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Posted: 27/03/2007 - 13:25
by Subzero
looks like I cant attend this either folks :cry:


Posted: 27/03/2007 - 13:59
by dan gillgrass
Steve Dee wrote:looks like I cant attend this either folks :cry:

Doh! :cry:

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 9:26
by renegade_si
noooo, after going to 02, 03 and 04, I thought I'd be able to come this year, but I appear to have made a large screw up as

1) its Glastonbury that weekend
2) Im in Gran Canaria.


Posted: 02/04/2007 - 9:28
by Waz
For those of you travelling by train to London, now is the time to start booking the train tickets for the cheapest prices!

I've just booked my return ticket from Manchester for £25, which is the cheapest you can get to and from London from here.

Other operators normally release their tickets 12 weeks in advance, so now's the time to get them cheap! Just thought I'd best give you all a heads up.

Posted: 02/04/2007 - 13:04
by FunkyM
So for about 30-ish Quid, Plus Beer money ('cos I'll most likely be buying my own all evening...) I can enjoy a stellar night out in London with a fair few of the leading lights of the scene/community?

Sounds good. I'll investigate...

Posted: 11/04/2007 - 11:52
by Feekzoid
Steve Dee wrote:
Feekzoid wrote:Wont be able to confirm if I can go until May unfortunately, but damn hope to.

Is Kenz aboot? He going?
Feekzoid, u live up these parts dontcha??? only im looking for a travel companion...
Sorry for delay, if I *can* go, I'd be flying from Inverness.

Posted: 11/04/2007 - 19:02
by StormKeeper
This is the first meetup/event thingy I've been to where I haven't had to prebook accommodation... more money for beer! 8)

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 19:37
by Chris Abbott
I've just had word that there may be another special guest: someone who has performed at a BIT event before and may do a special mini-set... :)

It's turning into a right reunion... just a pity there's so few composers going...

Still, my aim for this one was the biggest meeting of remixers ever: it makes sense that after all these years the remixers should be the stars of the show as well as the composers.


Posted: 01/05/2007 - 19:58
by trace
Chris Abbott wrote: Still, my aim for this one was the biggest meeting of remixers ever: it makes sense that after all these years the remixers should be the stars of the show as well as the composers.
Ah, crap, And I can't come! :( Wish I could crap money!

Posted: 04/05/2007 - 12:51
by Bog
Ticket booked, calendar cleared, and fresh conductive gel for my Party Pants purchased!


Posted: 04/05/2007 - 15:42
by Dr. Bongo
I`m going yay! :D Time to show my face.

Posted: 04/05/2007 - 15:57
by DHS
As usual, i can't say if i'll be able to come 'till the very end.

Seeing that tickets are to be bought so soon, i think i won't be able to be there :(

Posted: 04/05/2007 - 16:23
by Sidman 64
DHS wrote:As usual, i can't say if i'll be able to come 'till the very end.

Seeing that tickets are to be bought so soon, i think i won't be able to be there :(
Shame its going to be a great show :)
Hope ya can make it :wink:

Posted: 04/05/2007 - 17:28
by Chris Abbott
DHS wrote:As usual, i can't say if i'll be able to come 'till the very end.

Seeing that tickets are to be bought so soon, i think i won't be able to be there :(
Well, don't give up on it: there's enough tickets so far, and *sshhh* the venue might be a tiny bit bigger than the ticket allocation...

PS: GRROAN! I'm a bit poorly :(

Posted: 06/05/2007 - 12:22
by dan gillgrass
Dont forget the Star Wars exhibition is on in London at the same time (hope it is like the last one they did at the Barbican) so that's another excuse to come over :)