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Posted: 27/11/2006 - 14:58
by Chris Abbott
khisanth wrote:Just realised, this is on the same time as the Glastonbury Festival !!!!!!!!!!

can we make this the week after or before ???? :wink:
Nope, already booked... sorry.


Posted: 21/12/2006 - 0:50
by StormKeeper
This event is like 10 miles from me... score! Shame that it's on over Glastonbury, but this is something that doesn't happen all that often, so in my eyes it makes it worth going to!

PS: Chris, I live much closer to you now, so any orders I make in the near future should be delivered faster ;)

Posted: 21/12/2006 - 9:57
by Chris Abbott
Official launch in Jan: new ideas for the event include the "mega-contest": the return of the Air Guitar contest from BIT Live 1 (Lee Bolton defends his title), and the breakdance contest from Brighton (which, if memory serves, Makke won).

And, new from the Kenzmeister, the "SID Interpretive Dance" competition, where the best freestyle dance routine to the played SID will win an enormous... round of applause (OK, and a prize too).


Posted: 21/12/2006 - 10:44
by Analog-X64
Chris Abbott wrote: And, new from the Kenzmeister, the "SID Interpretive Dance" competition, where the best freestyle dance routine to the played SID will win an enormous... round of applause (OK, and a prize too).

Hands down this guy would win the SID Interpretive Dance.

Posted: 21/12/2006 - 16:54
by StormKeeper
I'm looking forward to this more and more now :D

Posted: 24/12/2006 - 21:27
by Chris Abbott
Tickets available prior to launch at:

Launch will be immediately after the New Year. I'll be mailing my customers with the pre-launch info as well.

AND finally the shopping cart moves to PHP, as a first step to renovating the site! Yay!


Posted: 24/12/2006 - 22:33
by Ziphoid

Well done. Ordering went like a charm! :) Now you won't get rid of me, though, since I'll definitely be there. ;)

// Ziph

Posted: 27/12/2006 - 12:54
by Sidman 64
Just purchased 2 x tickets to this event :D
Looking forward to watching J.T live.
Plus having a few beers, and VODKA with people I know :lol:

Posted: 29/12/2006 - 8:36
by RetroMarkie
Im looking forward to this ... :-)

Posted: 30/12/2006 - 18:30
by Steve B
Chris, you have my card number. put me down for a ticket.
(i will book the days off work in January ... i am going to this one come hell or high water!)

Posted: 01/01/2007 - 20:36
by StormKeeper
I just purchased a ticket :D

Posted: 01/01/2007 - 20:48
by Chris Abbott
StormKeeper wrote:I just purchased a ticket :D

I mean, thanks!

Steve, could you buy through the site, Protx's memory of your card expired!


Posted: 02/01/2007 - 5:14
by Steve B
okey dokey

Posted: 02/01/2007 - 21:40
by khisanth
Just purchased mine through, hope thats ok?!

Posted: 02/01/2007 - 21:47
by Chris Abbott
khisanth wrote:Just purchased mine through, hope thats ok?!
Perfect :) What were you most looking forward to, btw?
