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Posted: 03/04/2007 - 8:50
by omoroca
We didn't have any real winter in Berlin either. At least not enough snow to go sledding with my kids. I'm a little sad about that, too.

So I'm very glad we spent this year's vacation in the Austrian Alps, where we had wonderful snow (that's me behind that car):



Posted: 03/04/2007 - 9:38
by agent4125
Well, it's not a photo, but here's a rough sketch I did today in the park.


I added some red to the image to give it that sepia look.

Posted: 18/04/2007 - 13:46
by Max Levin
agent: Post it in the "Post your artwork (NSFW)"-thread! Nice sketch!

Morris, trying to not look cute as hell:

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 16:31
by Matrix

Posted: 19/04/2007 - 17:45
by Infamous
Love them 1st 2 pictures matrix m8, really gothic feeling.

kinda reminds me of the insleeve of a anathema album.

Posted: 20/04/2007 - 12:49
by Slaygon
Bloody awesome pictures there, Matrix!

Posted: 20/04/2007 - 13:43
by trace
I agree :D
In the second picture I just wait for a creepy monster to run out from the mist way back there and towards me... :shock: :D

Posted: 20/04/2007 - 17:25
by Matrix
Thanks for the kind comments guys. The graveyard pics were taken only last week on a very foggy night (great for light diffusion).
I was insane, but a good tog can't miss a good opportunity. Here's the best of the rest.... (the last graveyard one really freaks me out).




The 2 bridge pics are taken at the Aire & Calder Navigation canal only last sunday. Here's a couple more from that shoot too.



Posted: 20/04/2007 - 19:31
by trace
R U A Professional photograph??? AMAZING!!!!! :D

The graveyard pics is really scarry :shock:

What camera do you use? seems like a great one! :D

Posted: 20/04/2007 - 21:49
by Matrix
Nope, not a pro, far from it infact, only been into it since xmas 06. The camera is a Canon A640. For pro togs out there, a hack has just been released unleashing the true power of the A-series cameras, including RAW capture and realtime histograms.

Thanks for the complement :)

Posted: 21/04/2007 - 23:13
by leoni
wo wo wow those cemetary pics are just amazing :shock:

Posted: 22/04/2007 - 12:17
by xo
Yeah, the cemetary photographs have a cinematic touch. Nice pictures overall. I'm really craving getting a Canon EOS 400 D - but cool that you can actually hack into some models and get more functionality!

Posted: 22/04/2007 - 15:15
by Matrix
The only thing DSLR's have over the A-series point & shoot now, is the lenses and the high ISO:noise ratio. This hack really closes the gap. That said, I use a package called "neet image" which sorts that out too. Point & shoot cameras have better depth of field too at closer range due to the type of lens they have.

Posted: 24/04/2007 - 18:07
by trace
Testing "coming out of the frame" thing in photoshop :D



Posted: 24/04/2007 - 18:53
by xo
Ha! That's a cool effect trace! :D