What sequencing package do you use? Rsn, FL, Cbs, Renoise?

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Post by madfiddler »

Tonka wrote:
madfiddler wrote:*EDIT 2* Come to think of it, what the hell am I even DOING in the Musicians Lounge? I must have made a wrong turn somewhere, y'know... Is there a 'Programmers Lounge' I could post in...? :?:
Time for me to leave this thread - tis going a tad twatty.
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Post by skitz »

Oh dear... I kinda missed this thread to begin with..

Personally I am a FLStudio6 fan although I used Sonar to splice all the BITLive HD recordings together and for "live" productions you cannot beat something like that where you can cut/paste and re-record sections at the drop of a hat.

However, for electronic music (which makes up quite a lot of the members of this forum seeing that SID music is by definition electronic music!) the playlist/pattern based programs have their place.

However, I also agree with LMAN that most of the recent "tracker" type applications are no longer bound to simply ripping off samples and looping them! I mean take a listen to Glyn R. Browns Firelord Remix which was composed in Fruityloops!

I am also with DHS and don't consider myself a musician.... more of a "Noise Constructor" :D
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Post by Chris Abbott »

To me, a musician is someone who produces music. A performer is someone who can play music.

Martin Galway is a musician, but not a performer.
Rob Hubbard is both.

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Post by Hazel »

Chris Abbott wrote:To me, a musician is someone who produces music. A performer is someone who can play music.
You couldn't have said it more clearly..
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Post by Tonka »

madfiddler wrote:
Tonka wrote:
madfiddler wrote:*EDIT 2* Come to think of it, what the hell am I even DOING in the Musicians Lounge? I must have made a wrong turn somewhere, y'know... Is there a 'Programmers Lounge' I could post in...? :?:
Time for me to leave this thread - tis going a tad twatty.
Ahh crap - another humourless fiddler upset. DAMN this uncontrollable 'twattyness'...
skitz wrote: I am also with DHS and don't consider myself a musician.... more of a "Noise Constructor"
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! :)

I'm not sure how this thread has turned into a 'what defines a true musician' debate, but it's really not that important as long as new music is being created - by whatever means necessary.

Noise constructor, key prodder, loop masher - it's all good. Just keep on doing it and keep on experimenting with the new technology, I say...

I like to hear the cold, precise machine sounds of a squeltchy TB-303 backed by a TR-909 turned up so loud that it feels like by gutz is going to burst and spill out on the floor. I also like the sound of a bow being dragged across a Cello string and fingers picking at an acoustic guitar.

Is there something wrong with me? No, I just have very few musical prejudices and am wwaaayyy past the point of being bitter at other people's success. If I like it, I'll listen to it - whether it's the bloody Venga Boys or Chopin... (man, I'm gonna regret that reference)!

I refuse to limit the music I listen to based on whether the composer can actually physically play an instrument or not. Really, who gives a shit if the track sounds good to your ears? How it sounds is the whole point...

Anyway, I'm off to have another go at Re-Wiring Reason to FL :confusion: :help: :frustration:

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Post by LMan »

Image Ha-ha! Tonka likes the Venga Boys!
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Post by Tonka »

LMan / Remix64 wrote:Image Ha-ha! Tonka likes the Venga Boys!
Well, I was ACTUALLY referring to the Chopin reference! :lol:


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Post by skitz »

Image Ha-Ha! Tonka likes Chopin!

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Post by Chris Abbott »

Image Ha-Ha! Skitz likes to Unz!

[edit: is this a new game for the fun forum?]
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Post by xo »

skitz wrote:Image Ha-Ha! Tonka likes Chopin!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by daXX »

I started with Soundtracker , tried Noisetracker but used finaly ProTracker, then Fasttracker (My first Vinyl is produced with FT2 :D..) then Madtracker (My Second Vinyl is produced with it) and a bit Buzz...

Now i use Reason, Ableton Live and Adobe Audition...
It's all what i need...

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Post by k_rostoen »

Tried a bunch of applications, but so far I prefer Reason.
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Post by the_JinX »

I'm playing with the development version(s) of lmms

But I'm starting to think those guys are tonedeaf (atleast the people that make the demo tunes that come with it) ;)

For the rest I'm using the oldschool soundtracker.
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Post by Analog-X64 »

Hi Everyone,

I'm in the middle of a long drawn out project which has me traveling back and forth from my home in Canada and U.S.A I'm getting sick of it, but thats for another topic.

Ummm...... in 1983 at the age of 13 I mainly enjoyed the music I heard on the C64 never thought I could make any and I was more busy running a BBS etc... didnt know much about Trackers until I got my Amiga 1000 in 1986. I had Fast Tracker with 3 Sample discs. ST-00 to ST-03 I think, later using ProTracker. Than I purchased a Roland W-30 Sampling keyboard and some other gear and recorded MIDI first using the W-30 Built in Sequencer than finaly moving onto the Atari 1040 STE with Edit Track Gold and I realy loved that program and used it for a very long time.

Fast forward 10 years and my gear sits in the basement collecting dust.

for the past 3-4 Years I've been searching for a software to settle down with and get intimate.

I've tried PC Based trackers like Fast Tracker and Renoise and I just didnt feel comfortable using them and they did seem to crash too often for my liking.

I've mainly been using Fruity Loops on my PC seems to be ok, I'm still not sure if I want to settle down with it. I'm not a heavy user of Samples believe it or not, I like to remix by re-recording everyting whenever I can physcially play something note by note.

I tried Reason, but it took so long to set things up, and too me the most frustrating part is having to spend time with the technical setup of something when I could be using that time to actually do recording.

I've tried Cakewalk and Cubase in their early stages and havent tried the newer versions so I dont know how I would like them now.

Friends of mine are raving about Abelton Live and are telling me to quit Fruity Loops and try Abelton. I've downloaded a demo and will try it soon.

I think part of my problem is, as I'm getting older I dont have the patients or time to spend learning something thoroughly enough to realise what its potentials are and make a decision to commit to it or not.

One problem about Fruity Loops is, you need to know a lot of TRICKS to get the program to work for you.

As an example Try making a simple change of the BPM on a song you've already recorded or better yet, import a Midi data and try to change the BPM. it can be done, but you need to know tricks.

Fruity Loops is a trick based tracker :)

I have to settle down for a sequencer soon or else I'll never record anything and all the tracks I've thought about remixing have already been remixed on KWED :)
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Post by daXX »

Each program is good like it will served by the user... :wink:

I am sure that everyone can make professional productions on fruityloops or on renoise, reason, ableton, cubase etc... just a taste what you like and if u can work with the handling of the program :)
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