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Posted: 20/05/2005 - 12:01
by DHS
Granted, so you'd have all your song arranged by H.

I wish i was Tas.

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 12:07
by Romeo Knight
DHS wrote:I wish i was Tas.
Granted. But he wishes he was DHS.

I wish my gf would like to watch zombie movies.

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 12:23
by DHS
Granted, when you're dead and zombified

(btw: that is one of my wishes too !!)

I wish Romeo Knight would sell all of his guitars and start making dutch gabber techno :)

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 13:19
by beyond
Granted, but the buyer renders RK unimployed making music using his guitar.

I wish tons of girls would throw their panties at us when PPOT plays live on stage!

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 14:56
by Vosla
beyond wrote:I wish tons of girls would throw their panties at us when PPOT plays live on stage!
Granted! Though "tons of girls" is to be taken literally and not one is under 60 of age! :eekout:

I wish I could drive cars. (Got a license and all but it doesn't work out.) :slap:

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 15:33
by beyond
Granted, but at that time everybody else will be flying space shuttles.

I wish I had the powers of Superman!

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 15:52
by Vosla
beyond wrote:I wish I had the powers of Superman!
Granted! But the world and all around would be made of Kryptonite.

I wish I could see Episode 3 this weekend.

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 16:38
by beyond
Granted, but someone would tell you just before seeing it that it is the butler who is Darth Vader ;)

I wish Romeo Knight gets a good birthday...

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 17:13
by Romeo Knight
beyond wrote: I wish Romeo Knight gets a good birthday...
Granted. But I'll be run over by a truck when I'm going by bike meeting friends in a few minutes...

I wish this summer will get HOT (in Germany)!

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 17:28
by n3mo
Granted.. But it gets so hot, that multiple powerplants in Germany overheat and explodes leaving a radioactive sky all over the country..

I wish I could walk...

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 19:04
by tas
Granted, but every step is as slow as a sloth.

I wish Doncaster Rovers to win the premiership

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 23:39
by Romeo Knight
Tas wrote:I wish Doncaster Rovers to win the premiership
Granted, they'll do. But only with buying all 11 players from Bayern München...... :)

I wish my beer was a little colder now...

Posted: 21/05/2005 - 7:31
by n3mo
Granted, but now it's frozen in the bottle and can't get out..

I wish it would stop raining..

Posted: 21/05/2005 - 9:23
by Vosla
n3mo wrote:I wish it would stop raining..
Granted! As a giant meteor strikes earth and rips off the atmosphere...

I wish my neonazi neighbour is to be struck by lightning.

Posted: 21/05/2005 - 10:38
by tas
Granted, but it goes through him, out of his house, into yours and blows up your pc!

I wish summer would last all year this year