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Posted: 16/09/2003 - 10:50
by tas
Well if it wasn't glyn, then it could have only been you.

i admit tho i do snore and quite badly

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 16:19
by Infamous
Hmmmmmm well it may have been a concerto of snores but the leading one was deffo my room mate lars, neil was just a fugal horn in the bottom of my sleeping patterns.....

dont think lars realises i threw things at him and clapped my hands on a regular basis to make him go quiet.......but he does now haha!

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 16:28
by Sonic Wanderer
Damn................... I hate that I couldn't attend. :cry:

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 16:31
by Larsec
Sonic Wanderer wrote:Damn................... I hate that I couldn't attend. :cry:

Yeah, I would have loved to meet you as well :(


Posted: 16/09/2003 - 17:25
by Pete Abbott
< that guy with the red shirt on from "the xmas chortles stuff" and the long hair who was very loud and irish i think he said (again i was very drunk) but maximum respect to him the nutter! and to all the ppl that do xmas chortles>

I think the red shirty guy was probably me (being the only red shirt loud enough to airguitar and air fiddle a C64 with Kenz apart from Star trek course but I' still alive - barely. Take a vote.....).


I didn't do Xmas but am sort of one of the sort of spirits behind it (behind vodka, beer, wine, dos pee etc).

As for the long haired irish guy, you mean the chap that collapsed that Kenz and I tried to commodore rescucitate? It worked though!

I wonder who threw up in the corner of the room (that was nice to find when the lights came on !!). Heheheh.

Re: ARGHHHHHHHH said Butch

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 18:48
by Infamous
I think the red shirty guy was probably me (being the only red shirt loud enough to airguitar and air fiddle a C64 with Kenz apart from Star trek course but I' still alive - barely. Take a vote.....).

if u owned a pda had shoulder length brown hair a beard and called yourself bog then you are that guy!
and once again Hi!

As for the long haired irish guy, you mean the chap that collapsed that Kenz and I tried to commodore rescucitate? It worked though!

I think u mean the rock dude?

I wonder who threw up in the corner of the room (that was nice to find when the lights came on !!). Heheheh.

wasnt me........ might have been one of the grandlins getting all over excited over rob's hat.

ARGGHHHH said butch again

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 19:01
by Pete Abbott
So many peeps.

Are you saying I'm a toilet? For shame!

OOps, left the seat up again.

My profile: C64 one end, mania the other, short hair inbetween.

In a word it's GREAT that peeps don't remember - means the gig had it's desired effect. All those guys hitting the dance floor (literally) and I think the hunt is on for the GUY WITH THE COLD!!!!! Certainly knackered and, above all, how was it for you feeling.

Lets do it again some time guyz!!

You mad people..... :D


Takes one to know one said one to two.

Re: ARGHHHHHHHH said Butch

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:13
by madfiddler
Pete Abbott wrote:...air fiddle a C64 with Kenz...
Doh, missed that one...