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Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 29/06/2024 - 1:29
by Vandahlia_Music

Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 29/06/2024 - 6:14
by Vosla
Before it began to

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 29/06/2024 - 6:47
by Vandahlia_Music
search for a target

Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 29/06/2024 - 19:26
by Vosla
and found the elf.

Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 29/06/2024 - 20:17
by LMan
"Failure unacceptable" boomed the

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 30/06/2024 - 2:34
by Vandahlia_Music
speaker, "termination protocol activated."

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 30/06/2024 - 5:54
by Vosla
The elven woman screeched

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 30/06/2024 - 6:15
by Vandahlia_Music
while Kickassio quickly grabbed

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 30/06/2024 - 11:34
by LMan
a disloged 4U server

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 30/06/2024 - 19:17
by Vandahlia_Music
and whomped the turret

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 30/06/2024 - 21:52
by LMan
so hard, that it

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 01/07/2024 - 0:24
by Vandahlia_Music
destroyed the security mechanism

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 01/07/2024 - 10:10
by LMan
thoroughly. The elf stood

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 01/07/2024 - 18:56
by Vandahlia_Music
silently regarding the mess

Re: Re: [GAME] 4 Word Story

Posted: 02/07/2024 - 16:53
by LMan
, astonished to be still