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Re: I'm back... with a bunch of WIPS...

Posted: 04/11/2008 - 21:07
by Infamous
auf monty makes me grow the biggest sex leg possible.

and welcome back my danish friend! :cheers:

Re: I'm back... with a bunch of WIPS...

Posted: 07/11/2008 - 17:10
by Misser
Ah so here they are. Will have a listen tomorrow while doing the laundry and stuff.

Re: I'm back... with a bunch of WIPS...

Posted: 27/11/2008 - 21:45
by Zieman
Lead Guitar Test (Sweet) sounds great - it gets my vote. :thumbsup:

It would fill the role of Nemesis the Warlock (whole theme) and International Karate (fast part) main instrument perfectly too :rock:.