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Posted: 15/09/2004 - 10:31
by Bog
And so, after much to-and-fro in (and only a *tiny* bit of dick-size comparison ;) ) we come to this:

The general analasys is that Most People Like what Chris has wrought. No mean feat! There are a couple of people who pipe up saying "Meh", but if it's only a couple of people, then my hat's off. Y'can't please all of the people all of the time - in fact, please all of the people *some* of the time is damned near impossible, especially when one of the things about SID is that it we all put in our own instruments in our heads to it.

So, if Chris doesn't really feel like carrying the can anymore - and really, who the hell could blame the guy, I wouldn't want his job - then I can't help but feel that carrying on with the way he's lined things up would be a hell of a smart move.


In Brighton, when I was saying how much fun PPOT are, Theo turned and asked me "Why? Why are we fun?"

'Course, I was pissed at the time so I just stood there, slack-jawed and drooling. But even now, stone cold sober, I can't really say *why* - except that as a rule it's obvious they're having a good time on stage. Can't really go much deeper than that without inserting my head up my arse, but you get the picture.

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 11:21
by AdamDawes
Makke wrote:Ps. I'm not much of a rap fan myself either, and I don't rap...I just pretend that I do...
(Oo-er, delayed reply, can't keep up with all these messages)

Actually Makke I thought you were really good at rapping! As I already said somewhere I don't like rap music, but often when you hear people rapping they just sound awful. I was impressed at how professional you sounded. :)

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 11:28
by Makke
AdamDawes wrote:Actually Makke I thought you were really good at rapping! As I already said somewhere I don't like rap music, but often when you hear people rapping they just sound awful. I was impressed at how professional you sounded. :)
Wow! What can I say...thanks! :)

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 11:31
by madfiddler
I still prefer his Elvis ;)

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 12:31
by Matrix
The more i listen to "da'maff" the more it grows on me, especially the wird tones in Forbidden Forrest lol........ No, No, No, No-na-No-NoNONo .....

lol.... I hate rap, but this is groovy stuff once u get into it !! :lol:

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 13:09
by natz
Okay.... Where do I start ?????
Since this is the 'Honest Opinion' forum, for those who moaned and groaned about the event, all I can say to them is
" Eat a bowl of FUCK ! " :lol:

I just had the best time ever and I am very proud of the people involved in putting a brilliant event together. Though I am not personally involve in organising, I know what they've gone through, coz I was there. Months and months of sleepless nights, galons of caffeine , barrels of booze , tons and tons of hair tonic and eye drops , boxes of match sticks, putting all other work on hold and massive weight loss. Also not forgetting spending less time with their loved one. Hmmmm... I wonder why they go through all that trouble???
And what did they get in return from the minority (you know who you are)??? LOADS OF BOLLOCKS ! :wink:

They did all they can to make sure that everyone is happy and enjoyed themselves. You should be greatful that they actually put YOU first instead of their loved one and themselves. They've worked hard before and during the event just for you, the fans. So lets stop the moaning and groaning . Instead let us all give the organisers, the bands and all the people involved, a massive round of applause for their commitment and for doing a brilliant job.

Yeah!!!!! Well done you!!!! We love you!!!!

Blessed be,

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 13:26
by hyperhack
Well said Natz, and i'm sure everyone is eternally grateful for the BITLive team and their efforts.

For all those that gave criticism (like me ahem), well to be frank that is part of life. Everyone is a critic lol. No one has said oh this event was total shite and im not coming back again did they? no, because we wouldnt dare because we are true fans of the scene.

I'm sure Chris Abbot and the rest of the gang would agree that theres nothing wrong with a little constructive criticism, after all if we didnt criticise nothing would improve, get better and we wouldnt evolve into better people as a whole.

I've only been to two events and for me Brighton was amazing, but that didnt mean I didnt enjoy the last one, I have fond memories and it was an unforgettable experience. Even if mark and ben were playing in a dindgy basement and not a top venue it would not affect their magical talents to perform and entertain.

So criticism or not, top marks to everyone who made this happen and i'm sure will again!

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 14:04
by Matrix

cool beans

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 20:37
by Retro64
Nice icon matrix. Where the heck can i get one?


Re: cool beans

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 20:47
by Slaygon
Retro64 wrote:Nice icon matrix. Where the heck can i get one?
Follow this thread: viewtopic.php?t=1844


Posted: 15/09/2004 - 20:58
by Retro64
Many thanks slaygon for the link :D

Think i might indulge myself..

Posted: 15/09/2004 - 21:49
by Matrix
Please do :)

Thx Slaygon :D

Posted: 16/09/2004 - 6:57
by Lee's PeeknPoke
I enjoyed it, thanks Chris. Great to meet the gang again and if it is the last time, then Im with Chris on this. Leave 'em wanting more.:)

Sorry to everyone as I was a (bit) pissed. The thing is my memory is always shit for faces that I meet the first time (I think Paul Chapman always gets the "hi mate, have we met?" stuff of me, Paul please kick me next time matey, Im a nob) Just so many faces :D

I remember talking to Kenz about something, sorry matey, yep..pissed again. oh well.

video stuff coming up when I get off this work thing Im on....


Posted: 16/09/2004 - 12:22
by Kenz
Hehe, yeah, we had a good chat about .... something! :D

Posted: 16/09/2004 - 14:04
by Chappers
Lee's PeeknPoke wrote:The thing is my memory is always shit for faces that I meet the first time (I think Paul Chapman always gets the "hi mate, have we met?" stuff of me, Paul please kick me next time matey, Im a nob) Just so many faces :D
Well, at least you're a friendly nob! :lol: :wink:

I think that's the 2nd time now that you have forgotten my name. :) I'm amused by it when you don't remember. It just means I get the chance to perfect my "hi, I'm Paul Chapman, you may remember me from such places as Remix64 and The Z-Show" schpiel. :)
