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Posted: 22/09/2003 - 23:51
by Kenz
Another great mix Lagerfeldt - keep up the splendid remixing work! :D

(Did you do an Arkanoid remix a while ago? I made a Spectrum music video using it!)

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 0:47
by Markus Schneider
Just put this remix to my fav list :D
Great pro work !

No dancefloor fan, but can't stop tapping with my feet :)

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 2:40
by Larsec
Well Lagerfeldt, I afraid I have to say that your new remix does nothing for me...

After listening to it a few times the same thing happened as wtih your other tunes on RKO; I go, "Wow! This is great work!"... but once the count of listens reaches 5 or so the novelty has worn off.

Your tracks are brilliantly produced but I feel absolutly nothing listening to them. They soon become "just another dance remix" for me... I am not sure why because I don't feel that way with Sonic Wanderer's work for instance, eventhough he also tends to be very dancey in his remixes. Maybe it's the choice of SIDs or with the new one, the comparison to Steroe MC's 'Freestyler'... I don't know...

However, I can certainly see why others like them and find them outstanding... Just not me...

I am sorry, but this is how I feel...

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 6:38
by Makke
I like it. It's a good idea, adn well executed. Only thing I can complain about is that it lacks the Boomfunk punch in the bass and bdrum.

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 9:56
by Lagerfeldt
Thanks Markus!

Kenz I did do an Arkanoid remix (which you used for the video?) but it's not uploaded to RKO.

Larsec, it's great to see you take music seriously and listen to it several times. I really respect you and your opinion. Personally I would have trouble finding any song in the world except for what I consider classics that I'd listen to more than 5 times, so it's great to see you giving my (or any) music such dedicated attention, even though you have a different opinion than me obviously.

Makke, glad you like it. The "punch" is actually a whole lot lower in freq range due to the kick being tuned down. So the traditional punch is lacking a bit as you said but you will perhaps experience it better on a bigger system than computer speakers (though I don't know your current listening environment).

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 10:16
by Hacky
Lagerfeldt wrote:I did do an Arkanoid remix (which you used for the video?) but it's not uploaded to RKO.
Can u put a link to it? I'd LOVE to hear it, man.

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 15:37
by tas
I'm actually on the same wavelength as lars here. At first i thought bloody hell this is good, but after several listens i realised once you get past the production quality (which is outstanding) i found i couldn't relate to it.

For me there are few better on RKO for the overall sound picture but on the overall enjoyment stakes i can't say any remixes of yours have yet to make an imprint on me. It's hard to explain and i don't know why i can't relate to the mixes as many people seem to do its just something i feel.

Sorry to say.

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 15:48
by Mayhem
But then, I think it also depends if the original SID made an impact on you also...

Certainly I love the Dutch Breeze/Robocop 3 remix... and I've listened to that in double figures easily so far.

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 18:52
by DHS
Tas wrote:For me there are few better on RKO for the overall sound picture but on the overall enjoyment stakes i can't say any remixes of yours have yet to make an imprint on me. It's hard to explain and i don't know why i can't relate to the mixes as many people seem to do its just something i feel.
Here are my 2 cents:

imho Lagerfeldt only need these ingredients to put his impressive remixes stable at #1, #2 and #3:

1) An eq more compatible to my tastes
2) Humility
3) A bit less self hype.


Posted: 23/09/2003 - 19:33
by dan gillgrass
DHS wrote:3) A bit less self hype.

Im sure everyone on the chat are aware of my feelings on this........

Posted: 24/09/2003 - 8:17
by Lagerfeldt
Thanks Mayhem, glad you like it,

It's all a matter of taste though.

My remixes are somewhat commercial and musically produced to make a strong initial impact, in which area they clearly succeed. As for longevity, I am honored to see so many people listening to it 5 or 6 times or more, even though they may decide it doesn't stick with them.

I personally would be hard pressed to find any C64 remix I'd listen to more than a couple of times, even the superb LMan stuff.

As for DHS' comments, I would expect people here to judge the music not anything else.

Posted: 24/09/2003 - 9:09
by CraigG
Regarding the eq comment, I'm sort of interested to know what you use for mixing now (as monitors), as the levels seemed better than the Robocop one (although the new mix still sounds best through headphones, rather than my hi-fi).


Posted: 24/09/2003 - 12:05
by DHS
Lagerfeldt wrote:As for DHS' comments, I would expect people here to judge the music not anything else.
As i do. When i say "impressive" i'm not ironic. Just read my old review of your magic disk.

But what you expect is sometime different from what you get.
My words are only an humble advice. You're of course free to
consider them or don't care at all.

Have a good day and keep with the amazing work.


Re: what the public want?

Posted: 24/09/2003 - 12:38
by Waz
Infamous wrote:so why do you all sit and complain and yet on the remix request board nothing is actually put down there?

Part of the point of my article was also aiming a shot at the public and the requesters to not just request the same stuff but also to listen to a more broad range of C64 tunes and request remixes of either stuff they haven't heard mixed before or demo tunes. That's why it's a two way thing: the remixers can do a more broad range if they feel up to it (like Larsec already has: respect!) but similarly the public have to wise up a little.

Personally speaking I'm much more inclined to a download a remix of a demo tune these days, simply because it hasn't been done before. So let me challenge you with PRI's Dreams Odyssey parts 1 and 2 (from the classic Coma Light 12 demo) - if you dare!

Re: what the public want?

Posted: 24/09/2003 - 17:53
by Larsec
wazzaw wrote:So let me challenge you with PRI's Dreams Odyssey parts 1 and 2 (from the classic Coma Light 12 demo) - if you dare!
This SID might just be the kick I need to go out and make that sample pack I have been wanting to do for a long time.. By golly, I will do it!