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Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:01
by Chappers
hikari wrote:Have to say I'm not a huge fan of London myself, but it is closer to where I live. It does suffer from the fact that it's London though and all the massive price hiking that goes with it.
Not a big fan of London either but I'll definitely put that dislike aside for another BIT Live. Obviously, for me, Liverpool would have been a nice, short journey but I'll happily travel wherever the events are. Brighton was the worst case scenario in terms of travelling and I survived that. :)

The separate exhibition & concert were excellent in Brighton but, in comparison, I found that I preferred the cram-it-all-into-one-evening format of the previous events enjoyed in London (evening event/concert mixed with the game competitions, CD shop etc).

Still, it was nice to be beside the seaside....hmm.....there's a song in there somewhere. :) Very similar in content to Cleethorpes only a hell of a lot bigger! Reminded me of home. :D


Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:06
by hikari
Yes, the Gossips event was good. Damn cramped though. I still don't know why people were putting their fingers in their ears when Machinae Supremacy played; they weren't that loud.

What we really need to do is continue the night on until around 7am so I can just go and catch the train home, ala Slimelight ;)

Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:06
by Chris Abbott
> they weren't that loud.
Er.. yes, they were. I had to stand _outside the club_ to feel comfortable!

Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:07
by Chris Abbott
What we really need to do is continue the night on until around 7am so I can just go and catch the train home, ala Slimelight
I'd happily allow this if the venue did!


Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:28
by Chappers
It's probably about the right time to return to London. If Chris can get somewhere with the atmosphere of Gossips but bigger, then we're in business.

Chris is right in that it makes more sense to have the next event in London as it was far easier to travel to than Brighton. Brighton, albeit a lovely place, was difficult to get to from the North as I mentioned before.

Chris also won't have to sort out getting loads of C64s & other bumpf that was required for the exhibition. It's a logistical nightmare for him anyway without the exhibition side of it all so, IMHO, probably not a difficult decision to revert back to something with, on paper anyway, potentially less hassle. Being BITLive though, it will probably turn out worse to organise than Brighton :)


Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:30
by hikari
Chris Abbott wrote:Er.. yes, they were. I had to stand _outside the club_ to feel comfortable!
I think I probably have a greater tollerance for loud music - I was standing right in front of the stage and found it normal :)

We soooooo need them back too - they rule :)

Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:33
by hikari
Chris Abbott wrote:I'd happily allow this if the venue did!
You can but ask :)

Now, I wonder if we can re-do all the Rocky Horror Show music using a SID...

Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:37
by Chris Abbott
> We soooooo need them back too - they rule
It costs £1000 to get them (tickets/accommodation). Plus they don't play too much C64 stuff... much better to have an extended Stuck in D'80s set (the plan is that they play at the end of the night so they can jam away, whereas PPOT have a much tighter set more suited to the earlier part of the evening).


Posted: 04/02/2004 - 11:59
by hikari
Owie, expensive.

Posted: 04/02/2004 - 12:02
by Chris Abbott
> Owie, expensive.

Everything about BIT Live tends to be expensive: even PPOT cost around that much, and they're actually playing for free: it's just the cost of transporting and accommodating six people. Thank god the lads don't mind student accommodation ;-) (what nice guys!!)


Posted: 04/02/2004 - 14:06
by tas
London isn't a nightmare to get to. You can get a train all the way from the top of Scotland -> London without a train change if your lucky enough to live near the main line. I'm fortunate to live near the mainline so via train it'll be quite easy for me to travel to just about anywhere London and above and Tickets on the train are very cheap if you book early.

Posted: 04/02/2004 - 15:12
by carlsson
Chris Abbott wrote:Time? Well, it will probably start at 5pm on Saturday, and that Saturday will be in September. Ticket price will be £15. Date? Well, probably the 5th September or the 12th September.
Sorry to be nit-picking, but September 5th (and also 12th) is a Sunday. Maybe it is not very important, but it could be useful to point it out early in case you book things and misunderstandings occur.

(the next Saturday, September 5th occurs in 2009, but maybe you don't want to wait/plan five years ahead :-)

Posted: 04/02/2004 - 15:44
by Chris Abbott
Well, I don't advise ANYONE to book anything until I've confirmed things... in fact, it's most likely now that it will be on Saturday 18th, due to Ben having gigs in the first two weeks of September. But whether we can find an appropriate venue on that date is anyone's guess.

You're right though: I looked at the second S on the Windows calendar rather than the first one...


Posted: 04/02/2004 - 17:12
by hikari
pencils in the 18th September as a tentative date

Posted: 04/02/2004 - 18:20
by Matrix
"Why not get the train? If you book in advance online you can often get some really cheap fares. Maybe you should hook up with Tas and the gang and all come down on the train? Also, you could book into the cheap studenty accommodation, too. "

- Thats not a bad idea actually, especially now i know theres more folks up here than i did b4 bitlive 5 !!

Waddaya say chaps :) Shallust Us Northerrn Grunt's Goo Dowun N' Show them theeyer Suth'ana' gits wot we're made uff !! ?