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Posted: 02/01/2007 - 22:06
by khisanth
The whole thing really! Jereon Tel is a big draw for me, but also want to socialise a bit more as have been a bit shy on previous retro events.

Posted: 02/01/2007 - 22:09
by Chris Abbott
OK, that's good. These events tend to be a bit unpredictable with acts... some drop in, some drop out, etc, so it's unwise to rely on any one act :)

Whatever happens it will be a blast, though.


Posted: 02/01/2007 - 22:45
by khisanth
I have experienced the unpredictability twice now!

Retrovision/BIT Lite in Manchester and the charity gig at the same place a year later or so that turned out to be someone elses party that we had to sit through all night to see SID80's playing to a very puzzled crowd.

Ben Dalglish summed it up perfectly in front of all these old grannies and aunties

"hey everybody, we are a band you've never heard of, playing computer game tunes you have never heard of! Any requests? No didnt think so!"

Mark Knight nearly got punched by some old bloke who didnt like the fact he was running around the audience playing the violin !

Posted: 03/01/2007 - 17:57
by Misser

Since you helped out so much (driving the girls to the B&B) at bit2003 Brighton here is another one. Any idea of cheap hotels / bread and breakfast nearby? Let's say from thursday the 21st till sunday/monday 24th/25th? For about 4-6 people ?




I almost forgot, I purchased 8 tickets 2 days ago :)

Posted: 03/01/2007 - 20:14
by Chris Abbott
Misser wrote:@Chris

Since you helped out so much (driving the girls to the B&B) at bit2003 Brighton here is another one. Any idea of cheap hotels / bread and breakfast nearby? Let's say from thursday the 21st till sunday/monday 24th/25th? For about 4-6 people ?


I've got nothing, except to suggest booking a dorm at the Museum Inn

That's not the official website, I can't find that for the moment.

Get in early, and you should be able to do the business at £25ppd or less.

Other than that, there's lots of cheap B&Bs in the Russell Square area: just make sure you take disinfectant! I can't recommend any. The one that Kenz stayed in for BIT Live 2004 smelt of cat wee!


Posted: 04/01/2007 - 21:33
by StormKeeper
Chris Abbott wrote:
StormKeeper wrote:I just purchased a ticket :D

I mean, thanks!
Just up the road from you ;)

Posted: 05/01/2007 - 2:48
by madfiddler
khisanth wrote:Mark Knight nearly got punched by some old bloke who didnt like the fact he was running around the audience playing the violin !
Had I realised at the time, a swift up bow into the eye would have sorted that out :twisted:

Posted: 05/01/2007 - 16:26
by StormKeeper
I just got a dispatch notification, but it's telling me I ordered Project Galway. I'm assuming that's just a typo because that's also £9.99?

Posted: 05/01/2007 - 16:40
by Chris Abbott
StormKeeper wrote:I just got a dispatch notification, but it's telling me I ordered Project Galway. I'm assuming that's just a typo because that's also £9.99?
LOL :)

Actually, it's a much more funny thing than that... the admin bit of the shop got someone else's order temporarily attached to your customer record :) Ignore it.


Posted: 05/01/2007 - 16:44
by StormKeeper
Okay, will do. :)

Edit: PS: How soon should I expect the tickets to arrive? just in case I need t poke the residential office on Monday... ergh, I just realised I have uni coming up >_<

Posted: 05/01/2007 - 17:54
by Chris Abbott
Um, it's a guestlist approach rather than tickets, though I'll probably be sending out a PDF by email.


Posted: 06/01/2007 - 5:49
by StormKeeper
That's handy... nothing to lose :D

Posted: 09/01/2007 - 16:33
by LMan
Got our tickets 8)

Posted: 29/01/2007 - 13:35
by the_JinX
It seems I'm taking Misser up on that spare ticket..

So now I was wondering how much should I save for a weekend like this..
Plane Schiphol -> London and Hotel etc ..

Anyone a clue howmuch a weekend like this should cost ?