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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 15/10/2009 - 18:28
by NecroPolo
Greetings to you all!

After posting some shouts and a rush remix of Bionic Commando lately (...and before a certain release coming soon...), it is time to introduce myself here.

I started as a musician in 1989, with a C64 + an editor called Future Composer and with a guitar in the hands. Between 1989 and 1994 I composed 40 or so SID tunes but they weren't released and spread that time because all the projects / groups I've joined kept failing to release stuff. My final "assignment" (a strategy game project) was turned down after the programmer's housefire where all the source code was destroyed. I had a lot of faith in that so I was bitter and got totally fed up. I boxed my old sunburnt C64C "Beast" and dug it deep with all my works. As an already active guitarist about that time, I concentrated on band activities only.

Many years passed without and touch of SIDs. After 4 active bands, own album releases, over 2 thousands of live shows, a decade in the audio production industry and producing underground rock albums for other groups in the most recent years, around the beginning of 2009 I had to face that this year will be my 20th anniversary as a musician - and returned to the start: SIDding.

First I just wanted to make a compilation of my previous releases and as I started to dig up the dirt, I found my old audio archive tapes, including my SID music from the early years. I decided to make an updated version of one of my old tunes. As a side-consequence I sent my rusty data to HVSC and re-started my SID composing engines after 15 years of silence. Check HVSC / CSDb if you like.

First just driven by nostalgy, I also started to scan the net for C64 stuff in February or so. So I found the flourishing, creative and inspiring SID remix community with tracks that just blew me away. So, my anniversary release took a turn and I decided to add some root inspiration tunes and make remixes of 2 or 3 of my old favs.

Actually, I had to face that there are too many of them...

You'll meet the outcome soon ;)



Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 15/10/2009 - 18:29
by Chris Abbott
This might be a good time to announce that the results of NecroPolo's work will be the next digital album to be released on And it's as hard as nails :)

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 15/10/2009 - 19:08
by NecroPolo
...okay, there will be a more official "official" way, but it is also time to say thanks to Chris on the first place. Well, for everything ;)

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 27/10/2009 - 21:03
by RonanN1

My name is Ronan and I'm from Romania. I'm 23 years old and...that's it I guess... :)

I found out about this site by watching some cool music videos on youtube.

Good stuff! :cheers: Nice work!

...for now I will only do some reading on the forum because I'm new know :argh:

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 31/10/2009 - 0:36
by analoq
RonanN1 wrote:cool music videos on youtube.
Care to share any of those cool music videos? I am a bit of a YouTube addict. Here's the video thread.

And welcome, by the way.

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 07/12/2009 - 22:42
by RonanN1
analoq wrote:
RonanN1 wrote:cool music videos on youtube.
Care to share any of those cool music videos? I am a bit of a YouTube addict. Here's the video thread.

And welcome, by the way.

When I try to acces the video thread I get an error message. I guess the thread dosen't exist anymore :|

Well...if I'm not is the song :)

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 15/12/2009 - 0:50
by analoq
Cool stuff.

And I bungled up the thread URL, but no worries. Feel free to post YouTube videos wherever you feel relevant :)

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 13/01/2010 - 16:32
by harryroy
Hello everyone
Well this is my favourite forum in all websites,I am harry ,I am from the U K, Actually My friend told me about this community I really like this website , Now here i get lot of new things and Nice information and video links also, Thanks for all of this

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 13/01/2010 - 16:45
by trace
Welcome to this side of internet :D

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 13/01/2010 - 22:07
by Vosla
We also have cookies. :wink:

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 14/01/2010 - 2:24
by Dumper
Vosla wrote:We also have cookies. :wink:
No we don't, i ate them all. :nonono:

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 14/01/2010 - 2:49
by blasterNOX

I'm blasterNOX from Hungary.

This is one of my own track : ... uction.mp3

.. and my new video of "Plastic Pop" remix :

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 14/01/2010 - 3:37
by Analog-X64
blasterNOX wrote:Hello!

I'm blasterNOX from Hungary.

This is one of my own track : ... uction.mp3

.. and my new video of "Plastic Pop" remix :
Bonus Points for sharing a remix and video on your first post :)

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 14/01/2010 - 10:18
by daXX
Huh? i did not say "hello" ? :) Now i do...

My Name is Bert, i am born 1976 in Germany... Since i'm 6 years old i have interests in making music and i got my first keyboard. What a gift for me for christmas. I was so happy about and short while later i got my first C16 later C64 *wheee* :) ok composing music on C16 was really crappy but C64 got it and i tried my first SID tunes. Didn't remember what i've used.. i though it was a tracker or something like it... I've never finished SID Tunes on c64 and lost them all whats very sad for me... ;( 1987 i've founded a group "The Ravebusters" ... Wanted to do nice intros on C64 but never found a coder for it. Didn't released something until 93... 1993 comes out the first tunes as .mod files from dax/ravebusters... I've produce before on amiga500, non remixes and own tunes with the basic samples. At the middle of 90's i've seen that our BBS Users from Turboland Saar BBS having more fun on remixed modfiles and i've start remixing tunes... 1997 i've release my first official Remix on Fog Area Recordings for Aqualoop - Get naughty (TRB Project RMX). 1999 comes the Contract with Tunnel, Sony & EMI. Until today i've produce more for commercial Stuff and lost a bit the free feeling of composing music... Haven't touched a tracker since years... (only for some chiptunes)... And now i am here since... 2005 ? and try make you all happy with some average remixes and i hope you enjoy it soon too! :)

Ps.: I know.. Bad english but better than nothing :D

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 15/01/2010 - 15:43
by Infamous
its alright daxx your english is better than 95% of the young population of essex they all talk like this - "i lyk tobee inta ting n stuf! t's lyk book n shiz omgz blatant!" usually by the time i've got to the 2 in that sentence I have already flown into an uncontrollable rage and killed the nearest fluffy thing. :duh: