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Posted: 01/04/2007 - 20:45
by Analog-X64
Lexx wrote: If u would have compared me with Liza Minelli, ...ok that's what i heard 2 or 3 times since i wear a pony alike haircut. :)
Hehehe....I know the subject has sort of gone off topic...but I thought the same thing about your avatar picture, a bit of resemblance to a younger Liza Minelli. :)

Please make another remix!!!! :) Either a collaboration with your brother or yourself.

I liked the guitar work in the Turrican Remix....

I request "WarHawk"!!!! :) Do the main lead with your guitar work :)

Posted: 02/04/2007 - 7:23
by Lexx

Yes indeed many people might do this comparison with me & Minelli because of the similar haircut. But the webcam is a mess & the most @homes are done by the old one from creativ. Example my hair was always colorized in red tones. But on my avatar it appears like to be in black, ...but during that time i had a bright red. Actualy i do have a more red as u can tell on my newest pictures (tsvos page / biographie / clicking on my face). Anyways i realy don't mind that alot seem to get remined to Minelli when they look at me because she is a beautiful actress. I know her from the old soap "Dynasty". I'm also aware of her talent as singer. So that's for it. :)

Refering to WarHawk, ...didn't many remix happen sofar ? :) I guess it's one of the most famous titles here. ;) But i can ask him if he would do a second job again. His guitarplay does improving month to month. And i have to finish a demosong for someone & also to take care for my first online-album. So remixing errrr...covering *lol* comes in that chase on the third place what doesn't mean u couldn't expect a second remix from me within this year. All depens on my time cordination as i have planned alot of things for this year. Also permanent makeup, a new appartment and and and...*tee hee*

If my brotha won't have time nor interest i will probably selecting rather a romantical track. But first the people can enjoy the Turrican-remix yes ? ;)


Posted: 02/04/2007 - 11:07
by Moad'Dib

A neved alapján 'Hajdu' magyar származású vagy. Esetleg tudsz is magyarúl??


Posted: 02/04/2007 - 16:57
by Lexx

Igen magyaraok a szüleim de sajnos en nemtudok magyarül irni csak valamenyire bezelni ! *tee hee*
En Austriaba születtem.

But don't fear we can continue the conversation in english too. *lol*


Posted: 03/04/2007 - 7:49
by Moad'Dib
Lexx wrote: But don't fear we can continue the conversation in english too. *lol*
We must continue the conversation in english, because it's a forum rule... :lol:

But back to the matter... The kind of people like you always be much touchy and no problem with that at all. :wink:
I like your remix but I think you ought to find audience whom like your art instead of forcing a competition like thing where you can harm yourself easily... :wink:

Posted: 03/04/2007 - 16:25
by Lexx
I think you ought to find audience whom like your art instead of forcing a competition like thing where you can harm yourself easily...
U mean this place here is wrong too ? I have no worries that Overclocked doesn't want it but if Amigaremix would reject it aswell, ...hmmm that would be too sceptically. *doh*

Btw. guyz, Chris Huelsbeck answered me & he tried to cheer me up a little bit. He said that the remix isn't bad at all & i should try other remix communities too. If he would have critizied too....THAT that would have been the end of the world ! At least to me as artist because he is the father of this creation which i tried to worship as high as possible .


Posted: 04/04/2007 - 7:34
by Moad'Dib
U mean this place here is wrong too ?
I didn't say this place is wrong. I didin't say competition is a wrong thing.
I only said that forced competition would be wrong for you if you so touchy...

So you have two choices:

No competition area
No being touchy :wink:

Or do what ever you want.... :)

Posted: 04/04/2007 - 8:34
by Lexx
I didn't forced me to a "must-do"competition. Nor my brotha did. It was a spontaneous decision by him & me. I'm also not for "the remixer of the year" becaue i woudn't have the time. For being able to become a nominee i would have to spend alot of time on slayradio / irc-chats & to make alot of at least, 3 per year.

So as u see that's a too hard one. It wouldn't troublesome when u would alot of time only for remixing but 2007 will be a extreme one for me. Alot of changes in my reallife will happen. Maybe it's also because of the 7th periode-rhytmn, ...sorry i don't know the right translation for this but i'm sure u guyz understand what i'm trying to say. *tee hee*

However, i'm more a musican & less a remixer but i would continue if i figure there is alot of positive feedback there. If not when i suck as remixer.


Posted: 04/04/2007 - 12:14
by tmx
Pretty good remix I must say, some parts are really good and others don't really fall into my taste, however when considering it's a part of the overall style and arrangement it's a thumbs up from me :)

Don't let those guys at ocremix get to you, seeing what you've been through I just know they'r gonna shoot down my remix I sent there like two months ago >_>

Same thing also happend to one of my friends. He made a remix from Metroid2 on GB. It was a really good one too, so to me it just seemd they didnt know the original and could relate to it.


Posted: 20/04/2007 - 22:18
by analoq
former OCR judge here.

just wanted to say, if you're ever confused or need clarification on a remix decision or the site standards, the judges will be glad to discuss it with you further. they can make mistakes as well, so if you think they've missed something you should let them know -- complaining about decisions on messageboards can't really help you.

i dig the amiga/scene feel of your remix but agree that the arrangement is too conservative and the production isn't quite flawless.

talent is there, though. i hope you get one through someday.