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Posted: 27/10/2003 - 15:37
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Larsec wrote:I was thinking the exact same thing as Makke... The way I read the thread, Jan was coming to the aid of someone who doesn't seem to be able to do so himself, due to the fact that he isn't part of this community...
Right on, both of you. The way I see things SubZero threw the first rock when he made derigatory remarks about individuals who didn't happen to share his view on behavioural patterns at a live gig.

Mind you - I'd still defend anyone, part of the community or not, if I think they're being wrongly accused.

Posted: 27/10/2003 - 15:46
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Matrix wrote:IMHO the insult wasnt required on these boards and deserved a response. Get rid of the insult adn you remove the need for such a response.
Exactly why I replied. I felt the insult needed a response.

Incidentally, I have edited the "... ass" bit for the benefit of any young and/or fragile viewers that might be reading this thread.

Posted: 27/10/2003 - 18:51
by Subzero
hmmm - I think I may have went a wee bit too far there (this old scot can be a hothead sometimes) - so that end I apologise to JLT for my comments I directed towards him, also I apologise to 'body else if I offended anybody else.

One final reference to the guy in the hat - Everywhere I looked on the night I saw people pointing and laughing at him, not with him. It would be good if someone could find out from him what his reason was for the arm in the air.

Its the last you'll hear from me on this.

Sorry once again, and I DO mean it.

Posted: 28/10/2003 - 1:41
by Matrix
Incidentally, I have edited the "... ass" bit for the benefit of any young and/or fragile viewers that might be reading this thread.
- Thx Jan, much appreciated.

Posted: 28/10/2003 - 1:46
by tony.rc
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Were you annoyed when people started dancing as well? It's was a concert for *bleeps!* sake .
I thought I was the only one with that opinion!
As for the fist punching beanie lover, I did not see his antitcs till the end of the concert.

Posted: 01/02/2004 - 11:35
by Random
subzero wrote: One final reference to the guy in the hat - Everywhere I looked on the night I saw people pointing and laughing at him, not with him.

I was with the so-called hat wearing freak, and can reveal his arm was raised in awe of Rob Hubbard. His lack of motion indicating him being totally absorbed in the legend that is Rob. Such a once in a lifetime event cannot be underestimated. Personally, I was so tuned into Robs performance that I wouldn't even notice WWWIII if it burst through the main doors of the Brighton Centre.....hence.....

....anyone who spent their time during Robs performance observing and laughing at someone holding their arm in the air needs to remember what the hell is going on around them, and the reason they were there!

Lighten up. Or we'll have both arms in the air at the next one :)

M. (arm raised in air!)

Posted: 01/02/2004 - 12:02
by Subzero
FINALLY we have an answer!!!! Thankyou random for your words of wisdom!!!!

I think most people just thought he was totally p***ed and was just making a spectacle of himself. But now we know the truth...and THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE (or summat like that).

I look forward to seeing him at the next bitlive, maybe he'll get us all to do it ;)


Posted: 01/02/2004 - 12:17
by tas
hehe. maybe he was trying to start a mexican wave, and we was just slow on the up-take :)

Posted: 01/02/2004 - 13:22
by madfiddler

Posted: 01/02/2004 - 15:16
by Matrix
Some1 told him this event would raise the roof - i think he was making sure !! :shock: :lol:

Still, good to have and answer .... the 1 thing i really hope tho, is that when the dvd is released, we dont have an arm sat in the bottom-middle of our tv screens thru robs performance.

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 23:17
by Adam A Adam
Matrix wrote:Jan, I think ppl were more *WTF* and laughing at him than anything else - i know our table was LOL, Me n Dan were pissing ourselves lol - I also think that although youre right, is WAS a good thing to see ppl so deep in, but the guys arm was an ardant distraction - I really REALLY hope it didnt make it on the DVD. Its akin to some pleb walking to and fro infront of a 20 foot cinema screen with a great film on... small and insignificant, but like an itch you cant scratch and you just want him to sit the hell down !!

I got quite a good shot too - check out my pics page :)

Well, hello happy, happy people...

Definately check out the link above - the one where I'm quite adroitly (however you care to take it) keeping my obvious intrusion of an arm aloft, whilst sitting down - I mean: "golly umbargo! But, lo! Hold on - I can hardly see the rest of the stage, for that arm-waving twit!"

Yeah reet.

And where do you get off attacking, slandering and bad-mouthing people, perticularly calling me a 'twerp' for the love of Jeff, despite the fact that the amount of people we'd want to be interested in and involved in and excited about and childishly idiotic about (dancing with C64s as guitars...) the Bit Live Project, people who make the scene, for what it is - what it is, people who buy the CDs, still play the games and could probably kick-your-ass-at-any-single-C64-game-ever-created-apart-from-the-ones-he-hasn't-played-madam-McCaffrey, these people, who don't start taking the blatant rise out of others because he fully knows that to be still interested in 80s computer games is to be viewed by the masses as crap. To know the end sequence to Spellbound (again - for what it is) is to be ridiculed by his contemporaries and immediate peers. A chap who is fully aware that if his girlfriend knew he wasn't on MSN Messenger trying to attract new ladies every night, but rather playing Paradroid - attempting valiently to mind-sieze a 713 with his 001 on that nasty, little deck near the top of the first ship getting disrupted like a good 'un (and you know what - people who think having a passion for something that's not what they have a passion for, well... there's words for people like that... (and none on this board are that.)), a person who, if we disected his knowledge of the old Commodore scene and sliced it with a Commodore machine we'd be in serious War Games trouble(ne). Have you ever played yourself a tic-tac-toe and lost? Neither have I.

A man who finished the day - The Bitlive IV Brighton Bonanza Day with the words:


And it frikkin' did.

Walking along the seafront back to the domicile where people slept, machines rested and alcohol awaited, with his demented mole of a brother running up to people (and by this I mean - everybody), feigning the uppercut from IK+ and shouting "PAPAYA!"

Matrix. Please...

Get off it.

The music these chaps have made, remade, mixed and mixed:re is without a shadow of a doubt - truly amazing, be it 80s original, 90 remix, or a bang up-to-date stomper. I love it.

I've listened to these tunes for ever and a day and if I choose to stand, solitary, with like-minded mental-dancers glancing around me, the thronging tunes of Hubbard, Galway, Gray, Dalgish, Tel, ALL OF 'EM mixed up, churned into a gooey paste and spat into my serene visage, as choreographed nuances, melodies, vibes, borgs, rhythms, beats, basses and butterflies flutter by my mind - then I will. And I'll continue to do so until I'm ill.

And you know what - next time - I am gonna get everybody else doing it - because respect is due to these people and that is my salute to them.


Posted: 03/02/2004 - 23:27
by Subzero
Nice words :) and welcome to the madness that is the forum.

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 23:33
by tas
welcome to remix64 Adam :)

Posted: 03/02/2004 - 23:41
by Adam A Adam
Well, I'm glad to be here guys.

Any news on the next event?


Posted: 03/02/2004 - 23:43
by Subzero
Chris just posted some in the 'next bitlive' thread :)