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Posted: 16/09/2003 - 20:28
by Matrix
Android/Dianetix - Android/The Deadzone Troopers - Screen Demon/The Troopers ... all small time groups, im sure u never heard of any of em outside an LSD mag disk lol ... We had 2 14.4 BBS's and a few demo compacts along with PIRACOPY (alternative to x-copy)... a 4 hr video of high capacity demos, like AGA, for the ppl who couldnt afford an AGA machine. Errr a decent crack of populous from 3 discs to one when we teamed up with China Syndrome.... The Uk translation of the Red Sector Demo Maker we release thru PD Soft in southend on Sea.... beyond that just program compacts, intro's etc....

I stil got a LOAD of SAE, CRIONICS and SILENTS stuff (love Hardwired Demo)...... and my fave Mod form SAE was WEAPON *put down your weapon, you have 20 seconds to comply ... ROBOCOP, a very very nice man.......

LOL - damn wish we'd all worn name tags - coulda had a much better time of it reminising.......

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:30
by Mayhem
A whole of pics from the event now up on my site :)

Enjoy folks! 8)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 22:53
by Matrix
Well sortid Pix m8 :) - see u got me n eVil-Zippy playin IK+ there lol.... and yes my bum does look big in that doesnt it, lmao ..... hey thx for carrying my banner design too :D

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 23:17
by Mayhem
Make sure, if you haven't, you visit page 2 at the bottom ;)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 23:31
by Matrix
I saw it - added their distinctive likness to my own - Muhahaha pics properly asymalated lol.... resistance is futile Muhahahahaaa

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 0:47
by Japster
Matrix wrote: Denis:
Dunno who is or where from but a great guy to chat with - ill be emailing u soon as I clear my 400+ mails that came in while i was AFK.

Poke 53281,0
poke 53280,0
Hi mate! - Den here! - Very nice of you to remember me... - Yep, that was a cracking chat we had - Nice to meet a fellow retro-head/SID-head like yourself - You are one top geezer! ...And the artwork on the BIT poster was superb (What I saw of it before it grew legs...) - I'll also definitely be looking for one of those phones now!...

Yep, I came up for a nostalgia trip with my mate Tom, and we were NOT disappointed!

In fact, I was so blown away by it all that I think I missed actually NOTICING some of my C64 music heroes earlier on that day, though I probably even said hi to some in passing! :roll: - I do remember going to get a drink from the bar, and turning around at the same time as someone else, only to see that it was none other than Ben Daglish himself - I had to do a double-take - It's one thing to know that the guys were gonna be there, but to see, meet and mingle with them, was FANTASTIC!

I must've looked a right plonka at the end of the night, trying to get my C64 heroes to sign some of the various CD's I'd bought before they left (I can now proudly tell the drop-outs that *I* shook hands with, and spoke to the legends of our C64 years), and when I got to meet Martin ("is GOD") Galway, and Rob (GOD) Hubbard (Wow... 2 gods in one place - Deity Proximity Overload!) Ben, David, Richard, Fred, Reyn and all of the other C64 musicians, I was so spaced out by it all that I completely forgot what I was going to say to each of them, instead uttering some unoriginal stuff about their music being fantastic... D'oh!

BTW - If Rob, Martin, Ben David, or Fred ever read this, then I'd just like to say "Guys - thank you all for providing one of the fondest, most inspiring periods of my life! - I still have warm memories of stopping the Rambo tape, or pausing OMAHD, Last Ninja (and many others), just to listen to your music, and to have met and shaken hands with you all, is something I will treasure for as long as I live!..."

Next time (?) I meet them (Here's hoping!), I'll have calmed down enough to be intelligible, and to actually make some sense.... :oops:

People I'd like to mention myself:-

Matrix - REALLY great talking/reminiscing (is that spelt right?) with you mate! - PS - That was a wicked score on R-Type - You were only a few thousand behind the winner! BTW - Must get one of your Invader T-Shirts... LOL.

Ben Daglish - He's not only a musical genius - He's a true showman, and was really entertaining and enthusiastic. He seemed to be really enjoying himself - It was contagious!

PPOT - f*cking Brilliant! - Not only a superb band (Never heard them live before), but they really cracked us up with some of their antics! - It was surreal walking around to the sinks in the loos, only to find 3 of the guys all at the basins in their bright red outfits (I mumbled something about the fact that they were brilliant, but didn't think it appropriate to shake their hands :wink: ...

Rob H - Absolutely fantastic - I NEVER would have dreamed I'd even meet him, let alone sit there and have the Man Himself play music live for us - As people have already said - I didn't care that some of the music was from different machines - They were ROB's own compositions, fantastic, and I was honoured to be part of the audience. Not to mention that even the speccy tunes etc... weren't really that once they were played on a professional keyboard - It was all just Rob's excellent music! - I really felt for him though with that bloody keyboard stand collapsing while he was playing, AND more than once - Still like a true professional he played on as best he could! (LOVED his responde "It's my gig, so' I'll play what I like" to the none-C64 music (albeit somewhat good-natured) heckling!

