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Posted: 16/08/2005 - 15:28
by Max Levin
Lman: What kind of dog is that? And I agree with Parax, those are some damn professional shots! :)

Posted: 16/08/2005 - 16:09
by Vosla
LMan: Benutzt Du ein Stativ oder extrem kurze Verschlußzeiten (letzteres wohl eher weniger wegen der satten Farben)? :drool:

Posted: 16/08/2005 - 17:04
by beyond

(Picture taken from outside my window when it was raining cats'n dogs. Looks like a model of some sort or maybe an old photo. No editing was done except a little gamme correction and cutting.)

Posted: 16/08/2005 - 18:05
by Vosla
Looks like old war footage. :)

Posted: 16/08/2005 - 20:40
Ach, darf man hier auch auf deutsch posten?;)

Posted: 16/08/2005 - 21:32
by Vosla
(name removed) wrote:Ach, darf man hier auch auf deutsch posten?;)
Nope ;)
But try to translate that sentence with shutter times and so on to English. I don't think anybody would have understood what I was about to write.

Posted: 08/09/2005 - 13:12
by LMan
Thanks all for the nice words, and sorry for the late reply.

@Vosla: For night shots, I'm using a tripod, if I have it near. Otherwise, I rest the camera on a solid surface (tables or walls etc...), set long shutter times and an automatic releaser, so it doesn't record the vibration of pushing the trigger.

For daytime shots, I usually rely on automatic shutter times (except for special cases.) I do most of my photos with my trusty Canon Ixus 400. Before that, I had a Nikon reflex camera. Too bulky to carry around IMHO.

So you see, I'm no pro at all, just having fun doing fotos since childhood. :)

Thanks for your interest! :)
Here are some more shots:

Cologne Zoo

Autumn 2003

Moonlit November Night

Posted: 10/09/2005 - 16:45
by trace

I just held up the camer while i was driveing and took this picture when a truck passed :)

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 8:26
by LMan
Max Levin wrote:Lman: What kind of dog is that?
@Max: Oh btw, that dog is our Yorkshire Terrier "Puck". He's 4 years old, and of the bigger kind of Yorkshires. The dark fur is unusual for yorkies, too, so many people don't believe it's a yorkie because they only know the clichée version of it:
<img src=" ... 0groot.jpg" width=150>
(this is not one of my photos btw)

@Trace: Cool snapshot, that!!

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 8:33
by LMan
Dawn, October 2004

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 11:50
by DHS
Thought this was just curious: the KENZ-MOBILE. :) [taken with the mobile phone, sorry]


Posted: 11/09/2005 - 12:03
by DHS
Some images of the city i'm living in...

This has been shot from one of the various bridges in the city:

The following are from one of the central "squares" of the city. A tiny but very nice one, used in the medieval times as marketplace.


Posted: 11/09/2005 - 17:43
by trace

A picture i took at a zoo. Beside the zoo there is a place where peoples can swim and this sign was outside the fence :)

Human being - the social ape :D

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 8:48
by Slaygon
Ok... Now, I was walking around in Gothenburg and saw this thing in the corner of my eye. Didn't react at once since it's a tall thing. Some 5-6 meters after passing it, my brain had completed processing the information and made me halt and take this picture.
I need to tell Boz where to find this statue and hand him a can of spray paint so he can go there and complete it with "is a ponce" =)


Posted: 13/09/2005 - 9:12
by Slick2097

Taken on a holiday in france in 2004, we'd nipped over the border into germany and were in the black forest.


Another from france. Taken on a canal (we were on a narrowboat).


A photo from york in 2003.

I hope these arn't too large for people's screens.
