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Posted: 13/09/2004 - 12:07
by Chris Abbott
Assuming it's in Denmark, that's a LOT of organisation... if the whole thing can be kept alive in 2005 by the Retro Expo and PPOT (and maybe SID80s), then 2006 would be the time.

June 2005 just feels too early. September feels a bit better, but it's just after people have spent their holiday money, and it's very difficult to organise stuff in July/August since communications break down.

Mark is certainly preferring the 2006 options: not defeatist, but realistic. However, a SID80s performance at Retro Expo is well on the cards, as long as costs don't escalate again. The main problem is that their venue hire doesn't include the use of the Ashcroft Theatre, so it would be a "on hacked up stage" thing, no stage management, etc. It's all those factors: the concert is an added extra attraction, so I guess funds are very limited indeed, otherwise the extra attraction steals funds from the main event (like the day event did at Brighton).

I've got an official post ready to go which you might have seen, but I wanted this discussion to finish first.


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 12:57
by Matrix
Love the Avatar Ben ;)

Ming - No probs, one button and banner coming right up.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:14
by RetroMarkie
2006 seems good to me too.

I can use RV5 and RV6 to assist in promotion of the next BIT, this along with a good imapct from my RGW site should see things heading in the correct direction.

One thing I will say is lets have it in the evening. The afternoon gig just felt a tad odd and a venue in order to dance / drink into the early hours would be great. as I have said to Chris before, I can get us a FREE venue. My mate runs a hotel and nightclub. I use it for RV events. It's about 20 miles from Bristol Airport in Frome, Somerset.
It's not London but it is FREE.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:17
by RetroMarkie
I'm going to be there on Oct 1,2,3 ... come on down and check it out!

Also, Bristol airpport is a good link to europe...

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:19
by RetroMarkie
AND all my RV stock lives there so.... just a thought....


Daytime: RV
Nighttime: BIT


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:28
by RetroMarkie
AND when BIT finishes we just carry on playing games all night... and I mean all night too... we usually go to be around 5am.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:29
by Matrix
Sounds good, ill try n get down there :)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:32
by RetroMarkie
and in November we are having a LLamasoft mini RV... you are all welcome to come along.

In all honesty, this place is worth a look. Size is around the same as Gossips but has the added bonus of having a balcony. Lots of cheap hotels all within wandering distance too.

its a FREE VENUE! no charge!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:26
by Bog
It's a top site, actually, the Frome venue. Not far from Bristol, adequate train connections, smashing bar, good nosh available. The clubby-bit is a bit bigger than Gossips, IIRC, and have a half-a-top floor balcony thang.

Also, as the Minger said, it's free. The guy who owns the place is One Of Us, and I repeat owns the frelling hotel.

By Grabthar's hammer. What a savings. ;)

Also... even if it's just a small thing, just a few tracks from SID80s or Press Play on Tape wrapped up in a couple of days of gaming goodness, I think it might be Bad for the Scene to leave the field fallow for a whole year.... my 0.02. Invoice in the post.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:32
by RetroMarkie
I can happily arrange for a few of us to spend the night there and have a look, it's a hotel too!
So, 5 or 6 of us... let me know some dates and we'll go look see.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 15:08
by Chris Abbott
FYI, the Retro Expo next year provides next year's "thing" (as well as all the RVs). PPOT will be playing, and maybe that roster will grow a bit. I'll be there wiv my stall... and it's a jolly fun time. I went to the last one and it was great. Time to talk to people, and no worrying. Also, if even a portion of the BIT Live crowd commit to coming over, then maybe that bit of the show can be extended a little.


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 15:09
by Chris Abbott
Also, it's only fallow if nothing else happens: but if something has been announced, then it's merely anticipation. In addition, the DVD will fill a gap, and as I said, there's the expo.


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 15:09
by Bog
maybe that roster will grow a bit.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 15:21
by madfiddler
Chris Abbott wrote:However, a SID80s performance at Retro Expo is well on the cards, as long as costs don't escalate again.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 15:34
by Chris Abbott
Hehe.. just drawing logical conclusions from everyone's enthusiasm, and Ben mentioned it as a possibility in passing at some point. Forget I mentioned it :)
