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Posted: 02/10/2005 - 0:48
by trooper/osg
Yup, got mine this morning (being Sat Morning)


Posted: 05/10/2005 - 21:02
by PeeknPoke Lee
sorry...posting late...but I got mine that sat morn!

Thanks Chris!


Posted: 06/10/2005 - 20:10
by AdamDawes
What a total proper job the DVD is. Outstanding stuff and well worth the wait!

Now I just need to put the finishing touches to my time machine, then I can travel Back In Time and use all the lovely VIP concert tickets that are in the box...

Posted: 18/10/2005 - 15:27
by tony.rc
It felt like the BIT DVDs came via the Cape of Good Hope. 8)
Anyway thanks Chris for sending them my way!

After a very shitty work day, the BIT DVDs were waiting in my mailbox which was GREAT.
Ofcourse I saw Press Play On Tape and SID80s at Brighton 2004 so I was really look forward to see Makke, Larsec and Visa Röster. I must say I'm really impressed by both acts and admire the nerves both act must have had to overcome.

So expect an email from me further to congratulate these performances.