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Posted: 08/06/2005 - 2:05
by 1337
Yes, but then tentacles of all colors would have a boring existence and start wreaking havock on everyone to relieve the boredom.

I wish Replicators existed so that I wouldn't need to cook


Posted: 08/06/2005 - 8:37
by Vosla
Yup, you get your replicators and they serve "food". Everytime the same nutrious grey paste without a real taste, FOREVER!

I wish there would be nothing like allergies... already gone through all the paper tissues I got. *Snort!*

Posted: 08/06/2005 - 8:57
by Makke
Granted, but instead of sneezing through the nose you'll toot through the rear rending your love life non-excistant every summer.

I wish I could afford some moving guys to take care of emptying my flat.

Posted: 08/06/2005 - 15:43
by LMan
Okay, since they don't care about your stuff (cause it's not theirs), they cut all your furniture into smaller pieces for easier lifting. They also nick the really valuable stuff, and throw the rest through the window onto the street. Your flat is now empty, but you'll have to look for what's left of your belongings in the big heap of junk on the street. :shock:

I wish it was 5 degrees warmer.

Posted: 08/06/2005 - 19:58
by Vosla
LMan / Remix64 wrote:I wish it was 5 degrees warmer.
Granted! Well, with air humidity at 99%, this isn't quite the fun as intended.

I wish my money would arrive in time every month... and not two weeks off.


Posted: 09/06/2005 - 9:40
by 1337
Granted, but then you'd spend it the moment you got it.

I wish my cigarettes would roll themselves.


Posted: 10/06/2005 - 7:51
by Infamous
granted.. but unfortunately due to their sudden intelligence they also decide to smoke themselves too .. to get away from their dreary and short existence.

I wish that the air conditioning in this bloody room would work properly.


Posted: 10/06/2005 - 8:49
by 1337
Yes, but then it would break again and set the indoor temperature to subzero, causing ice to appear in odd places.

I wish I could have a pint of Carling while I'm working.


Posted: 10/06/2005 - 16:45
by xo
Granted, but your boss decides its only fair that you strip dance in return, him being so liberal and all. If you refuse you'll still get your pint but your boss will have mixed in the juice of ten lemons - ahhh victory - served bittersweet.

I wish the Enterprise was my primary form of transportation - not the hangar ship.


Posted: 11/06/2005 - 10:26
by 1337
Yes, but then the second you got on board ship, a Romulan Warbird would decloak right in front of you and engage the Enterprise in battle. This means that the bottle of whiskey you were saving would fall off the shelf in your quaters and land on your head, rendering you unconcious. You would wake seven days later in sickbay having completed your trip and not enjoyed the journey.

I wish that I could skip work and still get paid.


Posted: 11/06/2005 - 18:18
by trace
Granted, me too :)

I wish it could stop raining and be a warm sunny summer weather!


Posted: 12/06/2005 - 2:24
by 1337
Granted, but then it would be so hot that you would be BEGGING for it to rain.

I wish there was no such thing as spyware


Posted: 12/06/2005 - 16:45
by Vosla
Granted! No spyware anymore. Instead you got your own spy watching your every step, recording everything embarrassing to use it later on against you and blackmail you to do his governments bidding.

I wish my new neighbour to be an intelligent & nice person.


Posted: 13/06/2005 - 0:53
by 1337
Granted, but then he would be coming around for a beer every day without fail, and bore you with the details of quantum physics.

I wish I had a TV channel of my very own.


Posted: 13/06/2005 - 16:45
by LMan
Granted, but no money to run the shows you'd like to run.

I wish for a reduction of buerocracy.