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Posted: 24/04/2007 - 18:47
by Razmo
Interesting reading :)

Well... My experience up to now has taught me, that making music in headphones can sound damn cool.... as long as I keep those headphones on, and keep away from listening to the result on my monitors afterwards :? ... As stated earlier in this topic, levels are the main problem, as well as drowning sounds in reverb as naturally there is no real reverberation from the room around you when you are using headphones... probably a lot of other things like that mentioned in the SOS article is having an influence as well... very likely...

nonetheless; my tune TerraCresta was actually made with headphones... but then again, I'm not very satisfied with the mix of that project anyways :D too muddy... it was mixed on a pair of Sennheiser HD600 open headphones, if anyone is currious about that. Must admit though, that those headphones are darn comfortable to wear, and sound astonnishing! ... Personally I cannot find piece with headphones that do not enclose my ears... those types that rest on the ear itself is awful!!! ... feels like my ears are falling of, when I take the phones off after longer periods of listening :?

These days I'm mixing on studio monitors... simple pair of Behringer Truth B2030 (no snickering! just listen! :lol: )... works fine for me, though a woofer is on my wishlist.. but again; so many things are on my wishlist, so I'll see when it happens :roll:

The biggest problem I've got with mixing on studio nearfilds is, that I tend to overdoo the bass... it's kind of hard to get used to making music without that OOMPH! :P (therefore the woofer on my wishlist!)
