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Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 07/07/2009 - 14:04
by Slaygon
Infamous wrote:Meh someone needs to speak to him in german
Although a good suggestion, there has already been attempts at speaking to him in german too. Fruitless.

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 07/07/2009 - 14:08
by FFRenzy
Slaygon wrote:Although a good suggestion, there has already been attempts at speaking to him in german too. Fruitless.
Maybe we should try wookie ?</totally useless comment>

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 07/07/2009 - 16:05
by Slaygon
(name removed) wrote:I don't expect that anyone is talking german here, but I re-underline my readiness for an chat talk again to an mutual agreement. This can also be in public and even in your room to a fixed time of day. Condition is that you're prepared to do it, stay objective and abadon any insult. And you're allowed to record it. If you don't be satisfied, I consider this matter with these words as finished and I will draw the conclusions of it. I would prefer former...
I don't have the slightest bit of confidence in that you will honor anything you promise during such talks. You have not done so in the past. There is nothing to say you will do so in the future.

Your actions speak louder than your words.

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 08/07/2009 - 2:43
by Dumper
"I wish you dearly that you will die a long and painfully death visited by the cholera or something like that. I will give a PARTY then and WE ALL will celebrate it!"

(name removed), that message above was sent to me in an IRC PM (not long after you were calling me terrible names and bringing up WWII in another PM this time using your proper nick) which according to Slaygon was from your hometown. I'm sure you will deny sending it, so that means someone in your hometown who has never interacted with me and has no idea who i am must have sent it.

For you to deny so many things gives the impression that you have a serious mental health problem, and the best way to start dealing with it is to admit it.

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 08/07/2009 - 7:16
by Ziphoid
That concludes this matter for now. The user and messages, including news items, will not be removed but I'd rather see we don't spend any more time to be frustrated of this. I'm completely fed up and don't wanna see anything more regarding this.

For more matters like if you want any of your tracks removed from the Radio (name removed) playlist or anything like that, please use the contact form at removed).de/impressum.html (even though the CAPTCHA is extremely hard to actually see what it says).

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 08/07/2009 - 8:23
by Dumper
(name removed), i see you made no effort to reply to my previous post, not even an apology. So screw you.

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 08/07/2009 - 9:36
by Chris Abbott
Here's my new take on the situation: for (name removed), this is politics. For most people, it's just community.

At least from that viewpoint things make a bit more sense, at least for me.

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 10/07/2009 - 11:15
by SkyMarshall Arts
I never thought I would experience eDrama in here :nonono:
(but then again, I'm not at all deeply involved with the scene-people, except for the fact that I love it and make music for it)

Anyway, I read up on everything provided in this thread - and I got to say the behavior by (name removed) is strange. By strange I mean according to the age-demographic this site has. One would think it's all a joke or something. Whatever.

I checked to get my facts straight, and I've been contacted by (name removed) over PM on this forum before. And in his defense he ASKED for permission to broadcast one of my tunes, and I said yes. I don't know what would've happened if I said no, but I said yes. He then invited me over for a chat during one of his shows, and told me all about how the radio/site/voting worked.

He came off like a really nice guy, at that time. (I like to be asked for permission, it shows people respect the hours put into it)
And that's about all I know about this situation, and the only contact/experience I've had with (name removed).
I actually thought his Radio was founded or sponsored by Remix64. (guess I need to read up on things a little more)

Anyway ... this community is great.
Whatever action needed to keep it clean and relevant, is supported by me.
I just don't talk down about people without beeing offended myself.

Great reading though. Just like some TV-soap from the 80's :)

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 10/07/2009 - 12:35
by Chris Abbott
Hey, I just stepped out of the shower... stop gawping ;-)

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 10/07/2009 - 13:00
by SkyMarshall Arts
Sorry ... but


Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 11/07/2009 - 21:11
by FunkyM
Okay, this is me, a seasoned veteran of flame-wars and victim complexes (like, I was at Ninjai in '05 and fought against almost everyone) wading in with my useless 2 cents.

On the subject of the Para, This man is clearly unwell of the head. This is blunt and will fuel his victim complex, but it is proven by his actions.

Mister (name removed) feller, feel free to put this through the google Translator and process it into the Deustch, but please get yourself well again. If you want to be the number 1 German-language Retro station on the interwebs, well that's awesome. However, please be aware that I cannot be a part of this, as I speak only the English, and smatterings of the Svenska, wot I picked up from Mastering Swedish, and the Nihongo, wot I picked up from watching far too much of the Anime. Anyways, I am fortunate enough to have missed the great spammage, and cannot claim it has happened. Furthermore, I have remained relatively untroubled by whatever vagaries of the dark side of your persona has been alleged to have wrought.

My point? Not sure I have one, but please, don't play the victim card and start pointless flamewars. As was said to me, and pointed out by those on the outskirts of the "family" of the time, all your efforts will lead to is pain for yourself.

And I mean pain that you inflict upon yourself. I know this, because I have been there. I have suffered. I have raged. Don't be like me. Take a break from this place. Get your head straight. You'll be all the better if your rational incarnation ever returns.

And I'm done.

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 12/07/2009 - 8:28
by Chris Abbott
FunkyM wrote:Mister (name removed) feller, feel free to put this through the google Translator and process it into the Deustch,
I went one better, and processed it German -> English, then back to German.
Google wrote: Okay, that's me an experienced veteran of the flame wars and victims Complex
(how, I was at Ninjai in'05 and fought against nearly all) of wading
with my useless 2 cents.

On the issue of Para, This man is sick in the head. This
Fuel is dull and his victim complex, but it is by its

Mister (name removed) Feller, feel free to them by Google --
Translators and processes it into German, but please do also
again. If you want the number 1 of the German language retro station
The Interweb, and that is awesome. But, please be aware that I
can not be a part of this, as I only speak English, and smatterings of
Svenska, WOT I picked up from mastering Swedish, and Nihongo, WOT
I have just too much of the anime. Anyway, I'm
Fortunately, the big spammage, and can not say it
happened. Furthermore, I have relatively undisturbed by
regardless of the vagaries of the dark side of the person was allegedly

My point? Not sure if I have, but please, do not play the victim card and
Start pointless flame wars. As told to me, and pointed out by the
Edge of the "family" of the time, all your efforts will lead to
Pain is for you.

And I mean pain that you inflict upon himself. I know this because I
was. I have suffered. I raged. Do not be like me. Take a
Break from this place. Get your head straight. They are the better
If your ever rationally deliver incarnation.

And I'm ready.

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 12/07/2009 - 9:05
by FunkyM
Wow... :confusion:

Some of that's kinda blunt. Then again, I suppose that's the way things go when double translated. :sadnod:

Oh well. I've said my piece. I just hope I don't reap the whirlwind from all of this. Literally. (long story, remind me to tell you guys some time)

Re: Regarding the matter of (name removed)

Posted: 13/07/2009 - 18:38
by Zzr
..and i thought i pissed you People off when i once came here and told you my personal matters, then disappeared again for a long Time. You people must have a damn thick Fur for taking all this that long.

Sad story, this. reminds me of an Issue that ran over me when i was very new on the internet. Just not even half as big. And i wasnt even a 10th as generous(?word correct?)

D'oh. The World will still continue to spin around itself though.

..if you consider this an unneccesary Post, just delete it. Had to say something after finding it.
