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Posted: 11/02/2007 - 0:48
by Chris Abbott
So that's the big argument... "the song was public domain"...

If Tempest's lawyers can nail that with the big nail it deserves, they're home and dry: since the same argument could be used for just about anything "non-commercial" on MySpace or YouTube...


Posted: 11/02/2007 - 7:40
by Glenn0RG
analog-x - chris abbott:

Yes, i remember old sidplay had a mixer you could use.
I just wondered how he could have recorded the song and remove
the bass line. But if that Acid-thingy can do it then no problem -
thats all i wanted to know.

He says C64, so he must remember something correct :)

// The Videogame Idiot \\

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 8:57
by CreaMD
Glenn0RG wrote:analog-x - chris abbott:

Yes, i remember old sidplay had a mixer you could use.
I just wondered how he could have recorded the song and remove
the bass line. But if that Acid-thingy can do it then no problem -
thats all i wanted to know.

He says C64, so he must remember something correct :)

// The Videogame Idiot \\
Shoudn't you be sitting down in your home studio and waiting for how it turns? You shouldn't give us, "greedy merciless investigative reporters" any chance to take what you said and make a new "title-page" of that ;-)

"Finnish DJ strikes back!"


P.S: I know he is from Norway guys.

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 12:29
by Analog-X64
Glenn0RG wrote: Yes, i remember old sidplay had a mixer you could use.
I just wondered how he could have recorded the song and remove
the bass line. But if that Acid-thingy can do it then no problem -
thats all i wanted to know.
I've never tried using SidPlay with my "SidStation" I just did a quick check in their support page and this is what it says.

"The best C64-song replayer also had SidStation support in the Mac and Windows versions, although seems broken in later versions."

If that is the case than you simply use the Mixer to mute and isolate what you want to play separately and playback through the Sidstation, which you can see Timbaland has one in he's studio, and in this scenario you would get an authentic sound since the output is coming from a real SID Chip.

Some Facts.

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 13:52
by Analog-X64
I did some research and here are some facts to help the cause.

Info from SidPlay Changelog.txt
SidPlay: August 5th, 1997 - Mixer Option is introduced.
SidPlay: Introduced SidStation support on October 3rd, 1999

The Screen Shots below were taken from SidPlay Version (Nov 7 2002) which can be downloaded from

SidPlay: Displays Author / Name / Copyright Info.

SidPlay: This is the Mixer window where you can isolate individual Voices.

SidPlay: Here you can configure you're ".WAV" Output

SidPlay: Notice the 2nd Option for SidStation assigned to MIDI

So as you can see from the above facts, if you have SidPlay you can isolate each Voice and output to a .WAV File to use in ProTools or you can output to a SidStation and Sample the output of the SidStation.

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 14:03
by Analog-X64
Some Random thoughts.

- Wierd Al Yankovic takes a Known song by a Popular artists, uses the original backing music and adds he's own Lyrics to it. The Difference is, he gets permission from the original artist to do that.

- Timbalands responded by saying that he does not have time to do research and clear a sample, you would think with all the money he makes he could hire an assistant do do that.

- Timbaland thinks its ok to just go ahead and use a sample regardless if you know if its copyright or not. To quote him "I Like it, I use it".

Going with that attitude, if you are walking down the street and see a Bike leaning against a fence and you like it, you just take it, because there is no name written on it. Never mind that the bike is leaning against the fence of the house that the bike owner lives in.

- In this case Timbaland went stealing and there was a security camera (The Scene) was watching him and he got caught.

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 16:41
by CraigG
Analog-X wrote:Going with that attitude, if you are walking down the street and see a Bike leaning against a fence and you like it, you just take it, because there is no name written on it.
Only that's not the same thing, because if you steal my bike, I no longer have my bike, whereas if you sample my music, I still have my music. I'm not suggesting Timbaland was right in doing what he did—he clearly wasn't—but there is a difference between theft (he didn't steal something) and copyright infringement (which he, by his own admission, is guilty of).

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 17:11
by Analog-X64
CraigG wrote: Only that's not the same thing, because if you steal my bike, I no longer have my bike, whereas if you sample my music, I still have my music. I'm not suggesting Timbaland was right in doing what he did—he clearly wasn't—but there is a difference between theft (he didn't steal something) and copyright infringement (which he, by his own admission, is guilty of).
sam·pling Pronunciation (smplng)
a. The act, process, or technique of selecting an appropriate sample.
b. A small portion, piece, or segment selected as a sample.

"A SMALL PORTION" not taking an ENTIRE Piece.

With the bike analogy I was trying to make the point, that just because you see something you like and you dont know who owns it, and you just go ahead and take it. Does not make it right.

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 17:31
by LMan
Heh I bet the record industry would like if everyone would adopt Timba's opinion regarding music - for music found on file sharing programs: "I Like it, I consume it. Don't have time to investigate if it is copyrighted." :lol:

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 19:06
by Romeo Knight
It's getting ridiculous now. I bet Timbalands lawyers slap each other like this :bash: :frustration: listening to him talking such a dumb rubbish. He doesn't have brains at all.
Theoretical this case is really clear-cut.

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 19:19
by xo
CraigG wrote:Only that's not the same thing, because if you steal my bike, I no longer have my bike, whereas if you sample my music, I still have my music. I'm not suggesting Timbaland was right in doing what he did—he clearly wasn't—but there is a difference between theft (he didn't steal something) and copyright infringement (which he, by his own admission, is guilty of).
Quite right.

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 19:21
by xo
Analog-X wrote:With the bike analogy I was trying to make the point, that just because you see something you like and you dont know who owns it, and you just go ahead and take it. Does not make it right.
Sure, it's just that the analogy doesn't quite hold all the way and the ethical implications are not the same.

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 19:31
by Analog-X64
exoskeleton wrote: Sure, it's just that the analogy doesn't quite hold all the way and the ethical implications are not the same.
I still think my analogy is better than Timbalands. ;)

Posted: 11/02/2007 - 20:00
by Infamous
i just hope it goes far enough that he has to eat his own words.

goodluck with it glennorg.

Posted: 15/02/2007 - 12:04
by k_rostoen
I like this comparison of the songs better: