune, it main idea works pretty well, since it cool and simple (even it might been to long as I wrote).

This tune have it's charm, since the original was pretty simple, but still cool. I would reviewed it a least "Good".

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 14:47
by arkanoiz
spacefractal wrote:The original sound chip in C64 is named SID (Sound Interface Device).

The QuadraSid is a SID emulator, used in C64, hence he used the term "Sid with addiction drums". But this tune have not ripped the original sid (sid2wav or such), just recreated it with the plugin with own style.
Sure I know what is the Sid and QuadraSid, since I use it ;) QuadraSid is not used in C64. It's a soft emulator. A vst plugin used with the majority of midi sequencers/trackers. I use it in Nuendo and I used here with Fruity Studio.
For this song, as I already said to Skitz, I do sampled the sid with SidPlayer (I saved a wav version) and I chopped it a little to rearrange. The QuadraSid was used only for the bassline I added. But there's much work in it, as I sampled every single sound in the song with Sound Forge (apart from the bass drum, that's another sinth. And I've made many other things.
What's the problem in it? Is it working with midi "higher rated" than working with audio samples/breaks? I can't understand the meaning in recreating something exactely with midi when you have the audio version yet. And I prefer working with audio too, so... :o
spacefractal wrote:On this tune, it main idea works pretty well, since it cool and simple (even it might been to long as I wrote).

This tune have it's charm, since the original was pretty simple, but still cool. I would reviewed it a least "Good".
Thanks another time! :)
I'd review this as "best of the best" :hooray:

:slap: :nonono: :shoot: :hang:

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 14:55
by Analog-X64
Hmmm It will be interesting to see if this tune will be accepted by R.K.O

The Rules state "DON'T pad an original SID with drum loops or other samples." which equates to no SID + Drums, something that was prevalent in the earlier days of the C64 Remix Scene. Basicly Sampling the entire song and adding a backing drum track.

In you're case as you say you have recorded the SidPlay output into Wave Files and chopped and edited into a sequencer, which makes it a bit different than Simply using the un-edited Wave output of Sidplay and adding drums to it.

I guess all you can do is upload it to R.K.O and see if it gets accepted.

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 16:25
by Chris Abbott
Analog-X wrote:Hmmm It will be interesting to see if this tune will be accepted by R.K.O

The Rules state "DON'T pad an original SID with drum loops or other samples." which equates to no SID + Drums, something that was prevalent in the earlier days of the C64 Remix Scene. Basicly Sampling the entire song and adding a backing drum track.

In you're case as you say you have recorded the SidPlay output into Wave Files and chopped and edited into a sequencer, which makes it a bit different than Simply using the un-edited Wave output of Sidplay and adding drums to it.

I guess all you can do is upload it to R.K.O and see if it gets accepted.
Even without listening to it, I think it should be accepted. There's a major difference between "unedited SID with crappy drum loop" and "skilfully edited SID recreation with breakbeat", which I believe this is. We've really got to stop taking things that seriously, too. It's really strange that a C64 remix site should appear to discriminate against SID sounds, on the grounds that anything that sounds a bit SIDDy and a bit Drummy should be rejected automatically. If it works, accept it. If it's obvious crap, reject it. Bandwidth is cheap, and I don't think ditching that rule will suddenly result in a host of Bullboys popping up. And if it did, it doesn't take so long to listen and reject any more, what with broadband and all. The main question is: does it work?

Having said that, I'd still advocate people putting other stuff into the mix... just for variety :)

Anyway, just my 4p worth...


Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 16:27
by arkanoiz
Analog-X wrote:Hmmm It will be interesting to see if this tune will be accepted by R.K.O

The Rules state "DON'T pad an original SID with drum loops or other samples." which equates to no SID + Drums, something that was prevalent in the earlier days of the C64 Remix Scene. Basicly Sampling the entire song and adding a backing drum track.

In you're case as you say you have recorded the SidPlay output into Wave Files and chopped and edited into a sequencer, which makes it a bit different than Simply using the un-edited Wave output of Sidplay and adding drums to it.

I guess all you can do is upload it to R.K.O and see if it gets accepted.
I can't agree with this policy, and sure, I've made something else than that but, not so much. My work was much more in "adding" other instruments (not only drums nor generic "samples") and cooking all toghether. Is someone thinking the result actually isn't another song?
I think it depends on the style of the original tune. I would do a different work on different tracks but I don't think that one method is better, more valuable or smarter than the other. It's just different.
We live in a world with "sample sinthetizers" and "sinth samplers". The majority of published electronic music uses samples from... _who know they were from?_. They uses tools like Melodyne for editing seamlessy voices. Even sids used samples. Arkanoid was the first sid track to use samples taken from another sid-like tune (taken from a Spectrum tune).
More. All music is mixed. Some is pure electronic, other is pure acoustic, all the restant is a half of twos in different measures. And all acoustic music is effected with reverbs, compressed and equalized in many different ways.
These rigid rules doesn't seems to get much sense nowadays.
Obviously that's only my opinion :) :boxing:

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 16:36
by Analog-X64
Chris & Arkanoiz:

I hope you weren't taking my comments as negative against this tune.

I was simply trying to explain some of the things I've read about regarding SID+Drums.

I like what I have heard so far from this remix.

And hey Arkanoiz... STOP Reading this thread and go finish the tune... :bash:

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 16:37
by Analog-X64
Chris Abbott wrote: It's really strange that a C64 remix site should appear to discriminate against SID sounds, on the grounds that anything that sounds a bit SIDDy and a bit Drummy should be rejected automatically.
I've often thought about that, but never put it into words... couldn't have said it better myself.

Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 16:40
by Chris Abbott
Analog-X wrote:Chris & Arkanoiz:

I hope you weren't taking my comments as negative against this tune.

I was simply trying to explain some of the things I've read about regarding SID+Drums.

I like what I have heard so far from this remix.

And hey Arkanoiz... STOP Reading this thread and go finish the tune... :bash:
Not at all, I knew exactly what you were getting at.

I think everyone should lighten up a bit about SID remixes in general (ironic sentiment coming from me, but hey..!!) If it sounds good, it IS good. We shouldn't be judging whether it's "worthy" as well.


Re: Breakathlon (Daley Thompson's Decathlon remix)

Posted: 22/10/2007 - 16:57
by arkanoiz
Analog-X wrote:Chris & Arkanoiz:

I hope you weren't taking my comments as negative against this tune.

I was simply trying to explain some of the things I've read about regarding SID+Drums.
Nonononono. Absolutely not. That's only what I think about it.
Analog-X wrote:I like what I have heard so far from this remix.

And hey Arkanoiz... STOP Reading this thread and go finish the tune... :bash:
Ouch! I've done it another time!!!
By the way, I think I should work for bread a little before I go remix anything or writing on silly C=64 soundtracks remixers forums... :evil: :wink: