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Posted: 08/07/2003 - 18:58
by tas
because it is! i dunno why logistically it is, but it is!

Posted: 08/07/2003 - 19:08
by Chris Abbott
Brighton is also acknowledged as a trendy media-driven place with
a lot of prestige.

Posted: 08/07/2003 - 19:43
by tas
No offense chris, it's just an ongoing joke around the scene at the moment. Don't take my words too seriously.

Posted: 08/07/2003 - 23:05
by Chappers
Chris Abbott wrote:Is the beach up to football? Apparently it's a pebble beach!

Also Paul, which is the designated pub?

I thought the beach would be sandy (just like Cleethorpes though not as many dog turds hopefully!) :lol:

In any case, I thought the kickabout was originally being held at this local park (Preston Park) that I had e-mailed you about at the start of June. I'd assumed it was the park all along until you posted the news item "BIT Live Brighton Announced" on 27th June saying the footy was taking place on the beach!

I e-mailed you a few days later as I was curious as to why the change of venue but I then went on to say that it wouldn't matter anyway as it would still be fun :)

Having said that, the park would be a better surface to have a game on anyway but if everyone's happy playing on a pebble beach, I don't mind the beach either :)

As for the pub, I'll have a look online soonish for a decent hostelry and let you know.


Posted: 09/07/2003 - 9:03
by dan gillgrass
Make sure its a large enough pub (ie: a massive Weatherspoons) or something that could hold the amount of people that seem to be going down on the Friday!

Posted: 09/07/2003 - 10:00
by Chris Abbott
To be honest, I forgot all about the plans for having the football in wherever you originally planned it... there's no problem in publicising
another venue other than the beach :) Just pick one, and let me
know about it.


Posted: 09/07/2003 - 11:35
by dan gillgrass
Chris Abbott wrote:To be honest, I forgot all about the plans for having the football in wherever you originally planned it... there's no problem in publicising
another venue other than the beach :) Just pick one, and let me
know about it.

Make sure there is a pub within limping distance incase someone gets injured! (or beheaded)

Posted: 09/07/2003 - 12:17
by tas
Limping distance? :shock:

you take the micky dan? :lol:

Posted: 09/07/2003 - 12:25
by dan gillgrass
Tas wrote:Limping distance? :shock:

you take the micky dan? :lol:
Hah hah! lol! forgot about yer problem there...... that u have no legs and all!

Posted: 09/07/2003 - 12:39
by Chappers
Chris Abbott wrote:To be honest, I forgot all about the plans for having the football in wherever you originally planned it... there's no problem in publicising
another venue other than the beach :) Just pick one, and let me
know about it.

Okey dokey, Chris. I vote for Preston Park :)

There's a pub nearby as well. It's (unfortunately) known as The Dyke Tavern! I found out that it is quite a good pub but I don't know how big it is so it could be tricky if loads of people are coming.

I have found a couple of pubs that might be good too but, due to the location of Preston Park, they are realistically a short taxi ride away from the seafront.

First one is called The Prodigal, it's very close to the seafront and, best of all, the beer is cheap. It is quite a large pub as well so should be enough for everyone. URL for info on this is

Next one is known as the The Bath Arms. I've mentioned this one as drinks are cheap there as well. Again, there's no indications as to how big the pub is.

The URL for info on this one is ... harms.html

There's so many pubs/bars in Brighton, especially near the seafront, it's hard to make a decent choice without sampling them in person (which I haven't yet).


Posted: 09/07/2003 - 13:31
by Chris Abbott
I like "The Prodigal", because that's what this music is: Prodigal :)
:idea: Let's make that the official one, and have a map!

Could we talk to the barkeep and see if (in exchange for all those people
coming in) we could play C64 dance hits? :)


Posted: 09/07/2003 - 14:22
by skitz
I think the Prodigal is the pub me and BoZ frequented after scoping out the venue. It's a fair size and has outside seating... nice pint!

I think no matter what place we choose as a meeting place they are all going to be chocker on a Friday night so I suggest just picking one near the beach - this one would be ideal..

Posted: 09/07/2003 - 14:40
by Guest
The Prodigal it is then. :D

Here's a quick printer-friendly URL from Multimap of where The Prodigal is. Hope it works :) ... 1JU&place=

I've included below two mammoth URLs for the journey to the park from the Brighton Centre and the directions from Preston Park Avenue (which goes through Preston Park) to the pub. I've started it from the Brighton Centre as everyone who's going to BITLive Brighton should know where it is by now (hopefully!).

For the Brighton Centre to Preston Park Avenue: ... ferences=3

From Preston Park Avenue to The Prodigal: ... ferences=3

I'd suggest that all interested in the footy to meet at the clocktower in Preston Park for about 7pm. It is a big park but, having read some local peoples testimonies about the park online, the clocktower shouldn't be too difficult to find.

After that posting, I'm going to have a lie down now. Blimey!


Posted: 09/07/2003 - 14:44
by Chappers
Silly me! I was so keen to get those directions posted that I forgot to login.

Duh! :oops:


Posted: 09/07/2003 - 17:23
by tas
cheap beer? £2.20 for a pint of fosters? cheap?

i pay about £1.20 in town centre of donny - Now thats cheap!

ha! still a damn site cheaper than london tho ;)