Martin Galway - Very down to earth guy, amazing to meet him at last... (Erm, so shocked me that I pretty much feel apart when getting an autograph on my "Project: Galway") - He even persuaded Chris to put some kisses on my personalised message "BIT" CD! - git! LOL. :wink:

Steve Leese (BIT Novel d00d), and Scott - GREAT guys who were both as entranced and impressed by the concert as I was...

Richard J and Fred G - I see what people mean about these two really friendly guys, and it was to great to chat with them (albeit briefly while imposing on them for an autograph :wink: ).

Chris Abbot - What can I say that hasn't already been said? - After BITLIVE Brighton, Chris is of course on my all-time hero list! - He also seemed genuinely surprised by our honesty (We'd somehow got in inadvertently without tickets, and had asked Chris where we could buy some!) - Turns out that we'd come in earlier than expected (Well, we were impatient, and had somehow managed to convince ourselves that it started at 10:00am!) :oops:

The MAME guys - Rocky, Simon and co... - I was completely crap at some/most of the games in the competition, but they let me keep embarrassing myself (The worst being Track N' Field (shame overload)... "Honest guys - There's summat wrong with that Javelin/hammer/hurdle, etc!..)" :wink: - Anyway - The embarrassment was worth it, as I actually got to compete in a couple of obscure games that I'd played in my mis-spent youth, and walked away with a gleaming set of ... erm... blank DVD's without any arcade roms on them... (honest)... - Fantastic end to the exhibition for me - Thanks so much guys - Finally, the two numbers in MAME match!! :wink: - Will be visiting the Chatroom VERY shortly!

Loads more great people that I met, and I hope that everyone had as good a time as we did - Roll on the next one! - We have 5 definites up for it already, so PLEASE make it happen Chris!...

Also, SID'80's - The tunes were excellent, and that Paperboy ROCKED! - It was just sooooo damn funky! - The entire audience seemed to sit up striaght with "WTF!" expressions - Sheer brilliance from all concerned! (Only shame was that I wasn't a VIP, and so was one of the crowd who could only hear the muffled sounds of the earlier stuff they weere playing, from behind the closed doors - Talk about teasing us!... Must buy that DVD....

Final Note - Chris - I would imagine that by now you KNOW that we'd all dearly like to hear that SID'80's music again - Have you got something cooking for us mate?....

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 1:03
by Matrix
WOOOHOOO Hi Mate !!!! Image - Youre not to bad a conversationalist yaself - we gelled really well :) - Heres a search to help you with the phone....

EBay Search

Heh - the poster, ya, damn Chris paid a LOT for that too - still, he has the master so i guess he could print a few off, maybe for after event t-shirts to order or sumthin....

My R-Type score sucked lol - I used to be able to finish it in the arcades with 1 life - course, back then we had incentive to - it was £1 a go lol.... and the best driving game around was OutRun LMAO !! - lost all my timing skills.... watch out next time boys - me gots it on MAME now - Muhahahaaa ! paperboy HARD ST level 5000 here i come - Muhahahaaa !!

So ur in Brum huh - not a massive stones throw away..... 2hrs in the car tops !! - As for the Invader T-Shirts, ill be organising that very soon thru the guy that was at the event, he wants my designs after seeing the door poster lol - WIKID !! - So ill keep you upto speed on that one. Needless to say I have LOADS of good ideas for comical designs featuring a whole shedload of retro games lol.....

glad to see you had a FANTASTIC first BitLive... It was the biggest and best IMHO - a great way to get started... :)

Chat you soon bud - PEACE !

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 10:50
by Vinny

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 10:50
by Vinny
Japster wrote:
The MAME guys - Rocky, Simon and co... - I was completely crap at some/most of the games in the competition, but they let me keep embarrassing myself (The worst being Track N' Field (shame overload)... "Honest guys - There's summat wrong with that Javelin/hammer/hurdle, etc!..)" :wink: -
I think you will find that I was the crappiest at Track and Field! I didn't actually know it had a Hammer event?!!! ;)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:10
by rockwaldo
you're the crappiest at posting here as double poster....

unless you're still tapping the keys track n field style.....:)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:17
by Vinny
u cheeky sausage!

PC locked up and obviously posted twice .............. though I did have track n Field on my mind at the time :-)

BTW, did you get my money ok for the DVDs?

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:27
by rockwaldo
better than that track n field sucker, they were sent this morning....:)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:28
by Vinny
heh heh :)

Cheers Rocky ......... your quick service is very much appreciated.

Regards and respect,

Vinny :)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:32
by rockwaldo
its all about priorities....i saw how bad you were at some of the games, and decided that you needed the practice BADLY.....:)

i considered driving up to milton keynes from Brighton myself, but i think you'll last till tomorrow.....just.... :twisted:

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:35
by Vinny
heh heh ............ I did say that I was gonna be shite, but rest assured I will be playing all the games for the next 12 months so that we can battle it out on Track n Field NEXT TIME!

erm .......... what event comes after the Hammer?
